Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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·_._._._._._._._._._._._._._~._._._._. By Elaine Jones R.A .C.E. offi cials , he was soon unpinned and on his wa y bu t precious time had been lost. Robert Gray, riding for Dusty's Cycle . was the man on top with T roy Smith breathing down his ne ck and Dave Rose o n hi s Dennis Hartvickson tuned Suzuki in third. Back in fifth was Team Suzuki team rid er Brian Myerscough and two spots furthe r back , hard -charging Marty Miller . Myerscough was on the move almost immedia tely a nd went 10 third by th e second la p . Getting around Rose wa s a no the r m atter as recent weeks have sho wn him to be one of Corona 's fin est. Nevertheless. Myerscough found a hol e and second was his . Me anwhile . Mill er had been playing catch up a nd wh en Myerscou gh moved to second Rose found himself in an M&M sa nd wich as Miller was a solid fourth . Grav held the lead unti l th e last lap when Myerscough ca m e cha rg ing by 10 snap the vict ory awa y. Gray hung o n to se co nd with Rose thi rd and Miller fo urth . The second m o to was a ll Mill er 's as he cha rged to the head of the pa ck with Myerscou gh in hot pursu it. Mick J acobs h ad third with Smi th a nd Cross-Up rider Matt Devich in th e fou r /five spots . Sm ith pick e d off J acobs o n the firs t lap to m ove to third and Rose m oved up one spot into fifth . By lap three Rose had gone to third a nd her e all upward motion st opped for a t le as t one lap wh ile Ross figured out hi s n e xt move . It didn't tak e long and with two laps to go th e battle came down to Miller, Myerscough and Rose . Mye rscough made his move on the first downhill when something happened. He lost control of his machine, went over the handlebars and was unable to get up . He was taken to th e hospital and kept overn ight du e to a concussion but was otherwise unhurt . Ros e ch ased Miller th e rest of the way home with Smith third . Mill er a nd Ros e en de d the evening tied for first with · th e nod going to Miller with his higher finish the last m oto. Smith's 6·3 was good eno ug h for third . Vet eran G ary J on e s a boa rd hi s Ammex hel d class in th e 250 cc Pro go. The first m oto saw him out on top a nd never in a ny serious tr ouble as he romped th rough th e h ills a nd infield on his wa y 10 th e win . Ga ry Ogd en , th e FM F rider . ge tt ing back in sha pe from a recent inj u ry ga ve m ore th an a good accou nt of himself as he foll owed Jones home. Bill Pelto (Ya ma ha of Redl ands) was third in spi te of a fast closi ng cha lle nge fr om GSM 's Mark Raw lev, The second rn oto sa w O gden break o n to p with Tony Schuler secon d a nd Pel to th ird . J o nes was ba ck in fourth , p layi ng ca tc h -up. J ones m oved ,'ery fas t as he was b rea t hing d own O gden 's neck wh en th ey ca m e around on .lap two. By lap thr e e . Pelto had rega in ed his num ber th ree spot and t he order was a lm ost th e sa me as the fir st m ot a . C ond it ion ing told th e story as J ones. in be tter sha pe than th e recuperatin g O gd en . rook th e lead from him on th e th ird lap a nd it was a ll over . Jones cl a imed th e overa ll win with O gden second a nd Pelt o third . CORONA . CA . J UNE 16 Results 125 BEG: 1. Charlie H)ort h (Suzl; 2. lance Wen ner (Suz); 3 . J im Theys ISuz l. WOME N'S DIV: 1. Jeani e Young (Suz): 2. Pat Holland IHan I; 3. Crysta l Caldero n (Honl. 125 NOV : 1. Mar k Ursetll ISUll; 2. Ken Alford ISUl I; 3. Glenn Cave ISuz).... 125 INT: 1. J im Pappe ISOl); 2. Rod Richardson (Suzl; 3. M ike Nance ISUII. 250 NOV : 1. Rob To lleson IYam ); 2. Kelly Beid (Yaml; 3. Dave Wild l Maij . 250 INT OIV 2: 1. Don Bilzy ISUl l: 2. Joh n OM Y {Yam); 3. Stu art Carroll (Vaml . 