Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I ~;;;.J;;tib;;"""'t"'''Co1I''''''''-''''''''t.'''N'''''''_t.'''C'''''''''''''rI' ~ E lell-'II's hustles 101 at SSM $3000 Ama t eur Da v By Terry Whytal , ORANGE CA DEC , ' . .15 . M X F d J ff J ~ otO' ox n er e ennmgs turned in his Honda ride and ....... showed up this week at Saddle· ~ back with a 1981 Husky. "I'm ~ ... ,,, = amazed at how I adapted to the Huslr.y,". said Jennin~ after the ~ ... 0nM1 Pro race • "The bl e is really ~ ",_00 - . srnooth and easy to ride." , > J . had his bl . enmngs pro ems m moto one however, as Track 'N' Travel Maico star Ed Arnet powered into the lead with battling over the runner. Jennings and Pete Snoneland up slot. At the flag Arnet still held the advantage with Jennings just holding offSnoneland's DC Yamaha. Race two offered Jennings a c:hance at t h e overa II and he was up to t he challenge, fighting off Snoneland, Arnet and Suzuki rider Clint Hardick to take the win. Snoneland edged out Arnet for second but Arnet went home with the number two share of the pune as Snoneland finished third and Hardick fourth. Trials snrria\ist ,..-_. Marland Whaley rode a Huslr.y to 8·6 placings and the fifth overaU position. Honda teamster Johnny O'Mara captured the 250cc Pro win as teammateJun Gibson had problema in moto one and Kawasalr.i rider Roben Reisinger could only muster a founh after a tremendous victory in the fU'st moto. Reisinger still earned B' runner·up the Malo H da'd money as on n ers nan ney fmished third and Tony Gomez fmished founh. Suzuki rider Ron Turner ran into strong opposition in the 125cc Pro race but stiU reached the checkers first in both motos to clinch the overall. Turner battled with Honda rider d L Danny "Mil" Chandl goo a Habra Yamaha·sponsoreder an Beier Mike in route to his win as Chandler . _-, h ' I d'ffi I' expenenccu mec amca I ICU lies that put him in the DNF column and Beier had to settle for second place ahead of Yamaha rider Tim Lunde. David Andersen continued a long history of wins in the 250cc Inter. mediate class as he powered his Husky . . bo h d I~ 21 to VIctOry In t motos an c.t other riders to argue over second. Yamaha rider BiD Hair scored a 2.5 day and picked up the second place prizes behind Andersen. Gary Lower placed third on a Yamaha. Yamaha.mounted Robbie Buchanon diced his Yamaha to the Mini Novice win by placing a consistnet second in both motos. Terry McFarland won the first moto on his Yamaha but dropped to third in race two to fmish second overaU. Yamaha rider Eric Bellwood rounded out the top three by topping the second moto after having . . mec h aDica I problems m moto one. Results OPEN PRO: 1. ~ Jenningo CHuol; 2. Ed Arne! CMoiI; 3.""S-lYom!. 2IiOcc PlIO: 1. .Johmy 0-_ IHonI; 2. Rabon _ _ C~; 3. Brien MaloNy IHonI. 1250c PRO: 1. Ron T _ CSuzI; 2. Mikelleier IYam!; 3. rom Lundo lYoml. OPEN INT: 1. Ron - . lYoml; 2. Don GIo.lYom!; 3. Mike Hoir lYarnI. 2IiOcc INT: 1. Devid _ _ 1Huol; 2. Bill Hoir lYarnI; 3. Gory Lower lYom!. 1250c M: 1. HIrtey HoIllYoml; 2. Rabon l.MighIin lYarnI; 3. DonniI Hulon lYomI. OPEN NOV: 1. Ar1hur e - lYarnI; 2. John Tubin C_;3.Joe_lYarnI. 