Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; _._._._._._._.~_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ =Western hotline ..._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. . ~ ' h im the fi rst pl a ce trophy for the da y ove r Loop . . O thers wh o d eserve their d ue credit a nd e nded up in t h is or der were : Tom Brown (Cer ritos) . Dan Ramire z Earl Sinibaldi (Newport (Ga h r). Mesa ) , Toby H enderson (Cerritos), Scott J ohnson (Cerr itos ), Cliff R anney H arbor) , Marc Berg (Newp ort ( Newport Harb or) , Gl en Cop el and (Villa Park) , Sa m W illi e (Ne wport H arbor ) , M ike Greene (Cerr itos) , Jim M adrid (B ol sa) , M ark Haupert (Cerro Vill a ) , J eff Wright (Newport Harb or ), Jim Bernard (Newport H arbor) , Steve R edd in g (Villa Park) , Brian Mezzano (Cal H i) and Lance Thompson (N ewport Harbor). t 00 !:' 0') 1""""1 Results MINI JA : Todd Johnson (Yaml. MINIINT: Bill Reimer ISuz). lOOJR: 1. Louie Soto; 2. Pete DickeyIYam); 3. Pete Copeland ISuz). 100EX: PatKehoe IHon). 125JR:1. DavidDiffleyISuz); 2. Laython Loop ISuz): 3. Tom Brown (SUl). 1251NT: 1. Rob Miller{Suzl; 2. Vince Foster ISuzl; 3. Mike Ingram (Suzl. 250 SPECIAL: 1. Jim Rose IYam); 2. Pete Bender IMail. 250 EX: Mark Bennis {H·D}, Shelton, Smith star under the lights at .CMC Ascot MX By Tom Corley GARDENA, CA, MAY 31 The three-day holiday appeared to be the perfect time for some of the racers to take off for a small vacation and because of this, the Eventual USMRA Intermediate winner Scott Swift chases Rudy Dickinson. ' Mark Meredith (Su z) and Scott Burnworth (Suz) go t off the line, first with Meredith h old ing a slight edge over Burnworth . Bryon Antonacci (Ya m) and Eric Collins (Ya m ) were busy battlin g for the third and fourth place spots, but the real ba ttle wa s up front . Meredith and Burnworth took every tum a n d jump handlebar to handlebar , but Meredith continued to hold onto the lead . As they flew into the fourth lap , Burnworth saw h is chance and took it , but Meredith stayed right on his back tir e. W ith only a lap to go , Burnworth stopped to check out the te rrain ina sweeping tum, putting M eredith ri ght b a ck in to first . Burnworth co u ld n 't rec over ' quickly enough to challenge Meredith but he d id hold o nto the secon d p la ce sp ot. ·Antonacci fin ish ed in third pl a ce with Colli ns fi nis h ing a cl ose fourth . The se co nd m ota h ad everyon e anticipating a n exciting r a ce a nd that's just what they go t. As the g a te dropped , it was Me r edith ou t in front with Burnworth right at h is back door . It was Bobby S u lliva n (Su z) a n d A ntonacci fig h ting it ou t for third and fourth place , but again , a ll the excitement wa s up fr ont as Meredith .con tin u ed to hol d off Burnworth. As they started fo r t he uphill. Burnworth made h is m ove on Mered ith. Again it was Burnworth ba ck ou t in fr ont with M eredith b reathin g down hi s neck and again disaster st ruck for Burnworth , as his bike came to a sc reec hi ng halt a nd he was unabl c to finish th e ra ce . Meredith went on to ta ke the overall win with back to back wi ns . Antonacci fin ished in the second p lace spot wit h a sco re of 3 -3 a nd Sulliva n took third overa ll wit h a score of 6-2 . 