Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I _._._._._._._._._..._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-._._._._._._._._._._._.== ~ern bodine . ~ E Rick. Jackson is the one up front in Corona's 12Scc Intermediates. In the Pro classes it was Mark Ellis that set the pace on his FMF Yamaha 400. He followed Ken Taylor's Suzuki for several laps in round one and then look the lead and ran away froin the combined Experts. The second mota saw only Ellis on top. The l!50cc hot shoes were topped by Danny Jean (Suz), who put in a' hot ride to win both motos. In round one. his competition came from Chris Tarvin (Han). Tarvin pulled the holeshot and led Jean through a see·saw race. but eventually began to tire and fell back to second. Race two was Randy Fleming's turn to push the leader.. but once again it was Jean on top at the finish. Overall it was Jean. Fleming, Tarvin. Jeff Lambson (Yarn) and Clint Tarvin (Yam). The 125cc Experts were taken by Rick Stout (Suz). who took the second molO over John Silva (Suz) and first moto winner Craig Gormley (Suz). Greenway again at ftnt Intermediate moto and told him to line up with the Expert class where he did q~ite well. Greenway got the holeshot and established a small lead. but a.s soon as Wilkinson got out of traffic he was actually gaining on the leader. Before he had· a chance to show what he could do. however, he went down and lost a position to Phinip Taboada (Suz). Greenway fmished with a strong lead and in the next moto he did it all over again. From start to finish Greenway had it all and this time. Wilkinsop managed to hold on to second place for second overall. In the 125cc class, it was much the same story with Greenway leading every lap. Second place held an interesting duel between in the fiTSt moto Rick Stout (Suz), Craig Dale (Yam) and Andy Orescanin (Suz). Orescanin eventually carne out on top while both Stout and Dale DNF and third went to Chris Swank (Kaw). The next time around. Orescanin again found himself in a battle for second while Greenway ran away with the lead. Troy Lee (Suz) held off both Rick Rodgers (Suz) and Orescanin for several laps but in the end, it was again Orescanin and Swank in second and third. . One of the hardest fought battles of the day was in the I25cc Intermediate class where Rick Jackson (Suz) met Fred Combs (Suz). Combs had the lead through the early laps of moto one. but Jackson never gave him a moment's rest. It wasn't until the fifth lap that Jackson finally found a way around Combs to take the lead. From there on in, it was all Jackson with Combs following ahead of Ryan Eide and Danny Rivas (Suz). The next mota had no other leader than Jackson. Combs once again followed in front of Eide and Alan Coau and that's how the overall went. CoronaMX Results Results PEE WEE I: 1. Dllffen Hoopinggain (Suz); 2. Allen Brohm (Suz); 3. John Alton (Honl. PEE WEE II: 1. Judo W . - (Hon); 2. Michool Michetti (Hanl. MINI BEG: 1. Trini Comorono (Suzl; 2. Jimmy _ IVoml; 3. Miko Thompoon (Kawl. MINI NOV: 1. Loo""'d R~ (Suzl: 2. Brion Soon (Suzl: 3. Miko Lui"". (Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Robert Tolio (Suzl; 2. Mark Williomson (Suzl: 3. Robert Fabien ISuz). . 125 NOV: 1. Footer Edwords (Vam): 2. Ray Eberlin (Suzl: 3. Jim Edmiston ISuz). 125 INT: 1. Fred Combs ISuzl: 2. Danny Purirtton lSuzl; 3. Dave _ _ (KIWI. • 125 EX: ,. Rick Stout (Suzl; 2. John SiNa ISuzl; 3. Craig Gormley (Suzl. 250 BEG: ,. Peter e-... Naml; 2. Mol Van GoIclor (Honl; 3. Gfog Roberg IHanI. 250 NOV: 1. Pot Toylor (Hanl; 2. Miko Wood lSuzl; 3. John Moll< lSuzl. 250 EX: 1. Joan CSuzI; 2. Randy Fleming CSuzl; 3. Chris Tanrin lHanI. OPEN BEG: 1. Jim Baini IVarnI; 2. _ -.on !Moil: 3. Ervin Lvne:N- lBuD. OP£N NOV: 1. Stove Ash NarnI: 2. Kan Kaney Naml. . OP£N !NT: 1. Eddie _ i (Mall; 2. Ron _ Namk 3. BiN Koch l5uzl. OP£N EX: 1. _ Ellis Nam); 2. Kan Toylor CSuzl. SR VETS: 1. Ron Brehm IVaml: 2. Ed Michon; !Moi). • By Ron Lawson CORONA, CA,JUNE 15 John Greenway made it two weeks in a row in the 250cc Pro class at Corona Raceway, but this time he threw in a 125cc 34 class win to boot. He captured all four motos, . making him the top money· maker of the night while the remaining Pro class 'was captured by Ted Hoyt on his 400cc Yamaha. The 250cc Intermediate clas lost Scott Willtinson (Han) to the Proa when officials flagged him out of the MINI BEG: 1. Danny Wowrzyniok Naml; 2. Stove Mor_lKawl; 3. Phil SmiIIIISuzl. MINI NOV: 1. BiN ClOntz Naml: 2. Gory CIortt Nam); 3. GIonn CIortt Narnl. lOll BEG: 1. Gordon W.d; 2. Pal ~ Naml; 3. Malk Caprifit Naml. 125 BEG: 1. Stove lIf_lSuzI; 2. Kant Bun lSuzk 3. Scan _NarnI. . 125 BEG: 1. Tm Land Naml; 2. Scan _Naml; 3. TomW_CSuzI. 125 NOV: 1. Gory . - - l5uzl; 2. Dannis Malchand IVaml: 3. Jim NosIIIHonl. 125 NOV: 1. 5 _ Phillipo (Suzl; 2. 5 _ ~ (Hant; 3. Ray Eberlin l5uzl. 125INT: 1. Rick Jacbon lSuzl; 2. _ Combo CSuzI; 3. Ryan Eido (OGI. , 125 PRO; 1. John G f _ (Suzl; 2. Andy Or-=anin lSuzI; 3. Chrio s-lk IKawI. 250 BEG: 1. Rod _ lHonl; 2. Kevin _ _ lHanI; 3. ~ LedI CKawl. 250 NOV: 1. Tom Hodgin lSuzl; 2. Alan Sllilos lHonl; 3. _ e-za Nam). 250 INT: 1. Randy Mc:IntyN fYarnI; 2. T"" ~ lSuzl; 3.MIIre ..... ~. Robert Green tackles the f\4Ig-llned course at the Suzuki Slalom. 250 PRO: 1. John G f _ (Hanl; 2. Scan _IHanI; 3. Phil T_ISuzI. OPEN BEG: 1. George WoIwman Naml; 2. Ervin Lyokawa lBuIl: 3. Ron Rogers ISuzl. OP£N NOV: 1. Mike Tucker Naml; 2. Dave ~ IHuIl; 3. Jeff _ (Hull. OP£N INT: 1. ~ code CSuzI: 2. Don Glo.-Naml; 3. Mike _NarnI. OP£N PRO: 1. Ted Hoyt Naml; 2. G

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