Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Abo ve) Mike Bast ended up with two perfect scores to emerge as the favorite go ing into the final. (Belo w ) Mike Curoso. shown at the head of the pack. had a strong night at Ca l Expo to br ing him up to a tie for fifth in the standings. Takes Good Care of Your Threads 12 points and tie d las t year's high po int AMA rider Rich Mac Murray, for fo urth . Pen ha ll sh owe d up sporting a new set of leathers and probably di dn't want to get any dirt on them. MacMurray's only losses came at the hands of the Bast brothers. Fifth spot ended in a tie between Larry Sh aw and Alan Christian. Shaw had won the runoff with Mike Bast at Folsom , but was only to do half as well as his previous night's riding. Larry put six points on the board to go with his 12 for a total of 18. Christian was zapped in his first heat at Folsom and could not make the restart. He did come back and gained a to tal of seven poi nts . At Cal Expo , he won his first three races and ra n second to Mike Bast in his last race for a total of 11 points and an overall of 18. Mike Curoso emerged from the Folsom races with only five points to his credit. With Sonny Nutter doi ng his wrenching, Curoso ca me back with' an impressive 11 points a t Expo and assured himself a berth in the final. C uroso tied with R ick Woods and Du a n e Yarrow fo r the fifth spot. Woods is getting better everyt im e he comes out and if he gets a chance for a little mo re practice , must be considered a bet for one of the top spots. Yarrow had one win and one third place spot to go with his string of second places. Five riders tied for seventh with 15 points: Dennis Robinson, Ron McGill, Steve Gresham , Dave Faria and Dennis Sigalos. Robinson was in his first week of racing after breaking his collarbone in the first race of the season in Folsom. Marty Benck crashed in his first heat and only picked up five points to go with his seven for a total of 12 and gained the first alternate position. Matt Jackson will be the second alternate with a total of 11 points. • Results in Results Section. VIB RA-TI TE BIKER POSTER. Send for our su per 2 ft . by 3 ft. full color poster of the Vibra-Tite Biker. $2. 50 plus SOc hand ling gets yo u the poster p lus two free decals . The Oakland Corporation 1893 Barre tt Rd . Troy, Mic h . 48084 THE INVISIBLE WINDSHIELD WIPER 'Qln~ A M UST FOR THE CYCLIST IN THE RAIN C MPETItIONRIDE RS .•• Ust !b.n·1 O on ROUIe1. 'l'5,OfS Ind 1I:IIun btlore f I IK l ~ ItIt ra/O lalts.~ ., ~ .,t no 'I1Wn piotWms due to • • ftt build-up ROAD RIDERS •. . Ust R ln-l ontMIr l • ,ndsh lrid s. Ilt .c1hi ht1. mitr O's T~ Ittl vlt$l downpour dOt'5 not ""Dil ' VISIOn due to "'ill er bUild-up PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS.•. ~ ..e usedRilln·X, tor ., il's I nc! d Will wor~ r just n wei! loryou on.,our Yi~ ars. !lucks elc Dl st Tlbu ted by HI ·POlnl Acc:es sortitS. 3709 WEn. Ave , lorain , OH 44053. PO , Boll.2327 . Amarillo, TX 79 105. 9604 Oate s Or , Sacr amento. CA 95827 . ~ Don't lose it! I Hand Washable ~a~ 26 _ "_ , " ~ ;~~ Othman Distributing Co . Box 356 San Luis Obsipo , CA 93406 (8 05 ) 544-6181 • Rtding • RacIng • Street GLOVeS Dealer Inq uir ies Invited Mike Bast ends up with perfect score, at NorCal Speedway qualifiers By Stephen J . Rooney, Jr. SACRAMENTO. CA. JULY 22 Mike Bast won every one of his regular heats to be the only rider to come through the two International Motorcycle Speedway Qualifying Rounds with a perfect score of 24 points. Bast d id . however, lose two races. At the Folsom races , Bast ended the evening tied with Larry Shaw. As the riders lined up for the runoff, Bast jumped and broke the tapes . Shaw was awarded the checkered flag and toured the track to the roar of the crowd. At Cal Expo , Bast was again tied. This time he had to line up with his regular weekly adversary , Bru ce Penhall. As the riders lined up for the start , Bast did it aga in - the tape was broken and referee Fred Spencer awarded the race to Penhall . While Penhall circled the track with the flag , Bast rode his rear wheel around the track and into the pits. Mike has made two trips to the North this year , and the only time he hasn't won all of the mains was when he broke the tape in a Scratch Semi. Mike's luck with the tapes is rather unusual , since this year someone bought some really good material and the tapes are stretching a long way before breaking. Both of the races that Bast lost had no effect on the final outcome of points for the Qualifying Rounds and he goes into the final at Costa Mesa as the odds-on favorite. During the rounds , Ba st rode against all but five of the riders that will be going into the final. As mentioned he lost to Penhall and Shaw in the runoffs . Other riders that did not have to face him in a race were: Mike Faria, Steve Gresham and Duane Yarrow . Steve Bast was tied for second at Cal Expo . as he was at Folsom. Steve ended up second overall with 22 points. Steve, now living in Loomis, showed that the .cha nge to Northern California has no t affected ,his ability to run with the best of the broadsliders. Brother Mike and Dennis Sigalos were the only two riders to reach the finis h line before him . All alone in third for total po ints was Mike Fa ria . Fa ria put 10 points at Cal Expo with the 11 he earned at Folsom for a tota l of 21. At Cal Expo , Faria was defeated twice, once by R ich MacMurray and the other in the last event by Bruce Penh all. Last week , Faria's only loss came at the hands of Paul Orlandi. Bruce Penhall , coming back after a rather poor showing at Folsom , put it all together for a perfect Robin Mast beats the guys at Salinas scrambles By Burt Dinner SALINAS, CA ,JULY 10 Robin Mast (Ya m) , the only girl in the Sali nas area presently pa rt icipating on a full-ti me basis, led the 80 Modified field to the checkered flag. Following her home were Dan Moore (Yam) and Ku rt Chandler (Yam). Not to be outdone by his brother, Doug Chandler took home two trophies, a first in the Expert 100 Mini and a second in 80 Modified. In the 80 event. Chandler was edged by Tracy Hays (Suz). The Iwanaga brothers matched victories, with Jeff winning the 125 Novice and Paul the 250 Junior. Jeff Haney (Yam) took home the bacon and needed an armored car after winning both the 250 and 500 Ex pert classes. Novice Da vid H ufford (Yam) was the 250 winner over a la rge fiel d , with Da nt e Dambruosa (Yam) finishing a near second . Matt Cro wley (Bul) held on to his lead for the year's high point > trophy by winning the 360 Novice event. After running second for ni ne laps , Brian O hagan (Tri) took advantage of the leader's misfortune and went on to win the Open Expert class. Ohagan was followed to the wire by John Fire (T ri) and Elmer Gantry (T ri ). • Results in Results Section.

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