2l5Oa: NOV: 1. __ Stroup lYoml; 2. Kin GoldIe (Meil; 3. _ MInI CMIll. 1250c NOV; 1. Kavin Fringor CSuzI; 2. . , . , . _ _; 3. Jim - . C_. VETS: 1. K. . _ CMIll; 2. Ron -... lY_l; 3. '-~lYom!. .14 2l5Oa: BEG: 1. John _ CHonI; 2. lYlII1I; 3.1lIndy "-'lKawl. . s.m ChpolIo lY~.·3.JimBEG'="::"~CSuzlDonhom. ISuzl; 2. Milon IYarnI~ 2. TOITy _lYarnI; 3. Eric _lYomI. MINI BEG:.l. - . t GonIev lKawl; 2. W_ Bone lYom!;1 K..... _CSuzl. 100 BEG: 1. . - , HencIey CSuzI; 2. PouI V.. CSuzl. £ sperallza t OfJS Corolla HSMX By Ron Lawson CORONA CA DEC 12 . , . Esperanza High School wasCthe be I h team to at ast mont at or· ona Raceway. They were up against last year's champs, Red· Call1lOII booms at Corolla 7"P'HM I III 1ands High. and slightly out·numbered. but Esperanza rose to the challenge . 6' an d storm ed to t he wm b ya 1'pOlDt margin.' Leading them to victorv was 250cc ., Novice Roben Wedner (Hon). Wedner took both motos of his class. leaving-teammate David Neville (Mug) ~ d ff F 'Ceo F' hb k to en 0 ontanas rge IS ac (Yam) for second. Neville's 5·2 perfor· mance was good enough to give Esper· anza the top two spots. In the 125cc Novice class, Joe Zoller (Yam) traded wins with Mater Dei's Chris Allec ( ) h Yam to take another win for is school. It was the Mini classes that really gave Esperanza the lead. In the Novice ranks, Kun Strand (Yam) and Jay ( f h Genevay Yam) teamed up or anot er 1·2 punch over Fontana's Ron Donley (Yam), and in the Mini Senior class Todd Campbell was the lone Esperanza entry, but still he managed to hold off a horde of Redlands riders. He took both wins over Tony Romero (Suz), Sal Llamas (Suz) and Michael Finders (Suz). all from Redlands. Many Redlands riders had hard luck, but three of them did more than their share to put the school in second. Mike Edson (Yam), Rich Hoffman (Suz) and Yoshi Kubuta (Suz) took the top three spots in both the 125cc Senior and 175cc Senior classes. . Third place went to the Moreno Valley team over Mater Dei and Fontana. The smallest team award By Baine Jones CORONA, CA, DEC. 15 W·Ith a t h ' on tap t h' II e racmg . 15 .. --I·-d a good number of racers Wa:M:U were on hand for the TT and half mile at Corona. goes to Upland. with only one rider. Pat Weber entered both the 250cc and Open Senior classes and won both. giving Upland an average finishing position of first place. which is pretty hard to beat. In the unattached classes. it was the new kid in town who took home the 125cc Pro money. Olr.lahoma shoe Shan Niday of Corky's Kawasaki topped a small but competitive field with a 2·2 score. Rich Rodgers won the first moto after Craig Dale crashed, but Dale came back for the second round win. Overall. it was iday, Rodgers and Dale. Results MINI BEG: 1. John Sttoud ISuzl; 2. EriC Stroepeke IKaw); 3. Greg Swedetson ISuzl. MINI BEG: 1. ErK: Sacke" (Yam!; 2. Rich Her;' IYaml; 3. JimmvMoon IYaml. MINI NOV: 1. Rag.. Eblong IKawl; 2. Gary Dent IYam); 3. Mike Allen IYaml. MINIINT: ,. Steve Stewart IYam); 2. Chris Tavl'" IKawI;3.DonHovisIYaml. 125 BEG: 1. Mark Decker IYaml; 2. Dave P"ruccallo IYam);3. Pat Burns (Yaml. 125 BEG: ,. Con Berner IYaml; 2. Grog lawson (Yaml; 3. George Rose IYaml. 