Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.,~. NORiitERitDATEiiiE··hln~~lda~~h_' .~ Robb Manning tore up the track and the . 2 5 c c Pro class at 1 Woodland's MX. Manning, Blasdell, Tyler take Woodland MX finale By Brian Barnes WOODLAND, WA , APR . 24 'Wi th high-Point titles on the line, Wood land Winter Track closed out its 1982 racing season. Robb Manning (125cc), 68 Rowdy Blasdell (250cc) and Scott T yler (O pe n) came away with th e fin al Pro wins of the season, all in a very conv inci ng manner with each rider posting two firsts . Manning, a Honda su p p ort rider, blitzed th e 125cc Pro class in both rnotos, pulling far away from his competion. Jim R. Anderson (Vancouver Yam) grabbed th e fir st moto holeshot with Suzuki rider Lance R ichotte and Don Gores (Olympic Yam ) trailing. Manning was in last place on the holeshot but by the fourth lap had moved into the lead for good. Gores and Richotte were behind Manning with Hondamounted Cory Klaudt and Anderson in fourth and fifth. Richotte had been running a strong ra ce in third trying in desperation to pass Gores, but wi th less than a lap left, h e took a nasty get-off in the woods to retire him from th e moto, . Manning took th e win with Gores and Klaudt in tow. ., The secon d moto saw Manning holeshot and never look back. He took an easy victory with Gores fol lowing h im in second and Ri chotte coming back lo take th ird. Rowdy Blasdell (Gresham Suz) scored his 250cc Pro overall in much the same manner Manning had for the 125s. In the first rnoto, Blasdell holeshot with Scott Tyler (Ma i) and Jeff Cropper (O'Neal/Gresham Suz) fall ing in behind. Tyler stole Blasdell 's lead fortwo laps, but a number of crashes by the usually smooth Maico rider ruined any hopes of winning. Cropper scored second on his Suzuki with Tyler third. The second moto was a repeat of the first with Blasdell leading the way, holeshot to checkered flag ahead of Cropper and Tyler. Tyler returned in Open Pro to take both moto wins on his 490 Maico. He led wire to wire each moto with Don Gores and Ted Devol on a KTM taking second and third in each go around. The 125cc Intermediate class has been thrilling to watch the whole season with a young Suzuki rider named Darryl Waddle providin g th e thrills. Waddle, who clai me d the fall ser ies Jun ior high -point tro p hy, moved up to the Intermedi at es th is sp rin g a nd proved he' ll be one to watch in th e fu ture, claim in g his second h igh -point trophy, this time in th e Intermediate class. Pros wa tch outl Waddle won bo th m otos of the race but only aft er a gre at di ce in each. His competition ca me in th e form of two d istrict champions named J eff Chapman (Kaw su p p o rt) a n d Da vid Froembling (H o n su p po rt). Both riders are very good and ride th e majority of the Northwest's biggest races. With this in mind, Waddle set out to show everyone what he is capable of. The first moto was very exci tin g. Froembling holeshot with Chapman and Waddle in tow. Chapman took ove on the second lap and led till th e last lap with Froembling and Waddle not more than a fender 's length behind. But on the last lap, Waddle made a daring pass of both riders, cla imi ng the moto win. Chapman took second and Froembling a close third. By the time the seco nd moto was on the line, everyone in th e place had lined the track to see if daring Darryl could win again. Craig Timm (Hon ) led the start, but by the time they had completed the first lap, Waddle had moved into the lead for good. Chapman had gotten a bad start , and Froembling was tryi n g to ga in a ny ground he could in fourth . Waddle cruised to th e win and fir st overall with Yamaha-mounted Mark Simmer a stro ng secon d, Froembling third and a hard charging Chapman fourth. After the race