Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WHY BUY GOLDEN SPECTRO? Because it is not a cheap claim-all 100% syn t het ic that cou Id cost you an engine! GOLDEN SPECT Ra is a prop er blend of d iester synthet ic lubricant and very heavy petro leum base o ils of the highest Quality . GOlDE N SPECTRa is the most advanced blend of balanced add itives and superior base st oc ks des igned t o do an excellent job of lubricati ng and protecting yo ur tw o-str ok e engine. GOLDE N SPECT Ra prov es it s clean liness by burn ing clean ly even at rich ratios and its tough film st rength by protect ing even at very lean ones. II USED BY: Honda enduro team memo ber s Ja y Tull is, Mike Adams and Mark Heacox; AMA Spo rt sman of th e year Steve Bart ley; Viva Dist, Monte sa Endu ro. T rials. and MX I I team s. AAA Cycle' s Joh n Townsend. And th e list goes on . . . . . (Above) The start of the Deschutes 100 class. Winner Steve Waldorf (SOl, Terry Baker (801and Randy 1 homspo n (t39 1lead. (Belowl Brad Stankey competes in the Tu rkey class. His bike stopped two laps from certain victory. I. NOW YOU KNOW! SPECTRO O ILS OF CA LI FO RN IA • 477 IN DU ST RI AL WAY • (71 4199 6·6411 Steve Waldorf blisters the competition at Deschutes By Brad Stankey BEND . OR. J ULY 3 Steve Waldorf, riding for St a te Center Realty on a Speed and Research-tuned Yamaha , ran away and hid from the other competition in 100 Intermed iate class at Deschutes Cycle Park. T erry Baker ea rn ed the holeshot , als o riding a Yamaha , but in the 100 Junior class . followed by Randy Thompson riding his fast YZ80. By the halfway flag Waldorf had a IO-second lead over seco nd p lace Baker . O n the last laps of the moto Waldorfs ignition started developing a miss . but had enough lead built up for the win. The second moto was pretty much a repeat of the first with Waldorf (Yam) taking first . followed by D a ll a s Joh nso n (Suz) in second and Kevin T omasini (Suz) taking third . T he 100 J unior class was won by Ba ker (Ya m) with J ames Neff (Yam) in second a nd . Jeff Fri tz (Suz) coming up from behind to take the win in the second moto and a third overall . T he Mi ni J u nior class foun d Andy Ank er (Y a m) . ri di ng for Anker Realt y, ta king the overall win by finishi ng lirst and second in his motes . Second place went to Ray W aldorf (Y am) followed by Ken Jackson (Yam ) . In the Mini Intermediate class Hennie Zimmerman (Yam) took the overall win on h is Ya maha with Les Li nk second a nd J eff Du pont (Ya m) third a fte r a h ard crash on a big d own h ill jum p . T he Min i Ex pert race went to Kevi n T omasini (Suz) riding for Iron Horse with Randy T hom pson tak in g seco nd after h avin g to pull off with a flat rear tire in the first m oto. In the 125 Junior cla ss it was Ron Looney getting the holeshot in t he first moto with Scott Zettle (Su z) crashing in turn one. Allen Graves (Suz) was the eventual winner of the day by taking lirst and seco nd in his motos . Second place overall went to Mark Wiley (Yam) and third went to Lyle Klenski (Yam) . The Open Pro class only had five riders show. Rod Kentner (Ya m). riding for Grizzl y Bea r Pizza . showed his confidence by waiting on the line 'til the other riders were well into th e lirst corner . then proceeded to take the win over second place Joe Sandgathe (Suz) and third place Da ve Shepard. In the Turkey class the first moto was won by Bra d Sta nkey (Ossa) with Tim McCormic (H us) in second and Scott McKenzie (Su z) in third. The ' second Turkey moto fou n d Stankey agai n ou t front , only to h ave his bike sto p two laps fro m certai n victory. T he overa ll win went to McCormic wit h McKenzie in seco nd and Da rryl Reid . ta king thi rd . The sportsmanship trophies went to Mike All en in the mini class for getting off ha rd and trying to ride the second m oto : and to Ka ye Bishop Beadl e for being the prettiest a nd fastest powder puff, ta king fifth place in the T u rkey class, • Resu lts in Resu lts Section . 1 Cycle News Want Ads do it HI-POINTIMETZELER MOTOCROSS TIRES , . PLACENTA. CA. I St e e l Shoe $45.00 St • .lP s i.uu T · 5 tH . l !I -1.0 0 800"*.00 ATIENTION 100/1 25 MX RACERS HAVE YOU TRIEDTHE NEW 100/90 MX-TIRE7A 3:75 KNOBBY FROM METZELER I INSTOCKAT YOUR HI·POINT DEALERS 3:00x2I.l3:50x21 lOO/1Ox18, 4:00x11l, 4:5Ox18 NEW5:00x17 HI·POINT ACCESSORIES . LORA IN . O. SUPER SALE JIM DAVIS PROTECTIVE EQUPMENT SP33 SHOULDER PAD SP90 MX SHOU LD ER - CHEST WSP1 WO MAN'S SHOULD ER PAD SG 11 SHIN AND KNEE GUAR D BMG ADULT MOU TH GUARD ST RETCH KIDNEY BELT. M . L . XL '5.9! 23.9! S tves G to 1 J U w .o r « A ll O r .ce s c tu s C.O. D . & Po s ta ce * Mal a, cv c te cov e rs, D ISC D I.l "'~ S . Whe t: 1\ . Sm oc a e t s & m o - e H ~ I Ds , 17 141 7 35·0540 M AE L Y ENTS .. RI . 2. Bo x 75B RS30 Bedf o rd M lr Way . Cor ona . CA 91720 W~[1~CJ)~=== ~[])~~1J~a~ Curnutt Shocks Sales, service & £rame work '5.95 , 5.9! 3.95 3.9! THIS OFFER WILL NOT B E REPEA TED THIS YEAR. VALID ONLY THROUGH THIS AD . .JIM DAVIS MOTOSPORT B~ 1~ <;> A BURBANK. CA LIFORNIA 9' sos TELEPHONE (21:1I 762· 2045 ... .. * San k.e PIDe , Sea t s , P , ll nIl1S. by Charlie Curn utt, J r. Loca l sale s o n l y o n' CU rnu tt ShOCkS, Hours: I I am-5 pm Wed.-Fri. 2204 .Gladwick, Compton, CA 90 220 ~~Q~~Q~~a~ ~~~~~~RedJ4Jnds ~ __ .1H ~;:" '" ~:~~~ ~::::::: ~::::::: f;:;:;:; ':::::: : :.:..... ~ \. Sa lt" & Svr-vin' Fa ..1 U P S ~hil O rdc.·r .. A.1\' M. he·l·t· 82 9 W . n A \(·. u .l... R edlands. CA 92:~7:l t 1-1-793-204 I KENNY ROBERTS RACING SPECIALTIES 9600 Pioneer Av e . Oak dal e . Ca 95361 Frames Sho c k s 209-847·5934 Sw in g A rm s Wheels 27

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