'r 50 T he 12 a nd O ver Intermed iates put o n quite a show of th eir ow n as Rud y Dicki nso n (Suz) pulled the hol eshot over t he rest of th e pack . M ike W o rd (Su z) was h oldin g d own t he sec ond . . .. - ---~~---- place posit ion , but Scott Swift (Suz) was only a bike length behind, D ickinson continued to pull away, as Word and Swift battled it out. Word managed to hold off Sw ift until the last lap and then Swift made his move and cut - under Word to take over second. As the checkered flag came out , it wa s D ickinson taking the win with Swift' finishing secon d a nd W ord third. The secon d m ot a found Rudy Dickinson out in fr om ag ai n with David Crowson (Y am) in se cond and SCali Swift running in third . As they went into the washboard jumps, Crowson went d ow n , op e n ing the d oo r for Swift. W it h a wide o pen throttle . Swift se t his sights on Di ckin son a n d as they h it the berm it was Swift on the ins ide taking over the fir st pl a ce SpOI. Swift finished wi th a 2 -1 for fir st overall and Dickinson fin ished with a 1·2 score f or sec o nd . Darin Young took home third pl a ce hono rs with a 53 score . Results PEE WEE: 1. Jamie Canney ISuz): 2. ROQen Y orba ISuz);3.AnCarrilioISuz). emme; 2. Jon· JR CYCLE MOD 9-11 : 1. Rick H on);3, Brandon Schn er llt ), eid a JonBelisle IH JR CYCLE STOCK 6-8: 1. Sean Frampton (Su z); 2. Tim Heath Uta); 3. W alt er Armend ariz (it a). 105 OPEN: 1. Bobby Sulli van (Han); 2. Eric Collins IYam); 3.Bryon AntonacciIYaml. 9·11 INTER MOD 0-83cc: 1. Ron L ochien IYam); 2. Rick Hemm e ISuz); 3. Bruce Bun ch IHCSI. POWDER PUFF: 1. Denna Blythe (Yaml; 2, Tammy McGuire (Yam); 3. Kyrene Frampton {Yaml. l OOcc NOV: 1. Ron Cain (Yam); 2. Ken W arne (Yaml; 3. James Cloud ISuz!. l00tc INT: 1. Scott Burnworth ISuz). 2. Bryon · Antonacci (Suzl; 3. George Tuck (Yam). 9-1 1 NOV STOCK 0.83 A: 1. uannv cc Ray ISuz); 2. Fran k· Brundage (5) 3. H k W'II'lams Et Ier ISU l I. uz; an I re 9-11 NOV STOCK0-83cc B: 1. Mike H ealey ISuzl; 2. Sean Shupp (Yam); 3. Tim Slayton (Yaml. 12.15 EXSTOCK0-83cc: 1. Scott Burnworth (Suz); 2. Mark M eredith (Sull; 3. Eric Collins (Yam), 9-11 JR CYCLE STOCK: 1. Rick H emme (ltal; 2, ScottZastrow IIta); 3. BradJohnson lind). 6-8 J R CYCLE MOD: 1. Tim H eath IIral; 2, Sean Frampton ISuz); 3. Steve Hale tltal . 12·15NOV STOCK0-83cc A: 1. Chris Swift ISuz); 2. John Dobbs IYam); 3,Chris Lance. : obertM ason IS"zl; 12·15 NOVSTOCK 0-83cc B 1. R 2. Steven Belluzzi (Suzl; 3. Bruce Hartsuyker (Suzl. 12·15 EX MOD 0-83cc: 1. M Meredith ISuz); 2. ark --- ~ Bryon Antonacci ISuz); 3. Bobby Sullivan (Suzl. 12·15 INT STOCK 0-83= 1. Scott Swift ISuz); 2. Rudy Dickinson (Suz); 3. Sean Gilboy lSuz). 9-11 INT STOCK 0-83cc: 1. Ron L ochien (Yam); 2. Rick Hemme ISull; 3, Larry Brooks (Yam). 12·15 INT M 0-83cc: 1.ScottSwift ISuz); 2. Rudy OD Dickinson (Suz); 3. Darren Young (Yaml. 9-11 NOV MOD 0-83cc: 1. R ie Dobbs IYam): 2. ;ch Shupp (Yam);3. Mike Healey ISuz). 12-15 NOV MOD 0-83cc A: 1. KevinGoaslor (Suz): 2. Sean Bruce Hartsuyker lSUl); 3. John Brantley (Sul i. 12-15 NOV MOD B 1. AI"" Atencio ISuz): 2. Terry : Dreyfuss ISuzl; 3. JohnDobbs (Yam). 12S NOV: 1.JeffChatfield (Yam); 2. Chuck Swanson IYaml:3. Greg Conradson (Yam). 12Scc INT: 1. Scott Burnworth ISuzl; 2. Bobby Sullivan (Suz); 3. Cunis Rough ISull. 