Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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............................. tallied an easy victory, Burnworth was second, then Lett, Blanton and McDougal. In the 250cc Pro event, moto one saw Gibson again winning hands down. In hot pursuit of Gibson was the "Teenie Meanie," Kawasaki's Jeff Ward. In many instan<:es Ward pulled within bikelengths of the Honda, but Gibson just turned up the wick and began to pull away. The moto ended with Gibson again collecting all the marbles. Moto two was a different story. The first chapter was the same. Gibson in the lead. but Ward was chased frantically by Mike Schoffstall (Mai) and Jim Domann (Yam). Schoffstall fell off the pace quickly. with Domann moving ahead of the Maico rider along with Bill Keefe (Yam).. With Gibson and Ward beg;nning to lap the slower riders on lap nine. Ward pulled off the track in dismay. The factory Kawasaki had spit its chain and lay at rest on an embankment. This left Domann a sole second with Ron Blanton (Hon) now moving ahead of Keefe and Tony <;;omez (Suz). Gibson was awarded the overall glory with a II tally. Gomez was second with a 3-5 iota I then Blanton, Keefe and Andy Kirker (Yam). Chris Chaffee (Yam) was the big winner in the Open Pro class with a 12 scoring just ahead of G. Cote (Mai). Cote scored a healthy victory in the second moto with Chaffee and Clint Hardick (Mai) right on his tail. Hardick finished third in the standings followed by the KTM-mounted S. McDonald. rlle __ im,.,na~ race ill elle u.s. ellis. ~ ella...,.,.. SParkPlug2tItJICM """"'ulG 7SO GeI.GgUIIG sear. There's only one Formula 750 cycle race in the U.S. this year that carries world championship points. It's at Laguna SeCa, August 4 and 5. You'll watch the best cycle racersintheworfdcompeteforovel'$80,OOO in prize money. And you'll see supemi#(e Results MINI JR: ,. H. Erler (Suz); 2. R. Rundle (Yam); 3. A. _(Esc). l00cc JR: ,. P. Lepp (Suz); 2. K. Wetherington (Suz); 3. M. vanCamp (Suz). 12Scc JR: ,. B. Newman ISuz); 2. B. Oeocon !Yam); 3. D. DeYoung (Mai). 250cc JR: ,. R. Binkley IYam); 2. B. 5chwar1zman (Han); 3. R. Plumb lHan). 500cc JR: 1. P. Davy (Mai); 2. J. Castillo (Suz); 3. D. Martin (Mail. 12Scc INT: 1. D. Dubach !Yam); 2. E. Baker (Esc); 3. T. n-doo. (Suz). 250cc INT: ,. 5. Pfaff !Yam); 2. G. Wilson (Han); 3. R. Munyon (Hanl. 500cc INT: 1. E. Mozina (Suz); 2. K. Petrengelo (Cem); 3. J. Roy (Mei). 125cc PRO: 1. J. Gibaon (Honl;.2. 5. Burnworth (Suzl; 3. C.le!l (Yaml. 250cc PIlO: 1. J. Gibson (Honl; 2. T. Gomez ICbl; 3. R. Blanton lHanI. . 500cc PRO: 1. C. Chaff.. IYam); 2. G. Cot. (Mail; 3. C. Hardick (Mail. Minis move at DeAnza By Ron Lawson SUNNYMEAD, CA. JUNE 10 It was suddenly summer at De Anza Cycle Park with temperatures in the 90s and low 1005, but that didn't even slow down the Mini Beginners who came out in full force. making one of the biggest races of the day. Jimmy Palmer was the hottest rider in round one. and he proved it by putting his Yamaha in front' and leading -every lap. Ross Janke (Suz) held second in the early laps. but was soon displaced by Danny Wawrzyniak (Yam), who then ran into difficulties and handed the position to Trini Camarena (Suz.). Camarena held on to it all the way to finish second ahead of Janke, Eric Fraser (Yam) and Mike Thompson (Kaw)'. Round two was much closer with the lead changing hands several times. In the end. however. it was Wawrzyniak in front with Thompson. Camarena. Palmer and Janke following. Overall, it was Camarena by virtue of his consistency over Palmer .and Thompson. races, sidecar races, plus a great new AFM District 36 MotoCross race tor amateurs. And you can stay at Laguna Seca's own campground, complete with restrooms and showers. So get your tickets now to the race of the year. r----------------------• • • •• • iJ.MJ e. IC~~ONI _. L • • I I I I I Please send me tickets to the Champ;on $parle Plug 200 KM at laguna Seca Raceway on Aug. 4-5. VIPtkkets at $25.00 2-day ticlcets at $12.00 Saturday tickets at $4.00 Sunday tickets at $9.00 _g' :.,,, , , 10''1 .-.f TOTAL: $ _ Enclosed ;s my check or money order. ( ) Please charge to my 0 VISA or 0 Master Charge. _ Signature Card No. Expiration date Camping facilities available with 2-day or VIP ticket. Please sendme tickets at $10 for eaclt campsite. NAME ADDRESS _ • () CITY STATE ZIP Mall coupon to: nCKET'S, Po 0. 80x SCRAMp, Monterey, CA 93940 (PfJone 4OS.3-=-7=-3-=-.-18-=-U--:"'J.--Tickets also at Tkketron, Macy's, BASS, Emporium and Capwell's. I I I Subscribe and get your name on the front page of Cycle News. --------------------------------Cycle News Vest Order yours today Only $2J..95 ·Complete line for racing bikes ·Requires no oiling ·Smoothest pulling cable ·Flexible throttle wire gives long life ·Heavy duty housing. resists stretch and abuse Cycle News Products P.O. Box 498, Long Beach. Ca. 90801 Not bulletproof but lightweight & wcwm. Bright red with red & white embroidered Cycle News patch. PO Box 1321, Hesperia, CA 92345 (714)247·2646 Out of state call toll free 18001854-4691 _ Address State_ _ Zip_ _ Credit card limit $5.00 City Pie••• fill in your complete account Write for Free literature' Terrycable Name, ,...,.•_.""',••-'olI"'__ number aod expiration date. Card expires _ L / I I Signllture I / I / I I I '":.:: ==~ ~ :::".:,::~t= ~ =;m~..:... / I I I I ~ ~ to .... .ccor-.- Size Smel' 0 Medium 0 Large 0 :'"'MoCfo~'-'""'dte- e"-"'g.D C8lif. rnidttnu add ll'llo ..... tax. ~ 33

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