Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.• Yamaha . 250 Novice John Kaplon at Oak Hill's motocross. Over the Hill Bunch's Jim McBay lead -a family affair by capturing a third place trophy in the Over SO competition. Daughter Michael took the runner up spo t in the Women's Open while t he youngest McBay. Chris. earned second place recognition in the Mini 50cc Class making it a three trophy day for the McBay fam ily. _ Much to the delight of the large number of riders, track operator Red Walling announced the formation of a new beginners' class for 125cc riders. This class will be limited to racers who are not consiste nt trophy winners in the 125 Amateur classes and a point system will be used to determine the rider's qualification for participation in the beginner class . Longer expert motos on a more demanding track are also on the drawing board at Rio Bravo for the im m edia te future. • Results in Results Section. Priddy takes Oakhill MX 250s By Mildred Willis ALVORD , TX,JULY 10 With over 100 0 tem peratu res. the Texas weather wasn't the only thing ho t at Oak Hill. Competi tion was stiff as all classes were full.' In the first 125 No vice division Mark Mosely (Hon) took first plac e in both motos with no trouble. Sean Gillen placed second with a 2-2 score. Mark Edwa rds took a first overall in the second d ivision with a 1-2 while Billy Rubey got second wit h a Sol , and Mike Sea rbroug h came in third wit h a 2-S. The 125 Int ermediates proved to be one of the be tter ra ces of the day, with Butch Grid er getting th e holeshot, only to be passed by J im Goins (Ya m) before the firs t la p was over as Mike Hawkins pulled in th ird. By the end of the second lap Grider had ta ken the lead back from Goins after Hawkins 'crashed and fell back to l Sth, David Walker moved up to third. On the th ird la p Walker moved into Grider 's shadow and sta yed th ere until the checkered fla g. In th e second moto David Walker took an ea rly lead with Grider close behind until falling in the second lap with Alan Spray from Abilene moving into second pla ce. Walker went on to lengthen his lead to take first overall with Grid er second an d Alan Spray th ird. T he 125 Sen iors ha d S1 expert riders signed up and roa ring down the hill in th e first moto . At the end of on e ' lap Craig Kn igh t was in the lead, with Dickey Turn bo in second a nd T rey J orski in th ird. On the second lap Jorski had ta ke n the lead , with Kn ight in second' a nd T urnbo gra du ally slipping to the bac k. Da nny Doss was involved in a first tum pile up , but he charged from last to finish sixth. By t he end of lap five, Mike Jones had m oved from mid-pack to second and continued to close on the leader with J orski barely edgi ng him for first. In the seco nd rn o to it was like a three ring circus . with J orski taking the lead first only to have Dan ny Doss go ou t front later with Mike J ones third . Jones m oved into second at the halfway sign with J orski holding down thi rd . On the sevent h lap Mike J ones too k Doss' lead awa y from him a nd won th e overall . Jorski pl aced seco nd with a I-S and Doss took third wit h a 6-2. . Steve Sheffield (H us) com pletely dominated th e 250 Intermed iates class with a win in each mota . W ith SO ri de rs in the 250 Expert class, the old man, Wyman Priddy showed the youngsters he could still do it . with a dominant I -I win . Randall Tarter took second (2-2) a nd Bla ir W right thi rd (7-S). In th e Open Intermediate class the East Texas riders took top two places. Chuck Nichols (Suz) from Lone Sta r took first and Mike Barlow (Hus) fin ished second. John Pittman (Suz) from Ind epe ndence. Kansas took third with a S-4 finish . In the Open Expert race Wyman Priddy too k another moto win . Trey Jorski rode almost the entire race in second gea r . after his sh ifter broke off. He blew the soot out of his Suzuki to place second. DeWitt Kno x ca me in t hird with Randall Ta rt er ri g ht behind. In the second mota Jorski took an ea rly lead and held it the entire ra ce. At the end of the first lap. Kirk , Spe ncer was in second followed by Priddy and W illie Turlington . In th e next lap Priddy overshot a berm 'a nd lost six places before getting back on the tr ack. Randall Tarter mo ved fro m about mid-pack to 'second by the end of th e white flag lap where he placed second overall. Priddy took third with a 1-5 and DeWitt Knox took a fourth wit h a S-4 score. Pro -Am races are held every second and fourth Sundays at Oak Hill . See you t he rel • Results in Resu lts Section . St rait takes so ut h Texas Cham pionship By Nick Castillo ALAMO , TX.JULY S&4 Round I The McAllen Motorcycle Club and Lakeside Raceway got together and put together a motocross series race. Riders came all the way from