Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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with Amateurs racing on both Derrick Per.onette launched himself to the 125cc Pro win at Emmett. 66 Oregon duck. His finishes of 1-5 were good for a second overall. The largest class by far was 550cc Production, with 18entries. The field included six 550 Secas and seven GPz550s. and Yamaha fans were delighted with the white parade across the finish line for the first heat. with the first five p laces occupied by Secas. Quentin Hogan inserted his GPz into second p lace in the final heat, but Secas took the first four places in the final results. Mike Johnson, in his local debut at racing production motorcycles. enjoyed the advantages of a ride that starts and finishes a race. and won both heats of 550cc Production on a Vancouver Yamaha Seca. Gene Brown. a very experienced GPracerandOMRRA'scurrentnumber one plate. tried out a Seca himslef and pulled a second overall with it. Brown also finished second in Formula Two on a TZ250, finishing beh ind his former protege. Doug Guthrie. Guthrieonce again got away with running a very used TZ250 in the Claiming rac e. put a hundred bucks in his pocket and still has the TZ. presumably ready to strike again at the next race. The wet track caused a lot of crashes, though most were fairly gentle lowsides . One was not. when Brian Stewart on a GPz550 got wide coming onto ·the back straight. He and the bike both bounced end over end for an breathtaking distance alongside the track. The bike ended up with hardl y an undenied spot on it. and Stewart with a broken collarbone. He rook it in surprisingly good humor when a rider who had an excellent view of his crash awarded him a 7.3 on difficulty of maneuver and a 10.0 for style. The Formula Three class, new this year, provided excellent racing. The class includes 125cc two-stroke singles and twins, 250cc two-stroke singles, 450cc four-stroke singles and Open pre-unit four-stroke singles. Dean Zinter took the class on an aircooled Honda l25cc GP machine. Jeff Doan showed he has been doing his homework with his RD400 over the winter. as he took a close win in 600cc Cafe, the second most populous class. Doan's bike reflects the results of doing the right things. carefully. with a sound design. Doan can obviously ride it. as well. Results OPEN PROD: 1. Jomes Dowtey (Yom~ 2. Rich 3. Kevin FrozerISuz). 750 PROD: 1. Quentin HogIIn (Kewt 2. Eugene Brown (Yom~ 3. Mike DlIWSOn (Yom). 550 PROD: 1. Mike Johnson (Yomt 2. Eugene Brown (Yomt 3. Jemes Dowley (Yom). 430 PROD: 1. Mike Sum..n (Yom): 2. Larry Buck (Hont 3. Richerd Burnhom (Yom). OPEN CAFE: 1. Keith Pinkstoff (Suz); 2. Tony Howord (Kow~ 3. Don ZIocIt (Suz). 850 CAFE: 1. Don ZIocIt ISuz~ 2. Rich Cheedle (Duct 3. Deen Menken (Suz). 600 CAFE: 1. Jeff Doen (Yomt 2. Duentin Hogon lKowt 3. Poul Gillen (Yomt OPEN GP: 1. Keith Pinltstoff (Suzt 2. Don Z1_ (Suzt 3. Mike Sorge (Hon). OPEN SGL GP: 1. Howord Pinkstoff (Yom): 2 . John Moffen (Kowl; 3. Mork Monion (Yom). FORMULA 2: 1. Doug Guthrie (Yom); 2. Eugene Brown (Yomt 3. Jomes Fenneson. Jr. (Yomt FORMULA 3: 1. Doon Zinter IHon); 2. John Mof· fen (Kawt 3. Warren Bunon (Mon). CLAIMING: 1. Doug Guthrie (Yom): 2. Dole ZIocIt (Mont 3. Larry Vevig (Suz). Cheodle(Duc~ Gold Cup Amateur action osterized at SIR By Clay Light KENT, WA, AP R. 17-18 Seatle International Raceway hosted the first two-day Gold Cup race in the long series superb days. They ran two rnotos on Saturday and their final on Sunday to give the Pros a breather between motos. Steve Oster (Suz) did it 10 the Mini A class. " Oster izing" the troops once again with his banzai.Jet-it-allhang-out style. going for a perfect 1-1-1 tally 10 take home the brass. Three riders did I he rri pIe deed 10 their classes in A action; the other two were 125cc A winner Jeff Chapman (Kaw ) - who showed everyone why h~carries the number one Expert plate 10 the district - and' Wade Janssen (Yam) in the lOOcc A class. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 Amateurs were on hand both days; Saturday saw a few rain showers .and some snowy cold weather, which made the course dusty later in the day . The track was very rough and extremely rocky. The track was a lso barricaded in areas so that the lesser experienced Amateurs didn't have to run the gnarly downhills. In moto one of the 125cc A class, it was Dennis Dolquist who came o u t front into the stair step whoops over Chapman and Billy Weiland (Yam). Chapman moved by Do lq uist, who was last year's big winner. for the lead in the 3G-rider field. Chapman opened up a nice lead on the others 10 take the first moto win with Dolquist second. Welland third and fourth to David Froembling (Hon support). Moto two it was once again a green blur speeding to the front. Chapman p roceeded to tear up the track 10 the process C?f .wrap p ing up this rnoto, and that s Just what he did. Second went to Froembling, third Brad Halka (Yam) and fourth to Dolquist. Sunday's final