Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• ·••••••••...•••••••...•••••...V.·.VA....·.·.·.,.·. • "IT'S TRICK!" . et it on like the champions G . This creek got a little muddy. , The overall winner was Mike Adams (Ha n) with II points lost . Passing room in th e woods was minimal a nd Adams was lucky enough to draw th e riding number beh ind Bob Steffan and his fellow Shamrocks . wh ose trai l etiq ue tte is am on g th e best in the District. Adams' Honda teammate Jay Tullis won th e 175cc " A" clas s with 12 points lost and saved th e day for'Adams when Mike's speedometer broke at the 90 mile point. T he Open "A" class was won by J im Wil son . Jim en tered as a n "A" rid er but sin ce he didn't have a D·37 Enduro ca rd. steward Larry La ngley made him ' rid e as a "B ." After the sco res were in . it was obvious that Wilson was " A" caliber , so refe ree Counts reclassified him and riding partners Bob Br ooks and John Barnes back to "A" and they won the "A" team trophy. The "Die -H a rd Enthusiast Award" goes to Dan McKinney (H us) who finished in spite of ha vin g h is hand in a cast. Da n broke his righ t wr ist at t he Trask Mounta in ISDT Q uali fier . Da n m ight h ave bee n one of .the be nefici aries of this enduro, since part of th e proceeds go to the U.S. ISDT effort. Hopefu lly the dona tion will get one of the Six Days team named the " District 37 Enduro Riders." Considering the amount of work the UEA put into the Tuff E' Nuff. the 260 -rider turnout was somewhat disappointing. Apparently this event suffered from .its past reputa tion as a ru gged desert enduro. However, if this year's rider reaction is any indication , next year's ent ries should soar. The most -often hea rd rider co m ment was , " I I~~ t lots of points , but I sure had fu n. Following th e .trophy presentation Su nd ay eveni ng , several UEA mem bers ca rried Jerry Coun ts to the creek a nd threw him in . Ironica lly, that will probably be his only reward for one hell of a lot of hard work. • Nat iona l Model (347) Grand Prix Mode l (3 18 ) "I TS TR ICK !" Jim Pomeroy " #1 IN PROTECTION !" Tony "0 " Open Class Model (333 ) " JOFA, FOR CONF IDENCE '" Jimmy Ellis Jofa . .. the superio r name in dirt bike protection offers a full line of Shou lder.Pads li ke the ones worn by many top ri ders. New design prov ides all pads with vent i lation ho les for coolness, li ght er weight and comfort. Ind ividual adjustments f or chest, arm and shoulder; washable. Also check out Jofa's great line of Shin and Elbow Pad's, t he Jofa Rock Guard and accessories includi ng Jofa's new line of Motorcycle Helmets. Send 25c and a self -ad dr essed enve lope fo r t he new Jofa b~o c h u r e and deca l. To : Volvo Rec. Product s The Protection Collection for all off-road riding and riders of every age. 15 Maple St .. Norwood. N .J. 07648 DISTRIBUTED BY : Accessory D ist r •• Palisad es Park NJ - D .W. Engine ering, Huntington NY - F lo r ida Cycle. Jac ksonville FL - Fo x. Arlington TX • Fox. Phoen ix AZ · Full House. Columbus OH - Howard Griff in. ·Mo nroe LA · Iron Horse, Hou ston TX - J . T. Racing. Nat ional Ci t y CA· M oto-X·Fox . Campbell CA · J im O'Neal . Resed a CA • Suref ire. A shev ill e NC - Su llivan Brothers. Hanson MA - Torsten Hall m an . EJ Caj on CA - Torsten Hallman. A:td ison JL - Whee lsport, Portla nd OR 0 V o lvo of America Corp oration Results A OPEN 1. J ;m Wilson (Yam); 2. Bob Brooks (Suz); : 3. Tom Webb (Yam). A 250 : 1. M ike Adams (Honl; 2. Mike Godfrey (Mai); 3. Randy Uef>ig (KTM). A 175: 1. Jay Tulli s (Han); 2. John Barnes (Yam); 3. Jerry Bailey (Ya m). A SR: 1. Roy Sherida n tHus); 2. Harry Keast (Mail ; 3. JesseGoldberg. A TEAM: Wilson. Barnes. Brooks. B OPEN; 1. T. Marctuanou: 2. J . Townsen d; 3. M. Rosendahl. B 250: 1. T. Wa lters; 2. E. Kempenaar; 3. B. Halpert. 8175: 1. D. Sitar; 2. D. Tet rizze ; 3. T. Arno ld. a SR : 1. C. Ad kins; 2. O. Merritt ; 3. P. Marsik . 8 TEA M : Rosendahl. Kemp enaar, Adkins. COPEN: 1. J. Broomf ield; 2. M . Franklin; 3. S. Schuetz. C 250: 1. C. CIa'k; 2. R. N";II; 3. O. Walker. Jr. C 175: 1. B. North; 2. M. St;rm; 3. M. Heyne. C SR: 1. E. Lehmann; 2. O. Gates; 3. T. Scon . e TEAM : Franklin, Schuetz, Stirm . WOMAN C: Nancy Snideman. WOMANB: 1. A. Mennell; 2. L li eree. .' 43

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