Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._~._._._._.-._._._._._._._._._._._. 3 . Ron Flores (Suzl . 500 JR: 1. Steve VanZant (M ai); 2. Charlie W alters (Yam); 3. Brent Yahn (Yam) . 500 INT: 1. Greg Smith IM ail: 2. Ed Walters IYaml: 3. Gary M art ini (Vam) . _ 500 PRO: 1. Bill Rubly IMail : 2. Mark Brooks IMai l: 3. Bill Jewell (Mai)' Robertson smokes 'ematCRCMX seco nd whi le Ovellette m oved back a position thi s tim e as well. Rob ertson went home with th e better part of the m on ey as it turned ou t; his 1-2 p lacing gave hi m th e victory. Hansen , of Shoem aker Cycle , took second over Trim Prod uc ts ' Ovelletie . • Results MINI BEG: 1. Sean Johnson (Sull: 2. Lyle By Tom Corley M cPherso n (Yam ); 3. Dave Trager (Yam l. MINI NOV: 1. Randy Johnson (Sun; 2. Dave Lamb VALENCI A , CA , ] UNE 4 On another blistering hot day, the California Racing Club pulled a few hundred peo ple int o Indian Du nes. T here a re two m otocross tra cks at th e Du nes a nd lat el y they have been host ing the first and th ird Sunday of th e mont h p rogram on t he Sh ad ow Glen co u rse . Gr eg Rob ertson got his thrills toda y a nd rece ived two ha rd ea rned cas h awa rds as he d owne d both t he 250 a nd 500cc Pro cla sses! Gr eg h as ridden several differ ent machines in his tim e but now he is strictly on Can -Am bik es fro m spo nsor Kolbe Cycles. There were 19 other su per fa st competi tor s in th e 250 cc Pro ra ce a nd Rob ertson took th e money right out of th ei r ha nds. In th e first moto , he was wa y in th e cle a r and m a naged to sta rt the d ay off right wit h th e win . Bill Ovellette (Ya m) was on the gas and took seco n d over a ll wh ile Donn y Hansen (Ya m) co nt ro lle d thi rd. In co m pe titive style , H ansen adva nced himsel f in t h e seco n d m o to a n d switched plac es with th e firs! moto aces. Greg was stu nne d a nd landed (Yam): 3. Bobby Simon s IYam). MINI INT: 1. Louie Franco (Vam); 2. Chip Harris (Yam); 3. Znli M eszaros (Yam ). M INI EX: t . Erik Ke hoe (Yam); 2. Ornar Greco (Yam); 3 . Georg e Curnutt {Yaml . 100 BEG: 1. Nick Larson (Yaml: 2. Vincent Falvo ISuz): 3. Buddy Foster ISuzl. 100 NOV: 1. Tony Barbaccvi (Yam): 2. Don J ensen (Suzl: 3. M ike Baron (Ha n). - 100 INT: 1. Tommy Bence (Suz); 2. Todd Broussard IYam); 3. Paul Cano ISuzl. 100 EX: 1. Brian Part. 100 PRO: 1. John WhelchellSuzl. 125 BEG: 1. Matth ew Ziegeler (Han); 2. Ron Wi llison ISuz); 3. Rory Baccino (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Bob Shulz (Yam); 2. M ark Mo scrofs (Yaml; 3. Rog er Gauvin (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Rod Richardson (Suzl: 2. Robbie Healy ISuzl: 3. Todd Clark ISuzl. 125 PRO: 1. Jo hn O'M ara (Suz); 2. Bill Keene (Suz); 3. Bill Barlow (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Matt Saruwatak (Yam); 2. Steven Edlefsen (Suz); 3. Eddie Fisher (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. J ohn Tobin (Yam); 2. Dan Van Acker (J D); 3. Tim Edmonson (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Donald Draskovich (Mail; 2. M ike Van Ack er IJ DI; 3. M urray Lantz (Yaml. 250 PRO: 1. Greg Rob erts on IC·AI; 2. Donnie Hansen (Yam); 3. Bill Ovellette (Yaml. 500 BEG: 1. M ike Heyler (Yam): 2. Ervi n Luskaw a {Bull ; 3. Steve J acobson (Suzl, SOO NOV; 1. Don Dunn (Yam); 2, Ken Renaux (Yam); 3. Richard Ud yard (Yam). 500 INT: 1. Mik e Edm onson (Yam); 2. J erry Beaman (Suzl; 3. Rusty Baron tHusl. 500 PRO: 1. Greg Robertson IC·A); 2. Bill Hagen (Vam); 3. Steve Raw son (Mail. V ET JR: 1. Dw ain jarrett (Suz); 2. Dan Sanchez (Suz); 3. Rob ert Marsh (Suz). VET lNT: 1. Gary Will ison (M ai); 2. Robert Crosta (Bul);"3. Dennis Warner (Yaml. VET SR: 1. Larry Shoemaker (Yam); 2. J oe Brow n (Mail ; 3. Pat M urphy (Suzl. Chris Morey chases a pack of Mini riders in CRC 's Native American Dunes MX. TI-IE ;lUIlE~~~[];I;lE~ Future''Shock for loday's Competition! * Meet The Super crosser, the latest developm ent in Works Performance's constan tly improving line of motorcycle suspens ion components. We've take n all the featur es,found in our top of the line Remote Rese rvoir, improved them -and integrated them into a lightweight cast aluminum body for great er strength and better performa nce . The Supe rcrosser has increase d oll capacity and surface area for better cooling, and a larger meterin g orifice for Improved circulation. The unit still features the famo us Works Performance Progressive Damping System , nitrogen bladder design, ad justable compounded dual-rate springs, the strongest shaft going and is fully adjustable and rebu ildable. FLASH! Works Performance riders literally dominated the recent Trans-AME MX Series by winning all three classes (125, 250, 500) and sweeping seven of the top 15 finishing positions. Congratulations to: Darrell Schultz - 1st; 250, 500 Chapp y Blose - 1st; 125 Gary Denton - 2nd; 125, 250 Mark W hite - 3rd; 500 TIm Locey - 4th; 125 FEATURES: -We've only just begun... ./ New One-Piece Al;umlnum Body 220,000 psi Steel Shaft Improved Circulation Larger Oil Capacity • • • • Per!onnance Products 20970 Knapp Street Chatsworth, California 91311 (213) 998- 1977 . . . - ...d opecIfIClltiolUl oubJect to chaa... without notlct. 51