Mexico, Corpus Christi and Kingsville. The races sta r ted hot and heavy in the mini class with Nerio Ramos (Yam) taking first . Stacy Sm ith (Yam ) second. Carlos Rangel (Yam) third, and T immy Obst (Yam) fourth . In the Super Mini class Robert Smi th (Yam) took top honors for the day with Andy Murray (Ya m) a close second, Joel Stone (Yam) third , and Manuel Negret e (Yam) fourth , In the 100 class Jackie Matthews (Suz) proved to be too much for ' th e rest of th e riders as he swep t both motos for first overall with Andy Murray (Ya m) second. J immy Capt (H on) thi rd and Mike Ma rlow (Su z) fourth . The 125 Junior was the biggest class of all . with all the riders ea ge r to go . when the gate droped a nd the dust had settled , Oscar Quintanilla (Suz) took firs t in both motos with John Cox (Suz) a d istant second. Chuck Da igle (Hon) third. and Ken Pe rdue (Kaw) fou rth, In the 125 Intermediate Jeff Gage (Suz) had no trouble handling top honors, wit h Mike McDaniel (H on) second Rodney Danner (Kaw) thi rd and Dale Parker (H on) fourth , In 250 Junior a cti on Charles Hatcher (Suz) took first after a close battle with Mike McDaniel (H on) who had to settle for second. Rodney Womack (H on) third a nd Jimmy Sandvig (Yam) fou rth , The 125 Expert was a run away for Neil Cooper (Suz) who had no trouble handling firs t overall. Larry Hughes (Hon) made several attempts for first but had to settle for second. J immy Strait (Hon) had to settle for third after crashing. Herbert Anaya . (Suz) a first time expert , showed everyone he could handle that class by staying close to the top runners all day. The 250 Expert class saw J immy Strait (H on) come in first, John Bersch (Hon) and Nick Castillo (Ya m) battled it out for second with Nick coming out on the short end of the stick, by endowing on the last la p and had to settle for third. Wade Woodall (Yam) Orange County Cycle .\'Uil f /I .'it u, I: YZ 125-0 '5 YZ 250 0 '5 YZ 400 D 's IT 1750 's IT 400 D 's TT 500 0 '5 Orange County Cycle I ;/iiifi II.,d"" BI-.I! . ,I!" 11 {. ,n'" 1 ,\I \ , I <',1 ,I!" 11 {." ' ' ' '. ( \ 1.1 1 {. ,I 714-530-7340 All it takes To begin yo ur ad vert ising carnpaiqn Is To the adver t ising department at Cycle News' 213-427-7433 Motorsport Ail Shocks ~~,,~ rl .. •~.• As the gate dropped with the stan of the mini class on the second day. Nerio Ramos (Yam ) wasted no time proving that he was going to take first overall and the Mini Championship. Matt Maiden (Suz) came in second. T immy Obst ( Ya m) third , and Horris T immerhann (Yam) fourth . Robert Sm ith (Ya m) took top honors in the Super Mini class and with it also the Super Mini Championship. Andy Murray (Ya m ) ca me in second, Joel Stone (Yam) third . Floyd Robbins (Yam) fourth. Rodney Womack (Hon) was the center of accusations as he took first overall in the 100 class. He was protested. then his engine tom down and found out his bike was a true 100cc . J immy Capt (H on) took second on another Flying W prepared Honda. Billy Ho rak (Ya m) t hi rd . and Mike Marlow (Suz) fourth . Mark Hernandez (Ya m) took top honors in the 125 Junior class with Chuck Da igle (H on) second, Gilbert Longoria (Ya m) third . and John Cox (Suz) fourth , Jimmy Sandvig (Ya m) came back in the 250 Juniors to take firs t overall with Mike McDaniels (H on) second, Rodney Womack (H on) third and Hector Arrona (Suz) fourth . The 125 Expert proved to be the turning po int for J immy St ra it (H on) as he ca me in first in both motos with Larry Hughes (Hon) giving Jimmy a good ru n the second moto but had to settle for second. Herbert Anaya (Suz) im proved overnight and came in th ird with Neil Cooper (Suz) do ing no better than fourth for the day. The 250 Expert class was another win for Jimmy Strait (H on) . This time John Bersh (H on) had an easier time ho ld ing on to second as Ni ck Castillo (Ya m) ra n out of gas on th e fou rt h lap of the second moto , filled up, resu med the race and came in third. with Wade Woodell (Yam ) a close fou rth. Resu lts in Resu lts Section . Offwr .- 213-5116-3691 58OlI"'itII L_e-.CA . .15 fJ.Yi]/JJO@@ fourth. Round II . a phone call ,~ ,~ 'SDT ••DU.O STA.TI.S GO LD. SILYI• •IDALS 111 E. _ AJIilo A... • - . CA IIIIZ GS-~rbO S U Z U K at S outhland Cycle 8141 Garden Grove Blvd. Garden Grove I 714-8 9 3·5091 S U Z U K I Publiclands I l1li ~ belong to all of IlWl'~tl. (Ride sharefullJC) AIfIrRA IIOTCNlCYCU acccsSOll... ~ , 'r YAMAHA PhoneoTMail.OTders (Same day shipping) Valley Cycle Center Large stock of new and old Pans and Acce l80ri es 2092 Winchester Blvd. CampbeI. CA 408-374-0464 ~U'CKO~" ~®iTI)[P)®~T . Van Suspension Kit 13920S.W. Tualatin V*V Highway Beaverton. O R 97005 503-646-8600 Ascot Every Thursday Night Motocross 29

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