Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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...... N Results 80 NOV: 1. T...... _ t r. Call1 IYomI: 2. Ilubbo _ lSuzl. 80 BEG: 1. Jimmy Moon lYomI; 2. Roman llornincll-.; 3. .-on oe-,pon lYoml. 80 NOV: 1. rom _I~~ 2. Jimmy_ lYom); 3. S_S_lYoml. 80 INT: 1. _ Aoming lYom!: 2. Jolt a.bocolli lYom); 3. __ Gilnwlin IHonl. 125 BEG: 1. DornI W.... Jr. 1RM'Tl; 2. Brion Anmortt lhanl; 3. G.wge _lYomI. 125 NOV: 1. K.C. M8ddlox lYomI; 2. Mike Mohurin lYomI; 3. DougIoo _lYom). 125 !NT: 1. _ lSuzl. lSuzl; 3. _ IlriIn ~ lSuzl; 2. Bobby V _ 15 PRO: 1. Curt McC'_ ~; 2. Erik Kehoe lYom); 3. S_1IoIu- lYoml. 2liO BEG: 1. Rob IWIlSuzl; 2. Rolph _ lJ(awl; 3. o.vtd ..... IHonl. 2liO NOV: 1. Mille ...... ISuzl; 2. Chuck Brenkus tSuzl; 3. Rich YtIlkin IMTBI. . 2liO INT: 1. John IlIIIIe tHonl; 2. Joe Popp 1Suz); 3. DIrryl RlchIrdoanIHonI. 2liO PRO: 1. Mike Tripe< (Hull; 2. DIMI . . . . t~;3.o.vtd_I~. OPEN BEG: 1. Phil M. . ISuz); 2. TIlor.-o W. K_ lYomI; 3. ....., c..IYomI. OPEN NOV: 1. Mille ZieIInoki lSuzl; 2. H8rry H. _ISuzl; 3. KOIIin HIIIlSuzl. OPEN INT: 1. Tom Browne (Yom); 2. CnIig GoIlowoy lYomI; 3. .Jonl Morqulo lYoml. OPEN PRO: 1. ~ko Aldrich (Hus); 2. Mork " - " ·lYomI. VETS JR: 1. Robor1 Ilordyck 1MoiI; 2. Roymond W111_(~;3. Roo- - . . , lYoml. VETS INT: 1. Ron Tuzlngoky lYoml; 2. RA "Buzz" _IHUIl; 3. Gory u-good IMo". VET EX: 1. Bob Hoyoo IDMGI; 2. John _(Hull; 3. Jim T.... lYomI. Gibson hits lem lor two at CRC Saddleback MX By Tom Corley ORANGE, CA, DEC. 14 Everyone is jumping at the chance to race in the upcoming California Racing Club Amateur Supercross at the Big A on Feb. I, 1981. But before the big event riden have to get the big Q. next to their name and this means that they've qualified. For this reason IleYeral hundred anxious motOCJ'Ollll racen came to Saddleback Park for an exceptional qualifying event. Twenty-one people went at it in the 12Sec Novice race. In the fint moto Rob Hendricks was moving on his brand new liquid-cooled Yamaha 125. Rob was in the lead till he fell on the fmish comer with IleYeral laps still to go. Later he told me that he is having back problems and this is huning his perfonnance. Ryan Roberts took his Honda to the lead and flew away ahead of Mitch Palmer and Hendricks. Roberts didn't have to worry about Hendricks in the final moto because Rob decided not to race. After a poor stan Roberts was in 11th place but within a few laps he was in a good position. Kevin Fringer had the lead until Roberts made the pass with one lap to go on a comer before the finish. With two wina Roberts won the 125cc Novice race in front of Matt Alloy, Mike Herrle, Mark Milam and Palmer. Team Honda racer Jim Gibson is usually seen on a 250cc machine but today he rode and won in the 125 Pro class. Gibson had the edge on everyone and the closet one to him was Cun McCuistion (Kaw). In the fint moto it was Gibson and McCuistion in front of Mike Tripes on his Suzuki while Mike Beier was founh. riden held this exact same position in the final moto except for Beier, who had trouble when he ran into Mark Denning's spun-out Yamaha. 