Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Saturday's even ts featured a full sla te of No vice, Junior and Expert races which served as a shake down run for Sunda y's Western Regional races. The rider list was down somewhat fro m previous yea rs due to t he increased cost of transporting a team to Sturgis and also because of a schedul ing con flict with a race in DuQuoin , Illinois. In the N ovice final on Saturday, David Durelle served notice that his good p lacings during th e week's sho rt track events were no flukes by winning th e Novice final over Jeff Johnson an d Mike Garrison. Rounding out the to p fou r was Friday night sho rt track winner , Bill Sco tt . Richard Arnai z of Stockton , CA , piloted his Harley to a win over the BSA of Todd Giesick in the Junior fina l. Fr ank Word of Grants Pass , OR bested Coloradan Chubby Armou r in the Expert fin al, and Team Honda's Jeff Haney held thir d away fro m T y . Cawley on a H arley. In Sunday's ra ces , the leaders board started out the same with David Durrelle again taking th e No vice final over Mike Garrison and Mark Rooks. Things were a bit different in the Junior final , however. Jim Filice got the circuit wired early on and won the race over Steve Oort and Daniel Atkinson . The best that Saturday's Junior final victor, Richard Arnaiz could do was fourth ahead of Todd Giesick. The real race of the day was the Expert final which was bumped up in the program list to head off a gathering storm. From the first to the last tum it was a contest between Mike Minnig and Team Honda's Jeff Haney. Though the ra cing was tig ht for several other places, especially among J oe Wilson, Mickey Fa y (Hon), and Brad Hurst (Tri) for fifth through seventh slots , all eyes were at the front of the field. ' For the second year in a row , Team Honda p rovided the excitem en t although they have yet to win here. Haney was all over Minnig and Minnig tried everything he could to shake the shadow that followed him , but cou ldn't. So it was , lap after lap , Minnig thundering down the straights trying to use the sheer horsepower of his 750cc Harley V-twin to flee from Haney's 500cc single-cylinder Honda. In th e turns , Haney sliced the distance and would attempt a pass , first on the inside , then the outside of Minnig, but Minnig didn't flinch. Down the straight again , Haney hung in Minnig's slips tream , drafting Minnig, wa iting for a slip, any kind of mistake. Minnig made none and wheeled to a much deserved and fought for victory. . it was the closest Expert fina l race in recent times. To call it spectacular would be an understatement. BEL-RAY: THE LIFE-BLOOD OF TEAM KAWASAKI. o 00 O"l ....-4 Blll-RrIrnew GK-1 Ultta-High RPIIZ-cyClilJil: Formulated lorthe demands oftoday's 13 ,000plus RPM aled/of or gasoline 2-Cyde engines! Bel-RIlY DOT· 5: Sili onebrake lIuid r nd forsurerstops in aUweather co itions, racing or street! CHAMPIONS DEPENDABILITY, QUALITY. BEL ·RATCOMPANY, INC. INTERNATIONAL CORP. HDOTRS. P.O. Bo 526. dep BR x t. ·S1 Farm ingdale. NJ 07721 (201 938-2421 T ) elex 132476 WESTERN HEADOUARTERS 561S. Stale Co /lege Blvd. Dep BR-81 t Fu llerton. CA92631 (714) 738-8 474 @ir@OO(clf(C[l~ir~OO~ Results SATlJRDAY: NOVICE MAIN: 1. DevidDunIIIelHonl; 2. Jeff JohnIlln lYom); 3. Milto GorrUllYom); 4. Bill Scott lYom); 5. DaIo . - lYom); 6. ~ P _ lYom) 7. ; Cion DuIonoy lYom); 8. Lome Wolford lYom); 9. Oonnio_lYom). JU!lJOR MAIN: 1. Ric:hord Amoiz lH-D); 2. Todd Giooi<:k 1BSAl; J. Randy T _ IH-O); 4. ChrIoo Nonomoro lYom); 5. S _ Oort IH-O); 6. DonioI AtIdnIon lYom); 7. Keith Sotro (Tn'!; 8. 8'''n Andonon (Tnl; 9. Kevin_ (H-O); 10. Sol HoffmonIH-O). EXPERT MAIN: 1. Fronk Word lYom); 2. Chubby Armour IH-O); 3. Jolt Haney IHonJ; 4. Ty CawIoylH-DI; 5. Joe WIloon(H-DI; 6. Peter Hoole (H-OI; 7. Mickey Fey lHonJ 8. Miko Minnig IH-O); 9. Donnil F"otzo (H-O); 10. ; 8todloy Wo~... IH-D); 11. Dow Busby lYom); 12. E8-1 RolofflYlm). SUNDAY: NOVICE MAIN: 1. Dlvid Durello IHen); 2. Miko Gorrloon lYom); 3. MorkRooks (Hon); 4. lome Wofford lYlm); 5. Dion Dulonoy lYom); 6. Terry Singloton lYom); 7. PetrickSelglo lYom); 8. Mort< WillominlYom); IBull; 10. TnlVilllobcock IHen). 9. Devid_ JUNIOR MAIN: 1. J im FilicelH-D); 2. SI... Oort IHD);3. DonielAtI SOAIH METZELER SALE 300 x 21 $38.00 325 x 21 $39.95 No phone or moilorders p _ • !o( Ih ' ICr: 1/. -Ie", , . Nanhag ~ Formula (gntlnental !> AL( ~ (213)539-4150 ~~can-am . 581... Service. Pem FAST lUlL ORDER 7uel'1I7uw1 . 1637 E. Welnut. Peuct_. CA 91101 (2131 796-2711 21

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