Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lik~ that for sev~ral laps, ~nd, Marc~1l had built a but by th~ small I~ad. Finishing third was Scott Amy (Yam) ov~r Jim P~arson (Suz). Kim Douglas (Suz) was th~ lady to lead th~ ~arly stag~ of round two, but Sigrist took ov~r on lap four. Soon Marc~1I was up front also and th~ took up wh~r~ th~ had Idt off in moto on~. It cam~ down to the v~ry last lap, with both rid~ pushing it to th~ max. As th~ crOSRd th~ finish lin~ Sigrist was still in front by a wheel and that gav~ him th~ ov~rall. Taking rnird was Amy again with Douglas founh. co C') Results PEE WEE: 1. W..., KIoin IV_I; 2. Chris L-' It- ~Dt 'on By Steven Crosby CORONA, CA, MAY 29 IRVINE, CA, MAY 28 The last Friday of each month signals time to break out the old pit bike and head out to Corona Raceway for the Malcolm Smith XR 75/80 races. The final Thursday in May saw some hot racing as the sportsman riders completed the OCIR Amateur Points Series. Special Rick Atkins was th~ king of th~ mini thum~rs last week. taking both motos. Atkins was on top right from th~ stan of moto on~ and h~ was in front ~v~ry lap 'aft~r that. Gr~g B~nd~r held off Don Gri~w~ in both rounds w nab ~ond place. Gri~~ was third aMad of BiD Wilt and Dean Wilkinson. Th~ 2S0cc Pro duel that has been in th~ works for ~ral weeks finally mat~rializ~d. Wheelsmith's Don Gri~ and Malcolm Smith's Eric MacCrackm tTad~d wins aft~r som~ Rrious dicing. Th~ first moto saw Gri~~ jump into th~ I~ad whil~ MacCrack~n was in founh b~hind K~ith Williamson (Yam) and Andy Orescanin (Kaw). MacCrack~n pasRd th~ born on th~ first lap but that was all th~ tim~ that Gri~w~ n~~ to put a f~w IKonds ~tween th~. Th~ two rid~rs are c!oIIely match~ and MacCrackm ~t th~ r~t of the moto just trying to g~t within striking distanc~ of the l~ad~r. At th~ finish Gri~w~ still h~ld rn~ l~ad narrowly ov~r MacCrackm with John Mazzacan~ (Kaw) third. Gri~~ again took th~ hol~hot in moto two, but this tim~ MacCrack~n was ri~ht on his tail. MacCrackm push~ Gn~e for Rv~ral laps, th~n found an o~ng and put it to UR. Gri~~ still didn't give up, how~v~r, and th~ rac~ continu~d into th~ lat~ laps. MacCrack~n finally d~lo~ a I~ad of Ins than two IKonds, but that was all h~ n~~d to SKll~ a win. Griewe- thanks ~ out to Coffman's. who award~ ~xhaust pi~ to th~ Mini champs, and to th~ White Broth~, who gav~ gift c~rtificat~ to th~ top 10 riders in th~ Rri~. Jason Collifi was th~ numb~r one point grab~r in th~ Rri~ by winning ev~ry moto of th~ monrn on his VZ6O. Gary Gonzales was th~ top rid~r in th~ chaR for th~ Whit~ Brothers c~rtificat~. Th~ n~xt s~ial award night will b~ a school's out s~alonJun~18. Joel Johns and Darr~1I Wall shar~ th~ holeshot in 12Scc Novice action and dic~ it out th~ ~ntire moto. Johns was abl~ to hold on for a win he'U rem~b~r for a long tim~ b~caUR Wall was nev~r more than a half IKond b~hind, pressuring him th~ ~ntir~ tim~. Tom Dal~n stan~ th~ rac~ in third. drop~ back for on~ lap and rnm took it back but h~ could not ~t dOR to th~ top two. Th~ gat~ f~ll for th~ IKond moto and it look~ like a carbon copy of the first; Johns in front with Wall playing tag wirnJohns' rear wheel. Bm Loudm· back jum~ into third but could not do any ~ttfi with rn~ hot battl~ up front. With two laps to go Wall finally found an o~ning. forc~ his bik~ through and took th~ I~ad. Wall h~ld on and squ~ak~ out first overall. Johns had to Rttl~ for IKond aft~r a good rac~ and Paul Colston's 5-4 was ~nough for third overall. Wayne R~id took his first Pro win of t)a~ y,ar> at>OCIR·on his DG Yamaha.

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