'Because of this La Habra Yamaha rider Micky Dymond took founh money. Pete Snoneland raced in both the 250 and 500cc Pro claues. In the fint 250cc Pro moto Pete kept ahead of a very fast pack for the win. Jim Gibson passed 'Brian Mynacough who is getting back into it on a 25Occ. In the final moto Pete tangled up at the stan and was only able to take a founh. nne t N I..ArI Mynacough had the lead in the bag but staned to slow down the pace and Gibson took over the lead while Mark "Madman" Lawrence was in third. On the cash list it was Gibson, Snoneland, Lawrence and Mynacough. As of this weekend Jeff Jennings staned racing a new Husky and Jeff is proving his imponance to his new sponsor. Pete Snoneland was on the gas in the flI'St moto and was going to beat Jennings but then it turned around as Jennings made the pass on the final lap. Ed Arnet, now off of Yamaha and on a Track 'N' Travel Maico, was third ahead of Greg Zitterkopf and Mark Lawrence who got a bad stan. The second moto action was somewhat similar to that in the fint moto and Snoneland was in the lead till Jennings moved on by with two laps to go while Lawrence was in third with mud stuck in his brake peddle and Arnet was founh. When the bucks were being handed out the winning riden placed in this order; Jennings, Snoneland, Arnet and Lawrence. Results 80 NOV: 1. Mott _ lYom); 2. Duono DIIAtmIIn lYomI. 80 INT: 1. S _ Koloo. MINI BEG: 1. W_ Bono lYom); 2. rom Unehon lYomI; 3. _ _ lYomI.. MINI NOV: 1. S _ W_ l~; 2. John 0..10 lYomI; 3. o.n _lYomI. MINI INT: 1. Jolt e.t.:xM lYomI; 2. John Gonjoo (~; 3. Jimmy Owen lSuzl. 100 BEG: 1. Mille _lSuzl; 2. AJooc ~ (Suzl; 3. BII.-ISuzl. 100 NOV: 1. 51 V_lYomI; 2. TIm Y",*, lYom). • 100 !NT: 1. .Iorry _lYomI; 2. Mille _lYomI. 125 BEG DIY 1: ,. Rondy IIoiWt lYomI; 2. KjoII _lYomI; 3. Kevin AIbrochllYomI. ~ lSuzl; 2. Derin 125 BEG DIY 2: 1. _ -.lYomI; 3. Conrod T_lSuzl. 125 NOV: 1. ~ RoIMrto lHanI; 2. _ I>1Ia'f lYomI; 3. Mille _lYomI. 125 INT: 1. lyle Bob! lYomI; 2. Rony Skn. lYomI; 3. Horter HoIlYomI. 125 PIlD: 1. JIm lHonI; 2. Curt Mc:Cuiodon I~; 3. Mille Tripe< lSuzl. 2liO BEG: 1. o.n Berg ~; 2. Gnogg Iloyor lhanl; 3. BI1 roppillYoml. 2liO NOV DIV 1: ,. Mille HorT-. lSuzl; 2. o.vtd Vorie ICAI; 3. Mb ToridngtDn I~. 2liO NOV DIY 2: 1. John Gonnon lMoo1; 2. Bon Jordon lYomI; 3. John Ilornoo lYom). 2liO INT: 1......1_lYom); 2. Don RubllllYoml; 3. Ruoty Honnoh lSuzl. . 2liO PRO: 1. Jim Glboan (HonI; 2. Pete SnorMIond lYom); 3. lYoml. 600 BEG: 1. _ Glboan lYoml; 2. _ d _ lYoml; 3. Mork WoddieISuzl. 600 NOV: 1. o.n _ lMoil; 2. Miko Norrio (Moll; 3. Fronk Roduzintr (Mug). 600 INT: 1. Bill '*-' I_I; 2. ....., FIin1 lYoml; 3. Roo- Hoyoo lYomI. 500 PRO: 1. Jolt J-.Ingo lHUIl; 2. Pete SnorMIond lYoml; 3. _lowronc:e lVomI. VET JR: 1. Gory u->good lMoil; 2. Bob IIorr IYoml; 3. Glon King lYomI. VET INT: 1. RA M _ IHUIl; 2. Ron Cole lMolI; 3. G.wge TIlor.-o lMoo1. VET SR: 1. S _ ecw- (HUll; 2. Bob Crooto IKTMI; 3. Soni Mount lYoml. a- _lowr..... Johnny 0' and Tony D star In Bosch Classic MX By Albert & Sally Johnson PHOENIX, Al, NOV. 30 Bosch Spark Plugs held its third annual Bosch Classic at Canyon Raceway, drawing some of the top riders in the country to the Arizona Motocross Association region. The track was in excellent condition, providing the race fans with the maximum racing entenainment. In one of the thrillen of the day, race two saw the 125cc Expens and Open Expens attack the track, with NMA Champion George Holland tak~ the holeshot away from Tibbs McC..,lIough in the 125s. USGP winner Johnny O'Mara took over second on lap two, riding Holland's rear tire to a spectilcular side by side finish with HoUand taking the moto over O'Mara and McCullough. O'Mara took the holeshot in the second moto riding to an easy victory. McCullough was a comfonable second t r. Call1er.I..ArI and Drey Dircks took third. Holland had bike problems and finished founh. Open Expens saw Tony DiStefano taking the overall win with Jay Perkins second and Don Griewe third. In the Mini Expens the