was over, Jim an d Mercine Blasdell, the track owners, handed out the high-point trophies to the lucky winners and then treated all who had enjoyed th e da y' s races to a delicious spaghetti dinner. One more race remains a t Woodland, that being the Yamaha Gold Cup on Ma y 8. So until next season, have a fun su m mer. Results PEE WEE: 1. Justin Stanning (Yom); 2. Brod lewis (Yom). MINI JR : 1. Miko Finch (Han); 2. Tim Underwood (Yom); 3 . Brion Boehmior (Han). MINI INT: 1. Mike Crowell (Yom); 2. J im Myren (Yom); 3. Dorrin Rogers (Yom). MINI EX: 1. Mork Simmot (Yom); 2. Oren Broy (Yom): 3. Rick Simmot (Yom). 1DOJR: 1. Koll Myklebu.t (Suzl; 2. Mike Crowell (Yom). 125 PRO: 1. Robb Monning (Han); 2. Don Gores (yom); 3 . Cory Kloudt (Han). 125 INT: 1. Dorryl Woddle (Suz); 2. Dovid Proem bling (Han ); 3 . Jeff Chopmon (Kow) . 125 JR : 1. Mork Rismoon (Yom); 2. Roger Sherrell (Yom); 3. Kevin Wh ite (Han). . 250 PRO: 1. Rowdy Blosdell (Suz): 2. Jeff Croppe r (Suz~ 3. Scott Tyler (Me i). 250 1NT 1. Sten Lunt (Kow); 2. G.rd Hollinger : (Me i); 3 . Don Fitch (Suz). 250 JR : 1. Den Sou.hek (Han I; 2. Greg Slytev (Yom); 3. Rooney Jenn..n (Mo i). OPEN PRO: 1. Scott Tyle r (Mo i); 2. Don Gores (Yom); 3. Ted Devol (KTM). OPEN INT: 1. Gord Hollinger (Mo i); 2. Mork Envol..n (Hon). OPENJR: 1. Roger Knight(Yom); 2. Gory letimer (KTM); 3 . Clorence Pin. (Yom I. 30-40 A : 1. Roger Knight(Yom); 2. Roy Shonefelt (Moi) . 30-40 B: 1. George Denni. (Kow) . 30-40 C: 1. Ron Kemp (Moi) . OT EX: 1. John Semmler (Yom). OT AM : 1. Clerence Pitts (Yom). SERIES CHAMPIONS PEE WEE: 1. Justin Stanning. MINI JR: 1. Rich Wolter• . MINIINT: 1. Jim Myren. MINI EX: 1. lerry Wen!. lDO JR : 1. Koll Myklebust. 1DOINT: 1. Steve Jones. 125 JR : 1. John _ n. 125 INT: 1. Dorryl Weddle. 125 PRO: 1. J im Anderson. 250 JR : 1. Torry Lee. 250 INT: 1. Deve Eakin . 250 PRO: 1. Scott Tyler . OPEN JR : 1. R _ Knight. OPEN INT: 1. Dove Eekfn. ..... OPEN PRO: 1. Don Ge OTH A : 1. Jim Po"". OTHB:I . J i m - ' OTH C: 1. Milce Woloh/Demla Anllkor. . ,OT: l. Gory Bonds. Central Pi~ Mark Witt ended up the 250cc Intermediate Texas Series winner. Rh oten doubles at Texa s MX Series f inale ByBC T YL ER, TX, APR. 25 The 10th annual T exas Motocross Seri es came to a close today at the rolling hills of Bill Law's Swans Raceway. All the folks who made it up to th e track Sa turday n ight enjoyed a Texas barbeq ue with free beer , live music and a big bo n fire to wa rm yo u r buns on . In co ntrast to the rainy wea ther around the sta te, th e su n battled the clouds a way Su nday, a nd th e stage was set. In the 6Occcl ass, Sean Cook (Yam) took th e overa ll win for th e day as well as th e series. Running a stro ng seco nd th roughout th e series was Er ic Alstrin (Ya m ). Sea n wa s also tough in th e Mini Junior class, fin ish ing second over all in the series. Mi ni Jun ior series winn er Ch ip Chandler (Suz ) had hi s hands full wit h Mike Franks (Ka w), a loca l hot shoe who won today's race. T he Mini Senior class wa s on e of the most action-filled classes, start in g as many as 40 bikes on th e line a t once . It wa s anybodv 's ball game up to the last checkered flag. T oday's race yiel ded a three-w a y tie for fir st with T ommy Collier (Yam , 3-1) besting Bill y Whitley (Ya m, 2-2) and Eddie Vreeland (Kaw , 1-3). Consisten cy paid o ff as Collier a lso claimed the series win with Sco tt Thomas (Kaw)second and Darren Cha m pagne (Suz) third with on ly a fo ur poi nt spread separating the top th ree. The Mi ni O pen class gave th e mi nis a fun class, a cha nce 10 let it hang ou t a nd see who was in th e best sha pe . Eddie Vreeland opted for two moto wins toda y, but Chris Wallis (Kaw) wa lked off with th e series win. The " Robstown Wiz" Darin Wi lliams (Yam) blasted th e 100cc class toda