Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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NORTIERN DATEUNE Jacobson wins Suntargets scorcher Race Proven High Performance Quality Products By The Squisher MOXEE . WA ,JUNE4 Street Quiet or Racing Quick A court injunction against further racing al Hillside Motocross Track forced the promoters to move the Super Six racing series to -~== , Exhaust Systems now available for: Kawa saki Z-1R, LTD's KZ-1000 Black KZ-65O or Suzuki G5-75O Chrome G5-S5O finish Honda CB-75O K,750 S COMING SOON GS 1000's Send $3.00 for our complete 72 page tec hnical catalog /manual Jack Johnson sails his Husky to overall v ictory at Cherry Creek. "'Pops" YoshimUl. m1 !!2!!I~~ . .. QI.... _ _ . _ ..,..•• -oull CAUl . _ . 'U" " ' ._ " 7' " . ~ lD' Jammin' Jack Johnson blasts Cherry Creek H&H By Maxie Abernethy UREKA . UT. MAY 21 Discount Motorcycle Tires Cherry Creek '77 left no evidence of the muddy mire that created disaster by bogging down most of the bikes in th e middle of a . .""IORI? ./eTIRE WRIS lile. ... _ I.w arnun . lOIllrA, SJ9-4f50 r------------..,~ ~ @" eU'-T~CQ "'' I ~ r ... J ,0 [""""0 • SALES OF DALLAS ~ \ _ _ Competit ion Motorcvcles ~ ~ Sales - Parts - Seroice I Mail Order Service a Specialty Try us first for the hard to find Bultaco parts J \ ~ \ l-- \ I .) 1 1176 M ississippi, Dallas, TX 75207 (214) 638-2010 ...... -------- LEARI MOTORCYCLE MECHAIICS Two-year Degree Prog ram For more intormatron contact: Rogue Commun ity College' Redwood Highway .. Grants Pass. Oregon 9752 - - . 3345 (5031479-5541 520 McGLlNCV LANE. CAMPBELL. C A 95008 (408) 371-1221 Hond W ashab le - Riding Stay - Racing "S treet Soft 52 GLOVES OthmanDistributing Co. Box356San Luis Obispo, CA93406 (805)~IBl Dealer Inquiries Invited j dry lak eb ed , ma king recovery im possi ble until a hel icopter was brought in to lift them o ut. Cherry C reek '78 best owed the vast area , situa ted app rox imately 30 m iles from Eurek a , Uta h . with anot her cha llenge of m an aga inst th e element s. I n pa ce of th e mo isture a nd mu d th a t enc ha nted yeste ryear. th er e em erged a beautifu l su n ny day . hampered o nly by a gu sty wind th a t fluffed u p th e - dust : The va ried terrain co nsisted of three courses. a grueling sand loop . a picturesque mounta in loop and a fast rnovin' d esert loop . The sand loop was encountered fir st. to take "a dv a n ta ge of th e cooler ho ur s of the morning. th en the mountain loo p supplied the rid ers with a natura l high as they accosted some II ,OOO·foot peaks. This loop was th e longest , containing 42 mil es of splendor that eventually merged with the other loops for a total of f l Oscenic miles. Sugar Loafers and the Salt Lake Motorcycle Clubs created a fanta ~tic course and did a great job of handlmg the onrush of almost 300 riders who enlisted to do their thing and capture the thrill of beating the desert . They were all cha rge d with anticipation a n d ready to try their luck against the unpredictable terraqueous land . The smokebomb exploded and the silence of the slee pi ng desert was fra ctured by the onslaught of the Expert racers. Jack Johnson (Hus) streamed away from the huge dust cloud and boldly chose his line of travel. His approach was disfigured by heat waves,. giving the im pression of an unreal mirage as he en