Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.-----_._._-_._-----------_._-_._-----_._-_._._---_._.---- Ce.Ir" PlpellD. . "H ill. " They were not mountain climbers or hikers, but that speSmootheraction - More control Improved handling - More travel - ' Different dampening Air or springs. The front end kit that beats them all. -, Dealer or Direct ou t of sta te call toll free 800-854-4691 90 day money back guara ntee J'I~'1lU vt.uu» PO BOX 1321 Hesperia , CA 92345 7142 4 72646 (Above) Californian Dick DeRo sa abo ut to crest the M ontana State Champio nship hi ll. (Below) A contrast in equip ment in t he Formula 4 GP class. Novice Tommy Shields (9451 and expert Carl Smith t hrough on e of the Oklahoma turns. THEFINEST COMPlETE LII'o.IE OF OFF-ROAD RACING MACHftlERY EVER OFFERED KrM ImporlS U.s.A. 9825 Mason Ave" Chatsworth. Ca . 9131 1 .1213,882-8860 Dealer Inquiries Invited Spencer takes four f irsts in Oklahoma By R. H. Sm ith HALLETT, OK.JULY 17 Hallett Motor Racing Circu it in Hallett , Oklahom a was t he scene of another great roa d ra cing weekend presented by Central .... . . ..... . .ta MO'I'ORCTCLE KNOBBY ~ 213-693-9608 Honda . Triumph :JOE. -\ a7.kE.E.j. Mot orcycles T ry u s fo r Tr iumph p art s . UPS same day 28 2509 Broadway BMW Sacramento. CA 958 18 916-452 ·549 1 Mot o guzzi Road Racing Club. W it h 135 ent ries in the 13 W / ERRA classes, the hot sum mer day and challenging' ci rc u it . provided good times for a ll. Eleven of the 13 firs t p lace awards went to fou r riders . The big first prize winner ' w as Freddie Spencer of Shreveport , LA , T he old whiz kid rode th e Vivian Cycle Yamahas to first places in th e 410 Production . 410 Cafe , 750 Cafe a nd Form u la 3 GP classes . Freddie entered the Formula 4 GP class with his twin 125 Honda but fa iled to finish after. tangling with lapped rider. Jon Minonno was the winner of the most of the gold at Hallett. The Big D Cycle rider from Dallas scored a first in the 750 Production , Open Cafe and Formula I GP classes , Jon was also able to push his Triumph motorcycles to a secon d in th e 750 Cafe and th ird in Open Production classes for a total of five trophies. J oe " Bucky" Patterson ca me to Oklahoma . entered three classes, an d retu rn ed to Houston with three first _ la ce awa rds. The 250 Production , p 250 Cafe. a nd Formu la 4 GP classes a ll fell vict im to th e novice Ca n -Am rider. Pau l Ste p henson borrowed Donna J orge nso n's CB 40 0 Honda and sco red a second to Sp en cer in t he 41 0 Prod uction race. and then entered a ne w 900 Desm o Du ca ti, from Sto rm 's Cycle in Da llas, in th e three b ig bike classes, winning one and co mi ng in second in th e othe r two . "Hog Man" Ste p hen son ha s b e en sp otted p ra ct icin g with th e new Du cat i in G rea ter Southwest Airport Circuit betwee n Da llas a nd Ft. Worth in prep a ration for th e nex t C .R .R .C . ra ce . August 21st. • Results in Resu lts Section. Tough hill at Montana Championship hillclimb By Bob Cardwell BILLINGS. MT,JULY 10 They came from all over Western Uni ted States to con quer the cial breed. with extended frames . cut kn obbies and kill switches on their bik es. We had number three rider Dick DeR osa fro m Cal ifornia ; Ha ro ld Odeg aard fro m Fargo . N.D. ; Brian Pierson fro m Lethbridge. Canada; Glenn Worrall from Lorna . MT. and scads of others . Ther e were four classes a nd som e rid ers rod e in all four. Some of the first comments upon seeing th e " H ill" were. "it sure doesn't look too tough ." " not as steep as last year." "going to be fast ." and "you mean people ride up that thing?" As mos t found out, it wasn't easy . It was tough , steep and , yes. 100 riders did attempt the Hill : The Hill is 60· x 80· x 87° at th e top and has been the site of the Championship for 15 years. T he event has been held since 1905 . The crowd was over 3.000 but substantially down from last year due to so many other events going on in and around] 13 Billings this year. Skip Clevenger piloted the highlY -j strung 250cc twin Yamaha over first ) with only four other 250s followingrj However, expert Glenn Worrall from) Lorna , MT, showed everyone in the j 250 and 500 classes th e shortest routej over th e top. Last yea r's charnpion.j Jerry Richter from Billings. MT had fast time of 7.16 seconds in th e Open) class , but was unable to do better than ' 7. 90 in th e Adva nced class . Brian, Pierson hauled six Kawasakis from Canada and his triple was fast enoug to win the Ad vanced class at 7.635. , Brian had a unique style of getting off~ at the top . he would push off when th e: bik e was airborne a nd let them land: where they may. Good t hing he owns a : bike shop up north . « All in all . it was a very successful] hillclimb. Thanks to Kenny Glenn and the BMC for the ir ha rd work . A special hand to those hard work ing ca tchers that d idn 't m iss a bik e. • Results in' Results Sect ion . Johnson wins Bravo Expert Feature By L.J. Duplic han HOUSTON , T X .JULY 10 'A V T , It at Glen Johnson overcame a bad start to pocket some expert prize money in Sunday's Rio Bravo,) motocross action , Johnson was . entered in both th e 125cc and 250cc a Expert competition. In the 125 action, ' he completed only four laps before ~ mechanical d ifficulties sent him to the pit and out of the competition. In the 250 action , th e AMA rider won the a first moto, but in the second cha pter a 0 bad start sent him into the first turn d dead last. Turning on the steam , Johnson picked off fou r riders in the " first lap and got around th ree others the second time around . By the third ) lap . he was out front and built up ,a ~ l O-second lead by the end of the eight- • lap event. I In other Expert action , David ) Martin captured the 125cc purse '] money while Phillip Yarbrough, ;) mounted on a Husky . took the top dollars in the Open Expert class . A The large Amateur classes featured J some double winners ' as Dan Conway brought home first place hardware in the 250 Intermediate class while lugging home second -place , recognition in the 125 ' Intermediate competition.

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