Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 07 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._~._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-.- Western hotline INT MOO MIN I 112 ·161 1. Scott Sw,ft ISuz l; 2. Rudy : Dickenson (R& D SUl ); 3. Chris Swift C $uzl. INT STOCK MI NI 112 ·161 1. Soon Swift ISu,l; 2. : Chr is SWift (Sull; 3 . Randy Hanson lYam) , INT M OD MI NI 1 9-111 1. Ronni e l ech ien (Yam); 2. : Brand on Schneid er (S uII; 3. Danny Ra y 15uzl. INT STOCK MI NI 19·111 1. Jon Jon Belisle (Honl ; 2 . : Dan ny Ray ISU1); 3 . Sean Fram p ton (Suzl . NOV MOD M INI 112·161 1. Kevin Gen : ste ISur): 2. Kenny Dunlap ISu;l; 3 . Keith Barnett ($ Ul). NOV STOC K MINI 112 ·161 1. Kevin Gensler ISu,); 2 . : Ray Tetherton (Suzl: 3 . Kenn y Dunlap { Sull. NOV MOO M INI (9·1 11 1. Hank Erler ISu,l: 2. M ike : Clark IVaml; 3. Al an Baker ISuLl. NOV ST OCK M INI 1 ·111: 1. Chadie Taylor ISu,l; 2. 9 M ike Clark IVaml; 3 . Kwene Frampton IYam). POW DER PUFF: t . Apn l Dunlap ISUl ); 2. Tammy McGuire (Yaml: 3. Karey Letlinger ISuzl. INT 125 Me: 1. Scott Burnworth 15ul); 2. Bryon Ma loney ISUl ); 3. Jeff Chatfi eld (Yam). NOV 125 M e : 1. Ma rk Ho wel IISuz); 2: John Carl e!' ISuz ); 3. Ken W arn e 1 5ur). INT 100 Me : 1, Seen Burnwo rth IS U l; 2. Curtis l Rough ISU1);3. Jam es Cloud (SuA NOV 100 MC : 1. Tim Hale {Sul l; 2. Gary Rodr iQuel (Yaml ; 3. Tob y Bassett (Yaml . JR CYCLE MOD 19·" I: 1. Brandon Sch neid er ISurl; 2. J on J on Belisle IHon); 3. Mike Healey {Su zl. JR CYCLE STOCK (9-11): 1. Sean Frampton (Sull; 2. Chrfie Sampso n (SUI); 3. T im Heath lhal . . JR CYCLE STOCK 10.8: 1. Steph en Hale Il1al ; 2. 1 Rogt. l' Ogle (Suz); 3. Dou g Heath (Suzl . " PEE WEES: 1. J ami e Conn ey (SUI); 2. M iguel Ab arca lSUI I; 3. Arl Carrillo (SuA .. (Above) The 250cc Pros leave the gate during CRC's Indian Dunes motocross. (Below ) Andy Jannings smoked both 250cc Pro motos at AME Sprockets Park. Cole cashes in at CRCDunesMX By Tom Corley VALENCIA . CA ,JUNE 18 The California Racing Clu b had one of its all time record crowds at a motocross race. Today's race at Indian Dunes was hosted on TER • }'CAHLE The Teflon Super Smooth Cable *Complete line for racing bikes *Requires no o iling * S m o o t he st pulling cable *Flexible throttle wire gives long life *Heavy duty housing. resists stretch and abuse Write for Free literature Te rrycable PO Box 1321, Hesperia, CA 92345 (7 14) 247·2646 Out of state call toll free (800) 854-4691 HARD TO GET T~~ 'i/J it ~YAMAHA PARTS AND A CCESSO RI ES Larg est st ock in U.S. 24 Ho ur Ma il Ord er Servic e Dealers W elcom e Nati onwide except Miuouri DONELSON CYCLES , INC. ~ e call: 8OOI32S4144 Missouri call: 3141427·1204 3328 Woodso n Road SI. louis , Mo . 