Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. Western hotline The Ultimate Handling . .. Package••• •. - Adtnlntllges of the Z Arm I W,ttllhe aII-nt'W POI "7'" e m. YOlJ' shocksare rnounled at the ~eal shod angle Ibee 1$ absolute no b1ndlf19 when lOlly ly ! l tended Of tully compressed In tum, your shocks iIIe workng WITh you lather thanagarm yo Shocks laSI much Iongel than . u IoMiIfd mount 01 l.Jydown methods whtc put unwantedsim s h on lte .$hodIs and frame Adva ntllg es o f the Fork-Kit POI tori: kits art' hard to beat asfarastravel .nj ddmPf'lDil art contmll!d _ThIs led unlees all'. oiland sp ngs. wt1lch produces a llie Iflall $ second 10 oonr The POI lid allows ema travel. along with prOpl)rtlOllile dampemng As your IM S move downw ant. the.. pressure bulldsup1 1.000 PSI Wlrhfhls1 kIf onytIUf 0 M belle. you WIll nlMl' aga expenenceany fee 01 bonOflllng m ling out, even In the toughest sectens or oH the lallesl dfOpaways Mer you convert ttl !tus new mtlhod of suspensonfrom Pm. youcan conant' i !! on going fast and 'Ninolng those big races All P.O.!. FOR K -KITS OFFER TAPER ED STAIN · LE STEEl DAMPENING RODS • SILICO N SS WOUND SPRINGS. LONGER TRAVEl • PROPORTIONATE DAMPENING. BOLT ON INSTALLATION 2 The '1'" il' m also utibres lO!J9er lengrh shocks 1161 1 " inl 1 '"l ID yo adv u' anlage. A Iarye shock ahsorbs IIharYi 1011 much btnl!l 101 a smoo!hel ode Thts $l1SpeflSJOfl system transmrts less shod 10 the fI!eI iIflllte lMke Wtrh the POI '"2'" a m on YOUl blk you tan ccrceonete on gOing lasler and nol e. WOfl'Y abou1 VOOl' real end r, 3 The IoweI shock mount on the POI ''Z'' arm IS poSl1l00ed than the swrngarm pIVOt ThIS p,oducl"S up 1 12" rear 0 . wheel I' ave! and a lower center 01 gravrtv lor an added a:tvamage Thrs new COIlC2pl III up-daled suspensIOn lolows the same the as otfm lon.s ory ~r All Z ARMS COME COMPLETE WITH AL L HARDWAR E AND CHAIN TENSloNER. 1 ARM MO DELS RM ·125 B & C R M·250 B & C & C2 161 1 & 11'1 16'1 & 11' 1 16', & 1111 RM·310 400 B & C FORK K ITS RM · 1 2~ B & C ' / ·1210& E , z.zI O400 0 & E RM ·250 310 B R M-250 40 B & c 0 M ARl RM-SOC ' / ·80 f 11·115 0 &£ 1T ·150 0& £ LIST $59 9S CROSS BRACES AU ITS R M-SO C ' / ·80 [ AU VIs 11 & 78 (S PECIFY I ALl RMs 17 & 18 LIST 52595 ~'dii i PERFORMANCE DISTR IBU T ING , INC. 3550 W Highway 13 est Burnsville, M innesota 55331 • (6121B 90-5541 ~~~~ :: -----&-- . HUSQVARNA Sales Parts Now in Stock!!! Service 250 OR 390 OR Whittier. CA 90605 213-945-3494 &- I would like t o addr... thlt mas... ge to the rid.,. anet d•• le,. of the followtng brand • . SUZUK I: The 2 new models of RM 250'5 are the finest Suzukis ever lTWIde and are probabl y the best 2 stroka r.cers in the world today, Honda HONDA : You people have complained for years about not having a racer . well, the CA 250' s are great and they .. e dirt cheap - there ar. thousands of used ones 8l'ou nd, if you cannot afford a new one . bAKEWB8B fiBHEh\ . Husqvarna CAN AM : This is the most powerfu l 250 eng ine going . They .e the result of yean of power d~ and . . made riQht next door . 1978 390 OR's & CR's & auto matics now in stock Motorcycles - Pa"" - Service 606 Frwy. lit Carson 11747 E. Carson St. lakewood, CA 90715 KA WASAKI: The KX 250 Kawasaki has the 1a'gest 11... fet port . . . of ~ new generation of bik es and has II tremendous potent..l .. a wi~ . I did not mention Yameha, Hariev Devid8on, Buttaco or Ossa because we . rNdy know they . . proven winners. of 8 enginet . . ready and will ing 10 win • ~ Championship. 'w'Yhat I " " trying to say is - let', get to work. I for one am tired of teeing 1 or 2 brands win ev-v time , .en't you ? If I ~ out VOU' bJand don 't de.plIir, there -e" more just as good as those no~. 213-860- 364 1 A1T¥ 714-521-7112 A little dirt never hurt. ."'1;. 241 5 Brown Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 63114 Phone 3141426-6959 or callCharley Chapple 3131735-5453 I:ULERIDE LONG TRAVE L FORK KITS FOR ALL MAOE Of 60 60 1T6ALLOY . FORKS AVAILABLE IN 9 -10 - 11 - 12 " Call 513-3n-760 7 mRRZOCCHI COMPETITION '''':E';.