125cc EX: 1. Scon Johnston (Suz); 2. Scott Joh nson ISUl);3,Steve Yarbrough (Suz), ,Diffley tops largest SAM HSMX cla ss By Tom Corley ORANGE, CA , MAY 28 Apparently some of the high school riders took this race day off to go to the river or elsewhere because the overall rider participa tion was down just a ta d. School will be getting out here soon and t h e riders ' will have more time to co n ce n tr a te o n racing so one can expect the weekend turnouts to be la rger in the upcoming sum me r months. ~ The greater majority of riders had to h ave b een in the I 25ccJuniors since ' 19 rid ers made up the rost er. This in cl uded so me of the fin er riders fr om 10 different high sc hools. Beach Ci ty id res t e m D a ve Diffl ey f rom C orona D e I • M e a ne h o use . t hiIS C Iass wit h o u t . ar C i d III Whil e a v e D too m u e h d iffiJeU It y. J 1 wa sn 't touc hed . by the other co m pe titors he d id h av e a good d ice in h fi . h L h L f t e irst moto WIt ayt o n oop a Sa ddle ba ck H igh. Both of these guys were p retty evenly m atched and both ki L d d we re on Su zu IS . oop e n e up ho oki ng t hi s fir st m ot a over Diffley but in the sec ond moto it tu rned a ro u n d . Diffley -won the las t m o ta wh ich gav e _ • • _.~~~..,.,";'<. • • - •~ - turnout was light for this evening's Continental Mote-sports Club Asc~t program . While others blew their pocketbook, still well over 100 determined riders showed up and 13 different classes were formed for a well -rounded line-up. While the bigger and more powerful bikes are usually the ones that capture all of the attention, one cannot forget that .a career may often start out by gaining experience on a minicycle. ' T im Shelton has been racing at Ascot , for several seasons now and is certainly one rider who will be a sure bet on a 100 or a 125. He has been dusting the M in i Intermediate class quite easily and put on another winn ing performance tonight. He rides a black-detailed Suzuki and successfully won both motos back to back. In fact , all of the comperitiors in this class have been very consistent and deserve the spotlight. This includes second place f inisher Sean Gilboy (Suz) , Ray Herrnandez (Yam) and Ron Eversole (Suz) . Wheelsmith Motorcycles has been behind a few of the top riders in SoCal, including Dave Williams and . Jeff Jennings. This time the owner Greg Smith raced to win in t h e 500cc Intermediate class. Mounted on a shop' p repared Maico , he clobbered the small pack of riders in the case of both motos . Results MINI JR: ' 1. Chris LaForrn (SuI); 2. Scott Graham IYam); 3.Duane SummenilYaml. ' MINIINT:1. Tim Shelton ISuz): 2. SeanGilboy ISuzl: 3. Ray H ..nandezIYam). . 100 JR: 1. Allen Lucas IYam); 2. Mike Sch"eler lSSuz);JR Warren Day (Yaml. 125 3. DIV 1: 1. Ken Alford (Suz): 2. Mark Wood ISuzl'.3. B rianAle"nder ISuz). 125 JR OIV 2 : 1. R;ck Bradshaw IDM 2. Greg G); McElroy (Suzl; 3. Dan DeYoung (Yaml. 125 INT: 1. D Hamada ISuz); 2. Rick Sauers ave IYaml;3, Bill Myers ISuzl. 125 PRO: 1. Ron Turner IYam); 2. John Oswald (Suzl; 3. Bill Barlow (Yam). 250 JR: 1. Chuck Cheek IYam); 2. Jerry Zimmer IDMGI;3. Len Scuderi IMaii. 250 INT: 1. L Kawahara (M 2. Davdi Wills IYeml; . ai); 3. Steve Sprague (Mail. 250 PRO:1. Gary JonesIAMX); 2. Doug Nicol IFMA; -~ .~ --- - - ' - - . • - ,- - - - <. : ".

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