Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._.__ .•._.__.__._._._._.__._.__._.__._._._._._._.••.._ ......... Western hotIine Tom Sawyer 161 and Todd Simmons get a little close at Corona. Robenson (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Robert TIlIo- (Suz); 2. Chuck Gehis (Yam); 3. Cor Schoutln (Sul). 125 NOV: 1. Ed Gehis'(Yam); 2. Joe KIIege< IYaml; 3. Jim Edmiston (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Mike Wild (Suz); 2. Kin Miller (Yam); 3. Dale Reom IHen). 250 INT: 1. Pol Toylor (Henl; 2. Alon Paintor (Hon); 3. Mort< Ilninch (Suz). 250 EX: 1. Mork Borneo (Yaml; 2. Clint Tarvin (Hon); 3. Jorry HonsIoy ISul). OPEN NOV: 1. Scott Woloon IVem); 2. TIm Holcombe lVam); 3. Rob MegdoI (Sul). OPEN INT: 1. Ron Lowoon lSuz); 2. Fronk Slid (Moi). OPEN EX: 1. Mork " - (Moil; 2. - . . Slid IMoi); 3. Eddie Michetti IMoiI. SA VETS: 1. Paul Woldo lVaml; 2. Ron Brehm (Kawl; 3. Ed Michetti (Moi). BEG VETS: 1. Donny Draw lVaml; 2. John Slid (Moil. DeAnza 250cc Pro winner Mark s.-Ieeds Clint Tarvin. Barnsforming af DeAnzaMX ' By Ron Lawson SUNNYMEAD, CA,JULY I Barnes Yamaha rider Mark Barnes was unstoppable in the 250cc Pro class at DeAnza Sunday, taking both motos by storm. 28 He tim~ the countdown and blast off just right in the first moto and shot into the -first tum ahrad of Chris Tarvin (Hon) and Clint Tarvin (Hon). Barnes slowly pulled ahrad while Chris and his brother di~ for the runnerup spot. The family feud went until the RVenth lap when bod1 Clint and Jerry Hensley (Suz) managed to grt by Chris. Hensley didn't stop there and ~ore th~ chedBt:d flag cam~ out he was sitting in RCOnd place ahrad of Clint. Bob S~phenson (Suz) was fifth. In the next race, Clint jum~ into the lead with Barnes right on his tail. After a shon dice Bames was back on top but Clint was still at word boldiDg off Randy McLynlre (Yam) who held right on to th~ Honda rider's tail for 10 lape. McLyntre It~t looking for an opening that DCVfi cam~ until just bdor~ the white flag when he dropped out of lhe race. Hensley was securely in founh aU this time while Chris was dicing with. Stephenson and Frank Cody for fifth. When McLyntre came off the track, thefall mov~ up a spot and that's how they ftnished. In the Open Expert class three Taylor fakes Corona home riders that were quite capable of By Ron Lawson winning clashed with each other, making for an exciting race. First CORONA, CA, JUNE 29 Mark Page (Mai) held the lead. then Even though Corona regulars IS-year-old Eddie Michetti (Mai) took John Greenway and Marty Miller over_ But on the next lap. Michetti put in very good rides respectivewent down and Page was back on top, ly in the 125cc and 250cc Pro this time with Mike Said (Mai) pressuring him. Then Said was the classes, the show belonged to LOP's rider to go down, giving Michetti Dave Taylor at Corona. Taylor won 0lll0tha chance to get into the money. , both classes easily with four moto wins The dice for ~d place went all the in spite of the tough competition. way to the last lap where Michetti held In the 125cc class, he won the race on to a narrow lead. In the next race. to the first turn while Greenway folPage jum~ into the lead while Said lowed on his DG Honda ahead of Rick and Michetti followed. Michetti Rodgers (Kaw). Keith Williamson palled Said, then start~ to work on (Suz) and Scott Manning (Suz). Page. It tooIr. most of the race for Both Taylor and Greenway start~ Michetti to find an opening, but once to pull away but the battle lines were he did pass Page. his stay on top was being drawn for a hot struggle for once again shan liv~. He tangled third. While Rodgers and Williamson, with a Ia~ rider on the 10th lap who have been dicing since t1ie Inter· and went down, but then Page did th~ m~iate days, were involv~ with each· same thing and the lead went to Said. . other. the rider to watch was Andy Overall !t was still Page, Said and