~A~O''''~~TH ACCESSORIES INC. 7831 Alabama St. #1 Canoga Park. CA 91304 213-341.0448 $ Oarland Suzuki •••~. Largest Parts Inventory in Da llas /Fort Worth Metroplex Overnight delivery via bus availablein mostparts of Texas,Oklahoma. & Louisiana 44 300 Leven - Hwy 7BN ~1 4494-3374 Garland. Texas 7504 0 . -cc • OLDER MODEL HONDA PARTS 75% Under Deale r Cost! Lim ited Supply Honda of 36th St reet I~ I Gary Ogden returns at DeAnza MX By Ron Lawson. WHITTIER KAWASAKI 14043 E. Whittier Blvd. Da rrell Lumbattis chases DeAnza 250cc Pro w inner Gary Ogden. Lumbattis made it but could not catch Ogden who was back after injuries. 3100 N W 36th Street . Mld",t, FL 305 1634 4582 Tele x 68 11 154 V FHON Gi ! SUNNYMEAD . CA , JUNE I After spending most of eight months in p laster, FMF's Gary Ogden made his return to moto · cross last week at DeAnza Cycle Park. " It's been a long time , so don't laugh too hard when you see me ride," Ogen said jokingly before practice. . At race time , however , nobody was laughing. Ogden rocketed his 250cc Suzuki past Scott Quick (Suz) on the first lap and got a firm grip on the lead. Darrell Lum b att is (Mai) latched on to Ogden's rear finder early in the race and st a rted putting on the pressure. In the meantime, Danny Bu rtt (Suz) was challenging Q uick for third place. The two Redl a nds Suzuki riders diced back and forth for several laps before Q u ick gave in to Bu rtt's charge. After 'tha t , both riders had to be satisfied where they were because the leaders were just too far gone. Ogden was still in the lead , but Lumbattis was making it hard work for him . For the rest of the race Ogden held off the determined Maico pilot to win the race by a hair. The next moto was more of the same . Ogden grabbed the holeshot with Lumbattis righ t behind. They elbowed a nd bumped ea ch ot he r la p after lap . but Ogden always held the lead . At one point , Lurnbatr is lowsided and lost som e tim e. This gave only a brief respi te to Ogden , who slacked off jus t a little bit too mu ch and let Lumba tti s ca tch back up . At th e fin ish line , ho wever, it was still Ogden wh o le d t h e parade ahead o f Lumbattis, Burtt, Quick and Phillip Thorstens on (H on) . In th e 125cc Expert class , it was Craig Dale (Suz) who took tap money.' In mota one , he got th e holeshot and started to pull awa y. Craig Gormley (Ya m ), riding for Yamaha of In d io , held down a strong secon d place u ntil he overshot a turn, giving the spot to Todd Bal dwin (Suz) . Gormley ca me around in fifth place , but before lo ng, he was picking off riders left and right. By the fourth lap , Gormley was back in second place a nd catching Dale. T he race ended , however, before Gromley was in striking distance . Later. Gormley was protested for not entering the track in the same spot where he ra n off on the second lap . For th is, he was moved back to fourth place behind Dale, Bald win and Matt Devich (Suz) . He made his comeback,' however, in the second rnoto, Da le got the holeshot once more, but Gormley was rig ht behind. Fo r ten laps , they battled for to p posit ion. Go rm ley finally saw an opening and put it to use in the last half of the race. Devich and Baldwin were ha ving a close one too. but Devic h got. the upper hand when Ba ld win crashed and bent his b ra ke lever. T he order as they crossed the finis h line was Gormley, Dale, Devich a nd Bal dwin . The final standi ngs were , the sa m e with Dale and Gormley reversed . Results MINI BEG: 1. Gary Garney IVaml: 2. Rand y S heckler (Yaml ; 3. Roman Pierson (Suz). M INI NOV : 1. Dave Frear (Suz); 2. Mike YeakellSuzl. 100 BEG: 1, Jim Patt erson {Yaml; 2. Guy M orris 15 uzl: 3. Chad Wern er IVaml. 125 BEG: 1. Tom Hodgin ISuzl: 2..Steve Carranza (Yam); 1. J oev Thomas (Suzl. , 125 NOV: 1. Paul Nagel IYam); 2. Samuef Brown IS uzl: 3. Jeff Cantwe ll15uz). 125 INT: 1. David Winters (Suz); 2. Kenny Track IKawl; 3. Andy Orescanin (SU l ). . 125 EX: 1, Craig Dale (Suz); 2 . Craig GoImley (Yam);

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