countered the srnokebomb , clipped past and continued ~is journey into the vast unknown . Chns Mo rgan (Hus) set a steady course towards th e fad ing leader . T he a rea suddenly became a mixtu re of buzzing bikes. swir ling dust and half- blind riders . and in order to keep t he body intact . a retreat was made tow ards th e smoldering bomb . Most of th e riders sho t th e sa nd tube in good co ndi tion a nd focu sed th eir a uen tio n o n th e first pit sto p . J ohnson was sig h ted on the hori zon a nd his pit cre w beg an th eir frantic displa y of re adiness. His ghost -like form was th er e and go ne . leaving onl y the im pressio ns of knobb ies in th e sa n d as proof of h is existen ce . Seconds later . th e dream world was bombarded with th e ro a r of Mo rgan's m ount. th en th e fr en zied pit crews eru p ted into a m ass of a cti vitv . T hey wa te red th e b ikes. gass ed t h~ ri ders and waved a frantic fa rewe ll still clu tching th e forgotten clean ed -up goggles. . . Sam Bass co n rinouslv held o nto his positio n of sevent h in line in th e J ack Ben ny class and di a led his H usky to des ert den om in at ions . A I Roger s (T ri) rode in th e Dinosau r divis io n and won it with th e ca lm. coo l approach tha t wo n t he 1962. '63 . '65. '66 , '68 a nd '69 Ch er ry Creek rac es. The stragglers were still filt ering through th e seco nd p it stop when a spe ck appeared o n th e ho rizon . anno unci ng th e return of J ohnson . Mo rgan was righ t on hi~ tail a nd th e possibility of a cha nge in the lead flash ed inside the brain . The cha rge was too lat e com ing , and J ohnso n sha tte red t he c hec ks first . whil e Morgan was scored to th e hilt in his vain a ttem p t to overtake th e leader. Morgan's rpms faded 100 feet aw ay from the rea lms of glory . a nd h is ride resemb led a slow - motion picture . His bike bu ck led from the excessive strain by losing the countershaft and spitting out th e tranny . Morgan di smounted and ga zed at the bik e ' with rem?rse wh ile th e crowd went nuts . The SIgh t and sounds of Preston Ge rber (KTM) and SCOlt Gerber (H us) in vaded th e stillness, whil e Morgan . see m ingly unaware . mourned his mount. The susp ense in creased to a feverish pitc.h and wild cheers sliced through th e air as Morgan finally pushed his bike past th e ch eck s. Preston Gerber spe d in just ahead of Scott to gai n th e 250cc Expert trophy for first. . . J ack J oh nson sett led back in to hIS oasis. som eho w m an aging to look as rest ed as he d id before th e race . a nd termed Cherry Creek as th e ult imate desert classic. Results OPEN ex: 1. Jack John son IHusl; 2. Chris MOIgan (Husl: 3. Scan Gerber l HusJ. OPEN AM : 1. Cliff M cPherson (Yaml ; 2. Kevin Peterson lBull; 3. Ben Steven tHus). OPEN NOV: 'l . larry Green IHusl ; 2. Greg Nola nd (Yaml ; 3. M ark St eph enson IHu sl. 250 EX: 1. Pres ton Gerber IKTM); 2. Ron Dillon (Yam l; 3 . Edsel Stall ing (Yam l., . 250 AM : 1. George White (Hon); 2. Dan Bnngard IKaw ); 3 . Kel ly Sorenson (Ho n). . 250 NOV: t . Fred Chr istiansen (Yam l: 2. Trm Brew er (Suz) ; 3 . Rog er Caldwell (Yam ). 125 EX: 1. Robert Nancola s (Yam I; 2. Gene Gasp ard (Yam); 3. J oh n Thompson (Yam) . 125 AM ; 1. Dave Hansen (Hus); 2 . J eff Far~ v (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. J av Rilev (Yam ); 2 . Chad Chr isten l Husl; 3. Sco tt Arbogast (Yam). JACK BENNV 1 LD-TIM ERS): t . Sam Bass IHusl: 2. 