125 NOV: 1. Greg Bender (Yaml; 2. Mike Garcia lKawl; 3. Tony Thompson IYaml. 125 INT: 1. Vince McMahon IYaml; 2. Don Blain ISuz); 3. SeO" Marrs IYaml. 125 PRO: 1. Shan NidaV IKlwl; 2. Rick Rodgers IKawl; 3. Craig Dale IHonl. 250 BEG: 1. Ken Triple" IKawl; 2. Vermillier (Yaml; 3. Bob Greenstreet IYaml.. 250 NOV: 1. lennv Barba (Honl; 2. Dave Whatley lHonI;3.DougReyesIKawl. 250 INT: 1. John MazzlCane IKawl; 2. Kov,n Brooks IYaml; 3. Rav Cates IYam!. 250 PRO: 1. F1ed Combs IKaw!; 2. Andv Northrup IHanI; 3. JOITy Blade IM..I. OPEN BEG: 1. Mike Senier IYaml; 2. David Neal IYom);3.DonPreui"IYaml. OPEN INT: 1. Don Stanley IYaml; 2. Pat Hawley I&uzl. ,': . • P H _-, ff th M ete ames stancu 0 e oney c1asses with a wire to wire romp in the 0 TT H abo of pen. ames got a tllste some hard com.-iuo·n to come m' the ,..-presence of Jeff Johnson, who has really staned putting things together in the put few ~. Add to that __II_ _ h. _~.....J b'L- b lOme exU:U~~l r~"..~- ~ Y Tony Denim and you have a deadly combination. Johnson was right on Hames' 'tail the whole way but the uSimi Flash" piclr.ed a radical line through tUJ1Jll three and four and it gave him the edge he needed. Chris C annon h-'d 0 ff Mike Mmmg and .. CJ Bobby Sanders for third. Th 2 Oc M half mil e 5 coney e was another wire to wire romp for Hames with Terry Singleton and Roger Thompson doing the chasing. It was Thompson's first time out in the %5Occ dUl and he gave away a few cubic centimeters aboard a 175 but more than held his own, picking up the TT Amateur/Expen Sponsmen go over Keith Gutherv and Rob Hauay and ., running second to Jeff Johnson in the 250cc Expen half mile ahead of Dorothy Rowe. The most unpredictable clUll of th.e night was the Open Money half mile. Off the line it was Pete Hames leading with Mike M'mnig second and Jeff ' Johnson thira. On the fourth lap Hames lost his brakes in tum two and was out. Minnig moved into fim and Chris Cannon, off the line last, came charging through to pick up second with Johnson stiI1 in third. Minnig held the lead for three laps and then C annan made his move, went to t h e front and for the Illst three laps kept Minnig in the second slot. Bobby Sanders got by Johnson on the eighth lap and came up with third. J ff L___ U ---' both .L_ e Jo".......n CO eetcu uu:: Open Amateur/Expen TT and the n..-. Ex . . ~r-" pen h aI f ' le, gotng WIre to ml wire in both. On the TT he used his 500cc Honda to top Tom H~hes and Greg Nelson. He then dim aboard his new 750cc Harl- to get the feel of -, it and promptly blew the half mile troops away. proving he's a very quick study. Dorothy Rowe and Craig Roloff were second and third. Mike Kirby, young son of Tony Denius, was the big winner of the night with four. With no minicycles on hand h ' ....f. hiDe cl e Jumr-- mto t e =cc Ul and proceeded to run away with both the TT and half mile. Tim Titus Jr. and Brian Runyan were second and third H . h b ck .L_ ,,-. e came ng t a to UK: lIlK" • i,n. tJte. ~5.0q: NQvj~ Qi~n I TT ;and half mile and - - ' Rick in front from again was M • nd bqrinmng to alU. onon a BObby Beer were second and third on the TT while Brian Bradford and Monon were 2·5 on the half mile. Resu Its TT 1250c NOV: 1. Mike KIrby 1Hanl; 2. Tm r... Jr. lHonI 3 . _ Runyon lYom! ~ NOV Dtv 1: 1. Mike KIrby lYom!; 2. Riel< _lYom!; 3.1lobby s..lYom!. 2IiOcc NOV Dtv 2: 1 Brien _ CHonI' 2. DorricI< V. . lYomI; 3. T.