y a nd overall, mostl y a t the expense of J eff Gibson (Yam) . Na turally, the I25cc Novices remained the biggest class of the series. Next yea r we hope 10 break out the Beginners to gi ve th em a chance. Chuck Julien (Kaw): one-oned die Novices today g iving him a commanding series victory. Ken Fox (Kaw) had today's 125cc Intermediate win in the bag until his bike quit two turns from the checkered. As he pushed. in , Wesley Wiggins (Ka w ) copped the win, but noboby could come close to Fox in the series overall. In Over 30 Expert, Jack Siegrist (Yam ) went right down to the wire almost letting Billy Click (Hon) outplace h im, but Click stopped for a soil sample and second for today and in th e seri es to Siegrist. Meanwhile, Dav id Hubbard (Hon) logged th e overall win for th e da y. Local 250cc Intermedi a te Donnie Margraves (Kaw) had a field da y. As both series lead ers took tumbles, he go t th e overall wi n for the day. Mark Witt (Hon) won th e overa ll ser ies after a series-lon g battle with Ron Su ssman (Ya m ). In th e O pen Intermediat e (or th e 480 H onda cla ss) J eff Ell is (H on) and Jeff Webb (Hon ) battled eac h moto, w ith Ell is co ming o ut n u mber one today a nd overall in th e series. This yea r for th e Expe rts, a n ew format was tried. In stead of your basic ove ra ll m on ey pe r race and overa ll , th e big money was paid by m oto o n ly. This mad e each rn oto a $500 race unto it self : no race stra tegy, j ust go for the cas h. G alv eston H onda posted a $50 cas h bon us to an overall race winner o n a H onda. In 125cc Expert ac tion, Kyle Landrum (Kaw) on a week end brea k in th e Nationals won th e ove ra ll today with a 2-2. Carroll Ri ch ardson (Yam ) turned a 1-3 in for seco n d and Dean Cat es' (H on) 2-3 ea rned third. Ri cky Gl aser (Su z) won the second moto, All ey Semar (Hon) bested Mike Cl ements (Hon) for th e series wi n. The 250cc Experts had been th e hot class with Dan Conway (Kaw) sett ing th e pac e, winning th e first six motos, Dan left for Fl or ida with th e 250cc title in th e bag. Darren Rhoten (Yam) pi cked up th at pace tod a y, challe nging a n d passing Ri ck y Gl aser (Suz) in both motos. Derek Wedding (Kaw ) ca me in for a close third ove ra ll today . A su rprise entry in th e Open Expe rts was Dar ren Rhot en (Ya m) wh o decided 10 ride a ll three Expert cla sses, besting David Stu tts (Ya m ) a nd T om H olton (Hon ) today. Stutts wo n th e overall for th e series whi le J eff Sh aw (H us ) was h aving a lousy day but took seco nd in th e series. Results 60 : 1. Seon Cook (Vom); 2. Eric Als"in (Vam); 3 . Brode n Rolond (Y.m). 80 JR : 1. Mike Franks (Kaw); 2. Chip Chandler (Suz); 3. Seon Cook (Yom). BO SR: 1. Tommy Collier (Vam); 2. Bill y Whitley (Yom); 3. Eddie Vreelond (Kow) .• BOOPEN: 1. Eddie Vreeland (Kow); 2. Billy Wh it lev fYam}; 3. Tommy Collier (Yam). 100: 1. Darin Williams (Yam); 2. Mark Cochram (Yom); 3. Pener Gunderson (Yoml . 125 NOV: 1. Chuck J ulien (Kow); 2. M onty Blond (Yom); 3. Doryl A u.tin (Yom). 250 NOV: 1. Richie Hull (; 2. M ike Drigger. (Han); 3. Croig Helmere (Kow) . OVER 301NT: 1. Troy Ropp (Suz); 2. Jimmy Smith (Yom); 3. Mike Fronk. (Kow). OVER 30 EX: 1. Dovid Hubbord (Hon); 2. Billy Click (Han); 3 . Jack Siegrist (Yom). 1251NT: 1. We.ley Wiggin. (Kow); 2. Doryl Wilks (Kow); 3. Ken Fa> (Kow) . 250 INT: 1. Donnie Morgrove. (Kow); 2. Bo Stegoll (Kow); 3 . Bubbo Schultz (Han) . OPEN INT: 1. J eff Elli. (Han); 2. Jeff Webb (Han); 3. Dovid Green (Hus). 125 EX: 1. Kyle Londrum IKow); 2. Corr oll Richordson (Yom); 3. Deon Cotes (Hon). 250 EX: 1. Dorren Rhoton (Yom); 2. Ricky Glo..r (Suz); 3. Derek Wedding (Kowl. OPEN EX: 1. Dorren Rhoton (Yom); 2. David Stutts (Yom); 3 . Tom Holt on (Hon).

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