Orescanin (Suz). He started off in Michetti. ninth but by lap six he was right ~hind Williamson. who then crashed. The I25cc Beginner class was again making Orescanin's job easier. a triumph for Robnt Tello, Jr. (Suz), Meanwhile, back up front Greenway who tooIr. bod1 motos. Behind, him in had also gone dowp but was still in a bod1 moto& was Chuck Gehis (Yam) distant second. The win went to and Cor Schouten (Suz). Darren Taylor with the pack following far -DeFluiter went 4-5 for ftfth ~hindJeff behind. Pledger's 3-4 founh placing. In the following race Taylor and Results Greenway again made shambles of the =,:~~ _ I S u l I ; 2. Mark rest of the field. As in the ftrst round P& WEE n: 1. _ SIller lSuz); 2. AJIIn Brehm the race for third was close, with rarely more than 40 feel separating five P& WEE .n: 1. Kerrt T _ IVeml; 2. MK:hIeI. riders. Orescanin finally pull~d _ BEG: 1. _ _ lKIwt; 2. Jimmy slightly away and the finishing ord~r ..... 1Y. .1 _ n - - a e - t . _ NllV: 1. tlorrly _ ...... IVam); 2. Leonerd was Taylor, Greenway. Orescanin, -...... 1':": -. Todd Baldwin (Suz) and Manning. Taylor did th~ sam~ thing to the 250cc class with Don Griewe (Kaw) following through most of round one. Th~ only rider who was turning fast~r laps than the LOP 'shoe was Marty Miller (Suz) who cam~ up from the rear to pass Griewe and close on the leader. Th~ chec~red flag, however, prevented a full scale battle from erupting. The ~cond race saw Millerpull the hol~hot but crash ~fore one lap was complete. Taylor won for th~ fourth time that night with Juan Benavidez '(Yam) s«ond and Griewe third. Overall, Gri~we and B~navidez switched positions for the money. The 250cc Novice race was hardly a race at all with Tom Hodgin (Suz) running away and biding from the r~t of th~ pack. The cl~t of his victims was Craig Fisher (Suz) who went 2-2 ahead of Jim Galatioto (Suz). Hodgin, who is 14 years old and can count the numb~r of tim~ he has ridden a 250cc on one and a half hands, will cont~t the Intermediate class next time he rides. Results MINI BEG: 1. Phil Smith lVam); 2. Rich GaIarioto (Kaw); 3. Tony _ (Yaml. M(NI BEG: 1. Steve Morehouse (Kawl; 2. Tim Rulhorford (Kaw); 3. Don Black lSuzl.• MINI NOV: 1. Gary Cla,k lYam); 2. Danny Wawrzvnial< lVam); 3. JIMln W_lVam). 100 BEG: 1. Tony Totono ISuz); 2. Pol Schrofflor (Yam); 3. MIIIl Urhanok lVam). 100 INT: 1. Randy Roishor; 2. Tony Rossetti lVam); 3. Rob Chaplin lVaml. 125 BEG: 1. Jamie Jollnoon (Hen); 2. Mike ScMxwydor lVam); 3. David Barr>. (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Cor Schouter lSuzl; 2. Tom WeoIcos lSuz); 3. Tack Scott (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Steve Redding (Hon); 2. Don Barry (Suz); 3. Clvis Scott lSuz). 125 NOV: 1. Don Blain (Sul); 2. Mike Brinkley lVeml; 3. Kenny Gcm..., 1Vam). 125 BEG: 1. Dirk Davidow lVam); 2. Hanthorn lVam); 3. Mike Garcia 1Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Rick JacIcMwlISuzl; 2. Ryan Eido (OG); 3. Jorry Black lVam). 125 PRO:' 1. Devid Toylor lVaml; 2. John Greenway (Hon); 3. Andy Drelcanin (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. KtNin Bannon IYeml; 2. Jomos Mobley IYam); 3. Chuck lSuz). 250 BEG: 1. Coomo Daquila ISul); 2. Kin_ B,_IHen);'3. Robert BelIIHen). 250 NOV: 1. Tom Hodgin (Su.); 2. C,aig Filhor (Sull; 3. Jim GaIatklto lSuz). . 250 NOV: 1. David Neal IHen); 2. Robert ~ IYaml; 3.,Kevin Andrewa (Hen). 250 INT: 1. E,ic MICC,acken (HUll; 2. Dave Fornandoz lVem); 3. ~ I.anlz (Hen). 250 PRO: 1. Da.. Taylor lVam); 2. Don Griawe (Kaw); 3. Juan Benavidez lVam). OPEN BEG: 1. Torry WInds. ISu.); 2. Dave Ouke (Suz); 3. Bob Klobo lVaml. OPEN NOV: 1. Paul Schreffler {Hool; 2. George Wehrman lVaml; 3. Pit Longfellow {KTMI. OPEN INT: 1. Mike Roach {Yam!; 2. ~ Eide (OGI; 3. Kinny JonM (HUll. OPEN PRO: 1. Devid Williams IMai); 2. Grog Cote (Mail; 3. Tad Hoyt IYam). o.n

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