fans saw the number one Mini rider Troy Blake ride to an easy fint mota victory. Raben Mason finished a strong second with Scott Keyes a distant third. Moto two found Mason with the holeshot with Blake right behind, but not for long. He found a clear shot around Mason, and took the lead to a victory. Mason, falling on lap six, found Scott Keyes taking second followed by Brian Bruner. The 250cc Amateun had a close race between Bruce Peten and Kevin Olsen with Peten taking over and winning both matos, with Olsen taking second overall. In the 250cc Experts fans saw Johnny O'Mara leave the pack way behind, only to have bike problemg in both motos. That left Chappy Blose to take the lead and win both motos. His brother Bobby came in second and Don Griewe took third. The last race of the day had a special technique. Sidehacks, which had some very exciting moments. The Palfreyman team pulled the holeshot and rode to an easy win, with the Ralph and Scott Whitney team pulling second and Pete Whitney and Duane McDonell in third. Results MINI EXPERTS: 1. Troy lIllIko; 2. SCott K_; 3. Brion 1Irunor. MINI NOV: 1. Kyle Fleming; 2. Robby Adorno; 3. Ron Hort. MINI BEG: 1. S - Swink; 2. Tony Oouch; 3. Amio --. IIrooko. 125 EX: ,. Johnny 0 ' - ' 2. r _ McCullough; 3. G.wge HaIIond. 125 AM: 1. Goorge Homo; 2. Tany ~; 3. SI.... 125 NOV: 1. KlIith Weeks; 2. Torry DlnnbKk; 3. RoncIy Brown. 2liO BEG: 1. Mike Felix; 2. S_ _; 3. E.." Estr_. 125 BEG: 1. Glen Pwobody; 2. Troy Nichola; 3. _ Young. OlD TIMERS: 1. Bil Romsey; 2. Dorvin Simpoon; 3. DoonCowon. PEE WEE: 1. Shoun KaIoo; 2. Jimmy BUll"""; 3. Doon CIoytone. 250 EX: 1. Choppy Blose; 2, Bobby Blose; 3. Don Grtewe. 250 AM: 1. Bruce Peter.; 2. KtNin 01_; 3. Bill White. 2liO NOV: 1. Chod Nelson; 2. Tom Whilo; 3. Rich Molley. 80 AM: 1. Mike [)ey; 2. Chuck Chouron; 3. Todd HoIIllnd. -.. OPEN AM: 1. S _ Akors; 2. Croig Olsen; 3. John OPEN EX: 1. Tany OiStefano; 2. Joy Porki",,; 3. Don Goillll· OPEN NOV: 1. Tom Estrolo; 2. Jomoo S_Y; 3. S _ Henery. OPEN BEG: ,. Gord RoInik; 2. Bill luct<; 3. Chip Gunin. SlDEHACKS: 1. PoIlreymon T..,,; 2.Whi1ney T..,,; 3. Whi1noy & McDonell T..,,; 4. Jockoon T."" L echien takes CMMCBarona Oaks season finale By Rod Eschenburg SAN DIEGO, CA, DEC. 7 The California Mini Motorcycle Club closed out what had to be one of its greatest seasons with a day of racing typical of its entire 22 race 1980 series, outstanding. Yamaha Motor· Corp. rider Ronnie Lechien was running his final Mini race of his career at Barona Sunday and looked to have a clear-cut six for six sweep going in the Stock and Modified Minis plus the Speciall05cc Minis until mechanical trouble took him out of contention in the Modified 80s, which Super·Seer/Maxima/Kawasaki Motor Corp. rider Kenny Dunlap took off a 3-1 finish. 1980 Barona Oaks champ Sam Storer (Kawasaki Motor Corp.) had kind of a lay-back day with t"er. N t ra Call a second in the Modified Experts, a third in the 105s, and a third in the Stock Experts. The 12-16-year old Intermediates stole the show in the Barona finale as Rincon Racing Kawasaki rider Chris Taylor ripped the Stock class in a two for two blast, and JP Racing Kawasaki rider Thor Bjornestad had parlayed a 1-2 effort to victory over fellow Kawasaki rider Mark Scott. And let's not forget "Loco Verde" (The Crary Green One) Bader Manneh, who just about did the deed on everyone in both classes until his trusty Kawasakis gave up in the second motos. Manneh has to be the most spectacular rider to emerge at Barona as the slightly-built Middle-Easterner just flat "gasses it" from gate to