Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Class !l0 winner and also involved in the pile up described as a "Vietnam War Zone." Johnson quickly restarted and began chasing the physical overall leader Kevin Davis (250 Mai), fresh from the previous night's 250cc Pro win at the local Las Vegas Saturday night motocross. They were followed physically by Sid Tarbet, a H.usky mounted Open Expert, an unidentified pie plaie rider lA, Mike Miller (450 Mai). and Harden. . Sixth overall on the first lap and second 250cc Expert was Leonard Sikorski (Yam) followed closely by number one 250cc rider Marc Knudsen (KTM), on his first ride after breaking some toes just prior to the Las Vegas 400. Billy McDaniels on a borrowed Suzuki came around next, holding down first 125cc overall, which he did all day. and he was followed by the first two Amateurs and a surprisingly hard charging Max Switzer, the first Over !IS rider. I guess Max must be getting along OK with new new Maicol By the second lap johnson had managed to put a bikelength on Davis into the pits.. They had about five minutes on now third overall Harden, who followed by Tarbeu', the phantom rider "A," Miller and Sikorski. Knudsen was next, about 10 minutes behind, now being followed closely by Chris Howard on a 250cc . Maico. Howard seems to be recovering very well from a broken leg suffered earlier this season since he finished a close second to Davis in the 250cc Pro MX the night before in Las Vegas. On the third lap things started to get confusing as johnson whipped in a !l5·minute lap and hurried to his pit to replace a flat rear tire. Davis also limped in, sans footpeg and with a flat rear tire. Harden nearly knocked himself silly sailing over the bars but recovered quick enough to move within one minute of Johnson, who wils still first out of the pits to start lap four. Tarbet came through about four minutes later, being quiekly pursued by a repaired Davis, then Sikorski, who was soon to drop out with a flat rear tire. The battle for second 250cc overall tightened as Howard and Knudsen left the pits almost together with Howard taking the lead when Knudsen slid out momentarily on the slippery sand covered blacktop in the pits. The fourth lap reflected pretty much the same order, with Johnson cutting a 27·minute lap and Harden moving to within two minutes of him. The front .runners were lapping more ·and more of the rest of the pack and considering the staggered -Slarting positions, keeping track of who was where became harder and harder. After the spectacular finish of johnson and Harden, one of the next to finish lap five was Tarbet, followed by Davis and, within minutes, Howard. Their times would be close, but the unofficial nod goes to Davis for first 25Occ. A few miles out on the course sat a disappointed Knudsen, who had lost his ignition while battling with Howard. Rolling in next was first Over !IS rider Switzer who seemed to make up more time thtoughout the duration of the race then anyone. First 125 overall was McDaniels who reported, "It's easier letting the fast guys liy. then trying to pass the slow ones." (He started in the front rowl) The official results will follow soon, after the score' keeper unravels the 200·plus tank cards and time slips. Keep the first weekend in july open next year and become a part of the Chargers West interpretation of classic grand prix motorcycle racing. • MAIL ORDER ·DIRECT AND 60'::i\1'« SAVE 500 /0! .sU~. I I I II some of 1M best sawlngson First Quality Br.nd fUme MX mer.Ch...dlsel c.ll us Toll Free for our complete price list! 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