631 14 A\~ ~ RA C~N~GA ~~r2:'u~J;LES Cooper Pans Dealer InquiryInv ited 20872 Currier Ro ad Walnut, CA 9 1789 (714)598-1985 17141595-9100 Sammy Tanne r Distnbutinq 28 lUBBI-TECH 213·924-2111 Tripes tops in Barona Oaks GNC qualifier By Rod Eschenburg SA N DI EG O , CA , JUNE 18 The " big guys" go t their turn a t Ba ron a O aks Racewa y last Sun da y, a nd to a m a n , the y d ug it! M ike Tripes , wh o too k first in th e 125cc Exp e rt an d se co nd in the 500cc Expert classes, was most ex pressive . sa ying , " I ca me u p here ex pec ti ng a rinky dink track and ope ra tio n . b ut wow, a fine track a nd a n e xcelle n t o pe ra t ion !" In add ition to th e r e gular program of Minis a nd ligh tweig h t m otorcycles, 10 Grand Na tio na l Cha mpio nsh ip q ual ifying c lasses we r.. run with a to ta l of nearly 300 riders co m peti ng . While Tripes was probably th e our standing individ ual rid er of th e day in the GNC c lasses . a reall y g rea t effo rt was turned in by David McGhc« . in the 250cc l nrermcdi at e cla ss as he parla yed a 1·2 tally 10 edge regul ar Int.. rrncdiat r- rider s Greg Me y,·rs . Brvan Hart a nd Ed Vid ovich in his fir~ t ·,·v,·r 250 cc rid e. In the 250cc Exp erts, Clint Hardick used his past ex pcrir-n..e at Ba rona (wherr - he sta r re d on M inis ) to dow n S te-ve Ba rtle y a nd Bo b Sn owd o n fo r the class win. T h.· rei{u lar prog ram produ ced som e i{rea t rac ini{ wit h first-yea r rid e'r Kevin Ge'nsl"r not o n ly sf o rini{ his first cart-er win , hut g-cttin,l{ two , as he demo lished th e usu al large field of 12· 16 Novice Min i rid ers hy going fourfor -four in moto victo ries in both th e Sto ck a nd Modifi ed classes. An othe r fir st was record ed as H ank Er le r ·the fir st -year you ngster reall y got o n tra ck in t he 9· 11 Novice Mod ified Mini class wit h two-s t ra ig ht wins. It will a lso be a " fi rs t" a t the Col ise um with " over 30'· q ua lifier Fra nk Brund age joining so n Fr ank ie , as Fra nk ie scored a big win in th e Junior Min i GNC . T he abscnc e of Sco tt Bu rn wort h . Ro nnie Le c hie n , a nd J o n J o n Bel isle in th e GNC e ve n ts was d u e to thei r bei ng automatic q ua lifiers after their vict ories at Hou st o n o n Ma rch 19. However . Burnworth di d nerd to re o q ua lify in th e 125cc Intermedi ate class . whi ch he did in easy style . Results .GNC CLASSES ex 500 MC : 1. Chip Howell IHus l; 2. Mik e Tripes lESe SU11 3. Bill Silverthorne (Suli. ; EX 250 Me: 1. Ctint Hardick (ASA ·Hon l; 2 . Stev e Bartl ey l Hon); 3. Bob Snowdon (Hon!. EX 125 M C: 1. M ike Tripes IESC Su, l; 2. Sco tt Jo hnson (SUI); 3. Scan Jo hnst on (S UI). INT 500 M C: 1. Denn is W ilson; 2 . J im vaicv (Yam); . 3. Man Carter (Yam). INT 250 MC: 1. David McGh ee (S UI ); 2. Greg Meyers (Yaml ; 3. Bryan Hart (Hon ). INT 125 M C: 1. Scot t Burnworth IR& O SU.lI; 2 . Bob by Sullivan (R& D SU/ I: 3 . Georg e Tuck lSull. NOV 250 M C: 1. J im McCarley; 2. Ron Davis (M ai); 3. Gord on Daw son (Yam). NOV 125 : 1. Tom M cBri de IKaw ); 2. Brian Full ~ ISu.l); 3 . Mark HowelllSul). 