checkered flag every race meet! For you old timers, he reminds us of the one and only David Aldana. Moving to the lightweight motorcycles. with 1980 champ David McGhee taking a day off. it was wild city time with the Stock 125cc Expert class resulting in a tie-bre,aker as Rotoco Kawasaki rider Charlie Harries took a 3-1 effort to victory over Suzuki mounted Tim Hale's 1-3 go. and new Expert Rich Smith's 2·4 rider. The Modified 125cc Expens featured a three-way tie as Burger King Yamaha rider Scott Swift scored his first victory of the year with a 3-1 go over Charlie Harries' 2-2 finish with Poway Honda Mugen rider David Hopwood at 1-3. Before we close, two other riders besides Lechien were taking their last rides in particular classes, and both went out Wilh victories. Blythe rider Space Schriner closed out his 9-11 career with wins in the Junior Cycle Modifieds and both the Stock and Modified Novice Minis. "Old Father Time" also caught up with "Jammin' Jamie Conney as she made her final Pee Wee Modified ride as well as both the Stock and Modified up to eight· year-old Junior Cycle class rides winning ones with six straight molO victories. • Results MINICYClE CLASSES STOCK EX: 1. Ronnie Lechien (Yaml: 2. Todd CampbelllYaml; 3. Sam Slorer IKawl. MODIFIED EX: 1. Kenny Dunlap IKawI; 2. Sam StororlKawI; 3. Ronnie Lechien IYaml. 1000c MINI: 1. Ronnie lechien IYoml; 2. Todd CampbelllYaml; 3. Sam Slorer IKawl. STOCK INT 112·161: 1. Crnis Taylor IKawl; 2. Thor Bjorneslad IKawl; 3, Mark SconlKawl. MODIFIEO INT 112·161: 1. Thor Bjornestad IKawl; 2. Mark SconlKawl; 3. Mike West IKawl. STOCK NOV 112·161: 1. Steve Stewart IYaml; 2. aryan PowelllKaw); 3. Javier Anqutilno tHon). MOOIFIED NOV 1l2·161: I. Steve Stewart (Yaml; 2. Kenny Clifton ISull; 3. Tim Schoos IHonl. BEG 112·161: 1. Jimmy Moon IYaml; 2. OavidCooper IYaml; 3. Scon Greenwood IYoml. STOCK INT !9-11 ~ 1. Scan Brown (5",1; 2. John Canney IYaml; 3. Steve Hale IYaml. MODIFIEO INT !9-111: 1. Soon Brown 1Suz1; 2. John Conney IYaml. STOCK NOV !9-111: 1. SplICe Scminor IYaml; 2. Michael Craig IYam); 3. Paul Cortel IYam). MOOIFIED NOV !9-I I I; 1. Space Sch,inor IYaml; 2. Michael Craig (Vaml; 3. Matt Meirbachtol tSuzl. MOTORCYCLE CLASSES STOCK 125 EX: 1. Charlie Harries IKawl; 2. Tim Hole IS",); 3. Rich Smith IS",I. MODIFIED 125 EX: 1. Scott Swift IYam); 2. Charlie Ham.. IKaw); 3. Dave Hopwood IHonl. STOCK 125INT: 1. Bobby VrhellYaml; 2. Bill Koenig IYaml; 3. Chris Lamb IYaml. MODIFIEO 125 INT: 1. Taylor Marcell IKawl; 2. Joe Bono IKawl; 3. Bobby VrhellYaml. STOCK 125 NOV: 1. Mitch Palmer l5oll; 2. Kellh Craig IYaml; 3. Jim Pearson ISUll. MODIFIED 125 NOV: 1. Jim P....son (Sull; 2. Keith Craig IYaml; 3. Mitch Palmer IS",). STOCK 100 INT: 1. Scan Richeson (Yaml; 2. Ale. leon (Suz); 3. Charlie Osterdav (Yaml. MODIFIED 100 INT: 1. Ale. leon (Sull; 2. Scott Richeson (Yam); 3. Charlie Osterdav (Yam). STOCK 100 NOV: 1. F,ankie B,undoge IYaml; 2, Oarin Rodg.... IS",). MODIFIED 100 NOV: 1. Frankie Brundage IYam). JUNIOR CYCLE CLASSES STOCK 19-111: 1. Scan Brown ISull; 2. Steve Hale IYam); 3. Taylor Martin IYaml. MODIFIED !9-111: 1. Spoce Schriner (Yaml; 2. Toylor Martin (Yaml; 3. Scon Brown IS",I. STOCK (0.8): 1. Jomie Canney IYoml; 2. Shone SpencorIS",); 3. Tommy Clowers IYoml. MOORED I~): ,. Jomie Conney IYom); 2. Dennis Oahlin IYaml; 3. Shone SpencerIS",I. PEE WEE STOCK: 1. Dennis Dohlin IItoI; 2. s-. Thornton ISuzI; 3. lors-Crlc Lonon ISuzl. PEE WEE MODIFIED: 1. Jomi. Canney ISuzI; 2. Seen Thornlon ISuzl; 3. Dennis Dahlin Iltol. 15

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