Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Western hotline
A pair of AME 125c c Pros dice un der the lights at Indian Dunes .
ISuzl; 3 . Scott Seeley (Sw).
125 INT: 1. ladell Eide (Sull; 2. Bob Rowell ISUll; 3.
Bart Hit t ISuzl.
125cc PRO: 1. Ma rty M iller (S uz); 2. Dave Rose ISuz);
3 Troy Smith (SOl).
250cc BEG DIV 1: 1. Georg e Ander son (Yam l; 2,
Doug Phelan (Yam); 3. Dell Stuvick (Yaml .
250c c BEG DIV 2: t . Dave Chavez (Han ); 2 . Rand y
Wi~ l Yaml; 3. Craig Bernal lH usl.
250cc NOV . t . Brian Hoff ma n (SOli ; 2. Bill Hair
(Yam): 3. Rick Bollinger (Han ).
250cc INT: t . lou Fernandez (Dus); 2. Dave Coyie
IFGI; 3_Bruce Ashmore (Yam).
250c c PRO: " Gary Jones lAmme d ; 2. Gary Ogd en
(Sul l; 3 Bill Pelto (Yam l.
OPEN BEG: 1. Richard Callahan IYam); 2. Howard
Sanborn IYam); 3. Jim Spetght (Mail .
OPEN NOV : t . M ike Hair (Vam l; 2. Ton y Travis lS ul l;
3. J im Travis ISw).
O'Rourke roosts
AME Dunes night
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By Tom Corley
As the hot su mme r months grow
nearer . the participation in local
night motocross races will certainly increase , This is the wa y it
turns out each sea so n at In di an Du nes
especi a lly
th e
u pcoming
Ameri can Motocr oss Ent er prises Bosch
Sum mer Series.
Ther e wer e 25 d iffe re nt classes that
the AME filled u p ton ight on the sig n up board. T wo m otos we re fired off
fo r eac h class so need less to say it was a
very co m p lete a nd long ev e ning of
m ot ocross,
Ro b O' Ro urke has been doing h is
sha re of winning and sh ould be
making his sponsor Sim i Ho nd a very
happy . H e ca ptu red the zso« Pro
hattl e for th e cash priz e . In the first
m oro Ro b fla red out for a c1 ean lead
on his Ho nd a and was h a rd to pass . So
Ro b mad e it to t he wav ing ch e ckered
flag in first pla ce . wh ile AndyJennings
too k his H o nd a th rou gh th e fini sh in
se cond . Greg Ro be r tso n ha uled on a
Kolbe Ca n -A m in third just in fro nt o n
Shoema ker Cvc les Yam aha -m ouru ed
Donni e H anse~.
T his was o ne tig ht and co rnperiri ve
race , bu t in th e seco nd mo to O 'R ourke
roost ed on r ver yon r aga in . J a nn ings
ma int a ined a nother fin e secon d pl ace
fin ish while H a nsen ad vanced into
third . With a pa ir of win s, O 'R ourke
cla imed the well deserved 250cc Pro
victory and m o ney to hoo t. Murry's
Accesso ries is th e r'lod hac ker be-h in d
second place wm ner A nd y J enni ngs.
Do nn ie H a nsen scored t hird overa ll.
MIN I-INT : 1. Chip Harris ISuz); 2. A lex At encio (S UI);
3. Chris McCauley !Yam).
MI NI·EX; t . Pat McConnell (Yam); 2. Sam St or er
M INI·JR; 1. Andy Neli nger {Sull; 2. Ro bert laughlin
(Varni; 3. JanFrtzg ibbon (Yaml .
250 PRO: 1. Rob O'Rourke (Hon): 2. An dy Jannings
(Han!; 3. Donnie Hansen CYaml
250 INT: t . J eff Brigham (Vam); 2. JefrY Irelan (Vam);
3. Rob Tolleson (Vam).
250 J R 1: " Bart M uhlfeld (Kaw); 2. Rick M urray
lHon); 3 . Dave Hopper IHonl.
250 JR
1. Ro b Challma n ISuzl : 2 . M ike Conley
ISUl); 3. M ike Joh nson (Mai) .
500 PRO: 1. Greg Robe