0 Ken GUIO IHusl; 3 . Adrian Nebeker tHan). JA CK BENNV NOV: 1. An Matt hews 1 0ssl: 2. Fred Rucker IHusl : 3. Jerry Row ley fSuz). . DINOSAUR: 1. AI Rog ers (Tn); 2. Rob Robinson IBSAI: 3. Pat Owens rr -n. Suntarget Chuckar Run at Moxee. One rac e of the series had to be cancelled . but will be made up a t a later date. The hottest day of the year greeted nearly 300 riders a t the two ' mile track , and dust wa s ha rd to control with only a couple of days warning to start watering the track. J ust as everyone expected. th e 125cc Pro class was war between Bill Joyce (Suz) and Pat J acobso n (Suz) . Pat too k the holeshot . but Joyce took over the lead midway through the moto when Jacobson made a slip. The two staye d withing 30 ya rds of ea ch other for the rest of th e moto , wit h J oyce taking the wm , J acobson ran away wit h the seco nd m ot o a fter J vce su ffered a poor sta rt a nd was o nly ab le 10 tak e third . Duke Coleman (Suz) earned third overa ll with 3-4 pl acin gs. The 125ccB cl ass was split wit h a W u percross-type fo rma.t used . T~e first m oto was on ly Importa nt In de terminig if the rid ers go t into the m a in or t he co nso la tion. Ro b Mosbrucker (Suz) led th e first m ot o by a wide m argin until losi ng h is cha in a t th e bo ttom of th e hill. Th e win th en went 10 Cra ig Lowrie (Suz) with Ph il Mahre (Yam ) secon d. Mik e Ander son ( Ka w) demolish ed the second m ot o with St acy Thorton (Kaw) second . A poor sta rt t ook Anderson o ut .of the running in the th ird moto and Mike crashed hard whil e do ing- a fu ll -lock crossup over the do uble jump. Sandy J a qu ish (Yam) grabbed the holesh o t in the 125cc B final . only to lose several places when he forgot to turn on his gas . Craig Lowrie swept into a lead which he held to the finish . Jaquish moved back to second with Stacy Thorton third. Pat Jacobson looked like he ~ad the 250cc Pro win in the bag until a flat tire forced him out of the first rnoto. Ro n Po m ero y (Han) took over the lead and managed to win the overall with 1-2 scores. Lance Shocning (Ka w) showed his consistency as he won the 125cc & 250cc C classes for the third race in a row . This gave Lance top Amateur award for the third race in a row also. Lance looks like he'll surely win that RM80 for top Amateur. barring any bad luck . Results PEE WEE: 1. Jason Cramptsn ISOl): 2. Jamie Davie (Suz); 3. Wayne Manning ISuzl . J R CYCLE B & UNDER : 1. Brad J eff ery lit: 2. Larry Ward (It»; 3. Jamie Munson. JR CY CLE 9-, 1: 1. Trent Mourer; 2. Marlow M ourer. MINI EX: 1. Jack McGiII lVaml. MINI INT: 1. Kyle Fast (Yaml; 2. Sean l eighner IVaml : 3. O.J . Warner IVam). 100 INT: 1. Kevin Logst on (Yaml; 2. Stev e Corcoran (Yaml ; 3. Steve Sum pf (Suz). . 12 5 PRO; 1. Pt J acob son (suz); 2. BIll Jovc e (Suzl; 3. Duke Coleman (Suz). 12 5 INT: 1. Craig Low rie (Suzl; 2. Sandy J aquish (Yam) : 3. Sta cy Thorton. . 125 C: 1. lance Shoening (Kaw l; 2. EI laFanchlse (Suz); 3. Scott Tvler (kaw ). 250 PRO: 1 .Ron Po meroy (Hon); 2. Phil Larson (SUl); 3. David laPierre (han) . OPEN PRO: 1. Sco tt Hud son (Suz); 2. Dave Redwine ISuz); 3. J erry Cox (Su z). . OPEN 8 : 1. Ken Ch icker ing (Yam); 2. RICk M cUne (Suz); 3. J im Reynolds (Yam l . OPEN C: 1. Ron Marshall (Yam) .