Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 19 of 55

matically made a rider a crowd ' favorite, could only hit the markers for measurements of 91'8" and 93' on his attempts. won his semi only hundredths of a second behind at 2.20 .969. In the face off trophy dash, Garrison wheeled past the checker inches ahead of Scott while Mark Rooks finished thir d . In the main event: Scott finally got the upper hand as he aced his rival from Tulare, California for the win. Finishing third after a hard drive through the pack was Amateur night winner David Durelle on a Honda. r Resu lts o 00 0') ....-l ~ ci'> 1-0 Q) 100cc: 1. TImmy Derby (Vam); 2. Jeff Fish (Honl; 3. Ronald Schmidt (Yaml. 125cc: 1. Lonnie Hall (H·DI; 2. Tracy Homandberg (KTM); 3. Barry Severson (Kaw). 175cc: 1. HeJ2 Resu lts ' FINAL: 1. Mickey Fev IHon): 2. Jim Filice IVam); 3. Daniel Atkinson (Kaw); 4. Jeff Haney (Han); 5. Lars Trulson (Hon); 6. Charles Harramore {Yaml; 7. Mark Lenhardt (Vaml; 8. Brian Ande

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