105 MIN I: 1. Bobby Su llivan IHon) ; 2. Eric Collins IYam ); 3. Rick Hemm e (SU1). SR MINI: 1. eric Colli ns (Yam ); 2. Bry on Ant onacci (Yaml ; 3. J oh n Hemme (Yam ). J R MI NI: 1. FrCtnkif~ Brun dage (SUI ); 2. Rir:k Hem me lSu.ll; 3 Sean Frampt on {SuA M INI -MINI: 1. Brandon Schuid t... ISu..l; 2. M ike H ect lf ~ l SUf I; 3 . Scan Frampton (SuA 100 MC III 15): 1. Bobby Sul hvan (Vam); 2. Scott Hamill o n IY<:tm l; 3 . Bevan An tonacci lVa m). OVER 30: 1 Ron TU/ lnski l Stu!; 2. Frank Brunca qe lHusl. REGULA R PROGRAM EX MOD M INI: 1. Bobby Sullivan (R& D Su..l; 2. Enr; Colhns IY,aml; 3_DarmvJom!S tYam l. th e famou s International track and acco rd ing 10 promo ter J ack Barbacovi , there we re fa r ove r 400 partici pa nts . Along with the regu la rly sche d u led CRC ra ce th ere was a .specia l GNC qualifier for th e SuperbowI a nd to gether th ey m erged for the showdown . Out of 16 differ ent CRC events, th e largest one happen ed 10 be the 500cc Pro class whi ch had 23 competitors. With so m any people , th e pu rse was ripened and th e m an who won th e better port ion of it happened 10 be well -known Eddie Cole. Ed is sponso red by Kolb e Cycles and races to win on on e of th e new Can -Am m achines. ·Cole di d j ust that in the first m or o rather clean ly but in th e secon d m ot o , tea m m a te G reg Rob ertson won th e ch allenge. Becau se of his bett er' 12 ·sco re , Edd ie Cole picked up the overall 500 cc Pr o hon o rs a nd well over - $10 0 . Rob ertson was next o n th e list a nd wo n th e seco nd best po rtion of t he ea r ni ngs over 101' five aces Dave H augh , Ernie H endricks (Co le Bros. ) a nd Bob Ma rino from EI Monte Motorcycle Rep a ir . Results MIN I BEG: 1. B. ian Calderson 1 02); 2 . Guy W ;Jls 5 (Yaml . MINI NOV: 1. Tom St out (Yam); 2 . Scott Nish (Yam); 3. Don Kokinda (Yam). M IN I INT: 1. Lou ie Franco (Yam); 2. Sean Gilboy 1 502); 3 . John M cClure IVam). M INI EX: 1. Erik Kehoe !Yaml ; 2. Man Whning IVam); 3. Don Best !Ya ml. 100 BEG: Vince Falvo 1 021 5 . 100 EX: 1. B.J. Lehn 1502); 2. Jim Coffey (Varni; 3. David Baker (Sul i. 100 PRO: 1. Drey Dirck s (Yam); 2. Jim Simons (Yaml; 3. Tim Hin es (Yaml. 125 INT: 1. Robb ie Healy ISu,l; 2. Clarke Coleman (SUl); 3 . Randy Schwalenberg fSuz). 250 BEG: l . Jim Sch mi ntISuz); 2. Mar k Soon IHon); 3. Herb Paniagua IC-A I. 250 NOV: 1. Tim Edmonson (Yam.; 2. Mark Benn is IH·OI; 3. Jeff BiehIIVam ). 2SO PRO: 1. Tracy Osw ell (Suz); 2. Donnie Hansen tVam); 3. Greg Robertson IC·AI. 500 NOV: 1. Rob Bened etto fYaml ; 2. Mik e Heyler IYaml; 3, M ichael Robinson (Yaml . 500 PRO: 1. Eddie Col e IC-AI; 2. Greg Robertson IC· AI; 3 . Dave Haugh (Mai l . VET JR : 1. Dan Sanch ez (Sul I; 2. Tim Fitzpatrick ISuz); 3. Rober t Marsh ISu,l. VET INT : 1. Doug Van Duren IHu sl; 2. Bob Crosta (Bul); 3. Bob Barr {Suzl. VET SR: 1. John W ilson IYam); 2. Dan M oor e (Mail; 3. Bill Burk hart (Mai l. GNC QUALIFIE R 100 NOV: 1. Mik e Paulin o ISuzJ 2 . Jon Turn er (Yam); ; 3. John Brown (Yam ). 100 INT: 1. Tommy Bence lSuzl; 2. Roy Gom ee (Suzl: 3 . Shawn l ane Ivam l. 105 OPEN: 1. Do n Best {Yaml: 2. loui e Frank o (Yam); 3. Erik Kehoe (Yam).

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