rnoto had Chapman collect another holeshot and sail off in search of the checkered flag which he found first. Second was Marshall Favre (Suz). Third went to Vonn Jones (Yam), who held off Darren Criss (Hon) and Welland. In Mini A racing. Oster ran the pack through the "blender" at the completion of a lap . Oster. Randy Stone (Yam). Shawn Galbraith (Hon) a.nd Tommy Judge (Yam ) were top five throughout the moto and stayed !n that order at the flag. Second out109, well wave bye bye to Oster everybody; he wrapped up another win to bag both Saturday rnotos while second wt;nt to Scott Rose (Yam), who was Sixth moto one. Third and final moto again went Oster's way from start to finish. Oster wasn't to be denied the win. Second in the moto was Tom Camp (Yam) and third to Scott Grimm (Yam ). who took second overall with a 4-3-3 score. The IOOec A class was also an excellent show for whatever spe cta to rs who weren't trying to get a look at the formula cars racing in between Pro motos at the nearby road race track. Wade Janssen ~lloped the pack right off the start on his Yamaha over Jamie Clendenen (Yam ) and Billy Well and (Ya m). Jassen jammed the class to take the win and was back out front in rnoto two holding Robbie Evans (Yam) at bay the remainder of the race. Evans was to be Janssen's closest competition of the weekend, for moto three on Sunday was another story. Janssen grabbed the lead and walked away with his moto for his perfect 1-1-1 tally. Second in the moto was Clendenen who took second overall going 2-3-2. Resu lts M INI A:. 1. S_ e -r (Suzt 2. Scott Gri mm (Yomt 3. Tom eornp (Yom). JoneI(Yom~ 2. Louis Alon PEE WE E A:. 1. /yom l. ea.v MINI B: 1. Jim Schuyler (Yom); 2. Bruce Johnson (Yom); 3. Gory Trudel (Yom). PEE WEE B: 1. Toro Horrison (yom): 2. Scon Roher (Yom); 3. Brod lawis(Yom). 100 A:. 1. Wode Jenl..n (Yom); 2. Jemie Clendenen (Yom); 3. Billy Wellond (Yom). 100 B: 1. Todd Bringmon (Yomt 2. Bill Knight (Yom~ 3. Mike Reed (Yemt 125 A:. 1. Jeff Chepmon (Kowt 2. Dennie OoIquist (Yomt 3. Moroholl Fowe ISuz). 125 B: 1. Mike Wockmon (Suz~ 2. Devid Thompson (Kew); 3. Bobby Monroe lKowt 250 B: 1. Brod Holl (Hont 2. Chorlie Mitchell /yomt 3. Gory Snyder (Hon). OPEN A:. 1. Peter Tre_1I ISuzt 2. Tim Birk (Suzt 3. Mork EnvoI..n (Hont OPEN B; 1. Guy Studemon (Yomt 2. Joe Moyerir (Hont 3. Allen SIIIfford (Han). Personette, Olberding, Hickman take EmmettMX By Sandy Beebe EMMETT. 10. APR. II Derr ick Personette (Suz) took the I 25cc Pros easily and would have won the 250s also, but Mark Olberding (who helped build the track) had some other ideas for his hometown crowd at Emmett's MX. Warren "Pud" Hickman (Yam) who us ually wins the 250s in Bo ise was forced 10 third here, but he won the Open Pro class to pay for his trip over. Personeue has yet to lose a single moto this year in Idaho in the 125cc class, and the Emmett race was no exception. He led by miles in the morning mud and the afternoon, too. The real battles and scars were back for second and third. In the first rnoto, Clint Webb (Yam) thrashed himself and his bike in the stadiumstyle jumps in the sand wash. He finished bending the unbroken parts in the second rnoto. In moto two, Willy Beebe (Hon) drove by David Barnowski (Yam) on a long uphill and then went like mad to keep from being landed on as they flew off the hill on top. Barnowski, a super crowd drawing jumper. has been known to la nd on people before, bu Beebe got out of the landing zone and held it on for seco nd overall. After the morning rain and mud. the sun came out, the traction came up. and the lap times went way down. Mark O lberding (Suz) had already won the first rnoto by a mile. and the crowd gatheed to watch their best hometown rider let it out as the track got faster. With Personette and both Hickmans (Pud and Ed) in trail, the crowd formed on a natural roll jump. With cameras. Rocky Mountain kool- . aid and thumbs up, they egged him on for more air. He gave them the air and took the money. The crowd stayed right there on the roll jump for the Open Pros. With Pud Hickman leading and Dan ~s (Hon) behind him, George Gelhngham (Yam) gave them their max lunch leap. He lit in the flat, George IS a moose of a ~uy, and he took it better than the bike, He had to pull off the track with the bars bent down . by the tank and eight spokes broken out of the front wheel. Hickman wound up the overall winner. Results 125 EX: 1. Derrick PerlOnene (Suz); 2. Willy IHon): 3. Robert Noncoles(Yom). 250 EX: 1. Mo rk Olberding (Suzt 2. Dorr ick Per· sonene (Suzt 3. Worren Hickmon (Yom). OPEN EX: 1. Worren Hickmon (Yom): 2. Don laeI (Hon ): 3. Br uce Sting ley (Yom). M INI EX: 1. Cory Bort on (yom): 2. Joh n Kipper /yom). M INI BEG: 1. Br ien Hole lKew); 2. Chod eo.. (Yom); 3. Troy Lo'*!ord (Kew). 125 BEG: 1. S _ Lankford (Kew): 2. Jim Lank· ford (Kewt 3. Morty Jemison. 250 BEG: 1. Dono DeChornbMu; 2. Larry Neff: 3 Ed Phillips. •. B_ ~=~1 . Scott Dorling; 2. Rick Putzier; 3.

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