-W_CCZl. • 2IiOcc AMIEX: 1. Rogor""--, lYoml; 2. Keilh Gultwy lYarnI; 3. Rob ~ lYarnI. OPEN NOV Dtv 1: 1. Den K-.e lYomI; 2. . . . . S_lYomI;3._FeelYomI. OPEN NOV Dtv 2: 1.1C-'lh _1Hanl; 2. Jim W_lY-' 3 BabW_IBuIl ~ .,.; . . OPEN AMIEX: 1. ~ Johr-.IHanl; 2. Tom .......lYomI; 3. GNg "-'lYarnI. OPEN MONEY; 1. . . . . . . . . . lYarnI; 2. ~ Johr-. (Hanl; 3. ChriI lYwnl. HAlF MIlE 125cc NOlI: 1. Mike KIrby IHonI; 2. rm r... .Jr CHonI; 3. Runyon lYom!. 2IiOcc NOV DIV 1: 1. Mike KIrby lYlI'ItI; 2. Brien _CHonI;3.RIeI<_lYarnI. 2IiOcc NOV Dtv 2: 1. Jell "",-lYoml; 2. DorricI< v.. lYomI; 3. T _ W_ICZl. lYom~.3.~,.=...t~.lYoml; 2. Keilh Gultwy ~.u, 2l5Oa: EX: 1. TOITy Slnglolan lYom!; 2. Rogor Thompeon lYarnI; 3. Dorotttv"""'-lYoml. OPEN NOV: 1. Syk. lYoml; 2. Den K-.e c..non , o.n lYoml;3.Tom~lYoml. OPEN AM: 1. Don _ _ lYom!; 2. J.R. CuIirwl lTril EX: 1. ~ Johr-.lK-DI; 2. Dorotttv " " lYom!; 3. CIlia _lYlII1I. 2IiOcc MONEY: 1. .... IKawI; 2. TOITy oPeN ~lY"";3.Rogor""--,lY"". OI'£H MONEY; 1. CIwIo c..non lYlmI: 2. ..... .......... ~ ..... 3.B~~~~ ... --.. --" - - - - - . McCulstioll masters eRe Carlsbad IftA ..v By Lee Taylor CARLSBAD, CA, DEC. 21 California Racing Club riders descended on Carlsbad the Sun· day before Christmas, out for a crack at the gold, an early Christ· mas present. And the spectators waal't disappointed. In the 125cc Pro race, they cheered themselves hoane as Cun McCuistion put his Christmas green Kawasalr.i through iu paces and turned lOme lap times that would put Santa·s. reindeer to shame. In both motos McCuistion had Yamaha Motor Corp. rider Erik Kehoe eating his dust and Steve Bolger, also Yamaha·mounted, running a hot third. Both motos saw the same action as McCuistion tied a ribbon around top money for the clUl. Kehoe took home second place loot and Bolger came acrOlS with a solid 5· 5 ride. The 80cc Beginners chewed up the Carlsbad turf with tight action going throughout both motos. Jimmy Moon let his Yamaha loose and into the lead, on his way to back·to· back wins. Ramon Dominquez followed suit in second, leaving a battle royale to be waged over third between Jason Davenpon and David Kirkpatrick. Davenpon controUed the third place slot throughout the fust moto but the second time around, lost control to Kirkpatrick. Davenpon came through by the end of the day with third overall. pushing Kirkpatrick to founh. James Nyysti pushed both riders relentlessly throughout the day to grab fifth overall. The 250cc Pros saw Mike Tripes clean up for the day with a spectacular pair of wins. Dave Hamada, who had a founh the fU'st time around, pushed his Kawasalr.i to the limit in the second moto, breathing fire down Tripes' jersey and holding second to the wire for second place bounty. David Hammond, who held a finn second the first time out, was pushed back to founh in the second moto and ended tI,e day with a third ~.u.

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