250 INT DIV 1: 1. Bren Round ISOlI; 2. Randy Ortner IHant; 3. Scan Curt is IYaml. lannings jams at AM£ Sprockets nightMX By Tom Corley BAKERSFIELD. CA . J UNE 17 Am erican Motocross Enterprises traveled this weekend up to Bak ersfield for their normall y scheduled motocross at Sprockets Pa rk . Everv first a nd thi rd Saturdav of th e m omh ' night racing is held o n i his track . And y J ann ings was stu n ne d a litt le th e previou s Frid a y ni ght at th e Dunes a nd was shoved back int o the second pl ace 250cc Pr o spot. J a im ings is o ne of the fas tes t Al\1E racers a nd tonight he grabbed the lead a nd held it all the wav in the first m ot o , Sherman Schneller wicke d a Suzuki fr om Sant a Ma ria Cycles a nd pursued An d y but co uld n' t ca tch him . Mik e W ickersham (M a i) ra ced for th ird whil e Indian Dunes winner Rob O 'Rourke rambled from beh ind . Jannings was the hottest in the second moto as well and must have the track win-d . Schne lI er dupl icated his first moto sco re and landed second again while O 'Rourke advanced to third and Wi ckersham DNF. Putt ing together a p e rfe ct score . Jann ings drove back home with th e 250 cc Pro win and m ore m onev than wh en he sta rted out. Schneller hooked second overall a nd out did Rob O 'Rourke who fell o nc e o n a berm and once over th e haybal es, Results MINI ·JR : 1. Shaw n Davis IYam t: 2. Jam es Bennett 15ul ); 3 , Craig Fruta rva-m. MINI·INT: Andy Ellis ISu,z), 500 PRO: 1. Andy Jann ings (Mai l; 2. Phil Taylor (Suz); 3 , Jim Denson (Yam l 125 PRO: 1. Danny Thompson (Suzl; 2. Jerry Shore (Suzl: 3 Gary J ones (Suz ). 125 INT : 1. Pat Krng lSult: 2. Jerry Boyd (Yam); 3. M ike Gary tverrn. 125 J R IDIV 11 1. Reed Prosser (Suzl; 2. Billy Noland : ISuzl; 3. M ike Jackson lSUI I. 125 JR IOlV 21 1 Wa yne Hopper ISUl ); 2. Mark : McGow en IYam); 3 David Neal IHusl 125 BEG: 1. J oey Brown {Han!; 2. Ron Jordan (Yam); 3, David Sw eat (Yam l 100 BEG: David Serafi n (Suli . 100 J R: 1. Bobbv W nght ISult: 2. Maril. Oark (Yam l . 100 INT: Troy King (Sull . 100 EX : 1. Randy H81d,n IYaml; 2. Mike Yatchak (Yam l. 250 PRO: 1. Andy J ann1 ngs l Hont; 2. Sherman Schneller ISUI); 3 Rob O'A OUfke IHon l 250 INT: 1. Darren Oliver (Yam); 2. Mi ke Van A cker IHan); 3. DaVid Camarena (C·A). 500 INT: Dennis M urry IYam l. VETS: 1. DaVid Rogers lSuz); 2. Guy Langl ey (Yam l . 250 J A: 1. Bnan Branson ISUI); 2. Tom Broo ks (Yam); 3. Don Cossey (M al ). 500 JR: 1 ChHord St ock IHust 2. Carl Casanova (Yaml ; 3. Dewavne M iller (Yam l Miller, Jones best inCoronaMX Sum mer came to Corona Ra ce way Friday night a nd spectators took advantage of t he cool night to watch 'some hot motocross action, Marty Mill er started th e night off with a bang as he looped hi s Cross-Up/ Spectre Suzuki co m ing off the lin e . With the assist ance, of o ne of th e M INI BEG OIV 1: 1. Mi ke SauI ISul); 2. Dren Beck II (Yarn I; 3. Barr y Crawford (Yam l. MINI BEG DIV 2: 1. Curt Matins (Yam) ; 2. Mark Rich ard s lYam); 3. Gary Lee Clark (Yaml. MI NI NOV : 1. Dave Odem (Su z); 2. Dave Frear ISUl l; 3. J oh n Blood tS UI) . 100cc BEG: 1. Kennv Guvett (Yam); 2. Ernie Becker (Suzl ; 3. Gerald W oo dward (SUI) . 1QOcc NOV : 1. Ryan Eid e; 2. Don Urban ek (Yarnl; 3 . Larrv Hernand ez (S ul i. 12Scc BEG OIV 1: 1. Doug Hovis (Yaml; 2. Ronnie Purt h er (S UI) : 3 . Danny Reed (Yam l. 125cc BEG DI V 2: 1. Rick Rod get's (Yam l; 2. Corey Anguiano (S UI ); WlL ISCHEFF & 5E CHOOSE #1 750cc ProckJCtiOn (Maming Racing AsDeJ 1978ARv1750 ProductiOn points Ieaaer GORDVSEIM tf1 AFM Road racing pointS champion tf1 AFM 250 Proauetion champ 1978 AFM 250 ProductiOn points 1eader TORCO OIL CO~ I I I ~I II 1 • • Thinking of selling t he 01' scoot - Cycle News Want Ads -f9J..... snet The Bridgestone M11 & M12 's are now availa ble I We also carry Dunlop, IRC, Metzeler, &Continental tires. Bridgestone & Cheng Shin tires & tubes. Chains. Batteries , and Accessories . Sylmar. CA 91324 213-361·5955 or 361-6070 To Dealers Only - - - ' - -- - - h JIlClplm MOTORCYCLES THE HUSQVARNA SPECIALTISTS ~:~::::. S P ORT TRACKS CO. 12n5 Foothill Blvd . 7663 In diana Rive ,.tdtl. CA 92504 714·681·1300 -' OLDER MODEL HONDA PARTS 520 McGLlNCY LANE. CAMP BELL. CA 95008 (4081 371-1221 3. Tom Hod gin (Sull. I santa Fe Springs. CA (USA> _ I. I ,. .. 75% Under Dealer Cost! Lim it ed Supply Honda of 36th Street ~ _ 125cc NOV: 1. Paul Nag el (Yam); 2 . Jeff CantweU .> WlW SQ-EFFER 3 100 N W ]6l hSl r..... . M,,,o.,.Fl I 30~6J<: 4582 T .· Io, . 6R11154 v r HON I 29