Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Northern Califomie·Northern Nevada·Oregon-Washington-ldaho-Utah-Alaska-Canad. Northern CIIlifomia·Northem Ne NORTHERN DATELINE Schlag and Cantaloupi corral 'em at GSIR MX .-4 By Bill Spencer 00 0') .-4 SONOMA, CA, DEC. 14 Team Yamaha's Donnie Cantaloupi and KTM support rider Joey Schlag showed the assembled the fast way around Golden State LEARN lOR~ Enroll in the 1981 Official Suzuki School of Motocross. During the intensive three day program. professional riders and instructors help each student develop faster. smoother. snnarter and safer riding skills. THREE lEVElS OF INSTRUCTION: REGUlAR. For riders who wish to improve their skills but have not yet reached the expert level. ADVANCED. For riders rated expert or pro who plan to pursue motocross at the professional level. MINICYCLE. For young riders at least 9 years old who want to leam proper riding techniques. with the emphasis on safety. SEE YOUR SUZUKI DEALER . FOR INFORMATION & APPUCATION BROCHURE. ENROLLMENT IS UMITED. 0HiciII SuzuIci School 01 Mc*KJoa p.o. Box 1100. Bee•. CA 92621: (714) 996·7040 Public lands ~ belong to all of U~II. (Ride sharefullJc) Raceway's ever-so-tacky, wet motocross track with Cantaloupi aboard a new liquid-cooled YZI25 and YZ465 winning both the little and big-bore classes with ace scores. Teenager Schlag diced the first 250cc Expen moto with Jerome Heiberger, but won the second handily. The first of the winter- rains turned the track into super traction and the first group out of the gate was the 125cc Expens with Paul Duchscher on his Yamaha MotorSport Center of Sant Cruz liquid-cooled machine leading Cantaloupi. The newly turned Expert held the line for two full laps until the Nationally ranked Pro made his move on the downhill. off-camber section that thrills the fans to no ends. The second set of 20-minute races was all Cantaloupi's who motored away with little trouble. Chris Ladd rode his RM in second for almost half the distance. but DNF and it was Ducbscher and Brian Magee from that point for the other runners. Radical scores were the resulu in the 125cc Junior class where Scott Keller took the win with a 5-1 count. Not having very good starts in either moto, he rode the All American CRI25 hard all the way while others had bad troubles. Wiley Craig led both motos on his Cycle West Suzuki but couldn't finish either moto while Brett Cahors had the whole thing in the bag until two laps' from the end of the second moto when he stopped. Dale Pirlo crashed hard enough to have to take a trip after having finished right behind Cahors in the first round and then runnning third. Tom Dalziel reversed Keller's score for second and Rick Olson rode his new Concord YZ to third with a pair of fours. Blue Plate 18 Jerome Heiberger on the Champion MX Can-Am holeshot the first moto of 250cc Expert and led the first laps over Mike Miller and Jerry Brandt while Joey Schlag played catch up. The Cycle Rider Supply. KTM-supponed rider then diced with Jerome for the IO-lap distance swapping the lead throughout with Heiberger taking the win by inches. Shawn McConn worked up well to take third on the Yamaha of Palo Alto YZ and Brandt founh on his Concord Yamaha. In round two. it was the same dicing going on. but it was Schlag who got the shot. The two young riders put on a great display of riding talent for the crowd and Joey took the win with ease when Jerome encountered some problems and slipped off the pace. McConn kept up the pressure and took the two rounds for third over Tim Tremane and Bob Davis. Donnie Cantaloupi had the Open Expen class all to himself in the results category with a pair of wins. George McNamara kept him honest on the Yamaha of Petaluma YZ465 with a 2-g count and Jerome Heiberger overcame some first moto throttle problems to take third after leading the early laps ofmototwo. Results 16 125 EX: 1. Donnie c.ntaloupi IYoml; 2. Paul Duchocher IYoml; 3. Brien ~ ISuzl. VET EX: 1. Stelle Ferroni (Yom): 2. Torry S-lVlm). VET JRlNOV: 1. Pete Dill IYom); 2. Mart< Mctnl_ IKTM); 3. Kevin Moore (Mai). OT: 1. Ernie Cabrol (Suzl; 2. Mike McKee IYoml' 3. Detz SilikoolVom). • 125 JR: 1. Sam K_ lHanl; 2. Tom DalziellVlml' 3. Rick Olson IVlm). . 125 NOV: 1. Jeff Cobrll ISuzl; 2. Sam Jor_lVlm); 3. Donny BoIs (Yoml. 110 MINI: 1. Eric Liddell (Yom); 2. Tony Floreo (Ylm)' 3. Stelle GilberllVom). • 100/PP: 1. Dove Gormony IYom); 2. Mileooo Roes IHan}; 3. Jeri M8'quordt IHan}. 250 EX: 1. Jotty Schtog IKTMI; 2. Jerome Heiberger IC·AI; 3. Shown McConn {Yom}. 250 JR: 1. Jim Lemke IKTMI; 2. Jerry Cobrol (Suzl· 3. Mike Reimers 1Suzl. • 250 NOV: 1. Ron Dilleoilio IKlwI; 2. Rom Ross (Hanl; 3. Don Wholey lVom). OPEN EX: 1. Donnie c.nlllloupi lVom); 2. George M~IIYom); 3. Jerome Heiberger (C·AI. OPEN JR: 1. Donnie Howkins (Ylm); 2. Mill Alene lVom); 3. Chuck Cochron (Yom). OPEN NOV: 1. Ronnie Johnoon ISuz}; 2. Don McNelly IMoi}; 3. Corey Persons IYom}, Stallings, Sparks speed to Huron MXwins By Jerry Parsons SparIts. Monty Hutson (Kaw) soon passed Broderick and moved in fast on Davis. Hutson got by Davis quickly and set his sights on SparIts. Broderick also wanted to race with SparIts and quickly regained second. SparIts fmished ftrst with Broderick taking second. Hutson fin.ished third. Results MINI JR: 1. Derek Noll IYom}; 2. Vincenl VllCiglio IKIw); 3. HoI Eller lVoml. MINIINT: 1. Jim Willey (Yom); 2. Mike KnollVoml' • 3. John Gorcio lVom). MINI EX: 1. Devid Bertin (KIw); 2. John Cook (Suz). ISuzl; 2. 5 _ HiM lVernl; 100 JR: 1. Lou _ 3. RIcherd WoodllVoml. 100 INT: 1. Pet Imperllrice lVom}; 2. PIliI _ ISuzl. 125 JR: 1. Pot Sperka ISuz); 2. Bobby Cook ISuzl; 3. seen Broderick ISuzl. 125 INT: 1. Jeff Stelli_ISuzl; 2. Don Boles (Yoml; 3.S_ _ IYom). 250 JR: I. Mike Imperl.,ice IYom); 2. Gory SISuzl; 3.lI

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