Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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you the instructions'. For the upwardly (Get it? upWARDly. Get it ?) mobile Kawasaki, th is is a must - makes the old-style just like the new style KZ1000 . How 'bou t that, Batman? Get all th e info on th is and other such t rickery fr om Wa rd (Red )La nd is a t Warland Engineer in g , Dep t. Conspi cuous Consumption , 2834 Colorado Ave, #21, Santa Monica , CA 90404 (213) 829 ·11 38 . sample? Hell fire ! Hope the staffer stomps the lot 'em . Get the shirt at dealers, but don't bet agains the CN tester - he cheats something fierce . Trick numbers Now you can have fancy numbers like all the hot shots, You guys at Popular Cycling paying attention? Some kid wrote into that fine publication, asked about these trick numbers, and the editor answered something about how the AMA assigns national numbers. Completely missed the point. Pretty funny , eh? Enough of running down the handicapped. You can buy these fancy numbers from your dealer or directly from O'Brien Racing Products, Dept: Bulbous, 2416 Skyline, Irving, TX 75092 (214) 252-4000. Big ones cost 50~ ; little ones cost 25~ . Hannon horn Crasher card Every crasher should carry some kind of card, especially if he /she is under 18 years of age , The reason? Crashing at times causes conditions which require patching up , such as broken bones, gravel· rashed nose , etc. What you see here are handydandy med ica l history (tha t' s wha t ya use to list th e fac t t hat every bone in your body already has steel rods in them) and medical authorization (tha t' s the on e your momma or daddy sign s so you can get patch ed up without them ha ving to come back from th eir cruise in th e South Seas just to sign for you at the emergency room ) cards . Uniq ue Medical Products . Inc. makes 'em . Wri te to Dept. Crash and Repair , P.O. Box 725, Brea , CA 92621. T ell 'em Ro ver sent ya. Because he builds pipes and tunes "by th e sea t of the pants," Daryl Bassani knows th e im porta nce of a rear end in good condition. In order to ensure that t he seats of Bultaco Frontera riders are never burned, overheated or damaged by the exhaust system of the machine , Bassani has introduced the Mike Hannon repl ica p ipe . Developed in International Six Days Trial (ISDT) competit ion by Gold Medal winner Mike Hannon , the pipe never injures the rider's ass, improves low-end torque , tucks in close under the engine cases, comes complete with exhaust port mounting flange and all mounting hardware, requires no modifications and installs in minutes ; Never you mind , wise guy, that the stock Bultaco Frontera pipe did not injure the rider's rear end - ya t rying to stifle free enterprise? Send $65 to Bassani Manufacturing, Dept. Cheeks, 3726 E. Miraloma , Anaheim , CA 92806 (714) 630 -1821. KTM Jello brand gelatin mold Guaranteed unbreakable and built by worl infa m o u s Pres ton P e tt y, t h e Ca r l Cran Pen ton/KTM mal:" cover d irectl y replaces th e stoc item , and doubles as the perfect mold for tasty Jel b rand ge latin salads for the disc riminating host hostess. It won 't leak, won't break, and won im pa rt a strange taste to the gelatin unless it's di when used . Get one postpaid for $21.25 fro Northwest Parts and Cookware, Dept. Gelati Mold , 245 North Hwy , 99W, McMinnville, 0 .97128 (503) 472 ·2515 . Torture machine Grudge race shirts z·, disc Ward Landis will pu t a d isc brake on you r earlymodel Z·1 and KZ900 Kawa saki , or he'll sell you the pa rts and instructions to do it yourse lf, or he'll sell 14 Now .you can have t-shirts commemerating the giant grudge match challenge race between the entire American Honda public relations, advertising, and engineering departments and th e Cycle News staffer who tested the MT125R recently. The race will be at Ontario Motor Speedway, and everybody will ride an identical MT125R drawn at random from a lottery. Then we'll see who can and cannot ride.. .d id n't get those two championships with a DKW by playing tiddly-winds, you know ! No? That's not what this is all about? You mean this is just a standard release on t-shirts, and they didn't even send . ,!Iong a Accord ing to th e Ph iladelphia Enquirer , ev biker is a blood -lusting fool with rape and mur in his/her heart , So now you ca n live up to yo image. Get on e of these Bolger chain tools a apply main forc e to th e fing ers or toes of someo you love. When you're not pla ying inquisition in t back yard , you can use the chain tool to push the pin completely ou t of an y standard-size motorcy drive chain. Or, you can use it to rivet t masterlink back in place on endless chains. F instructions come with the tool , and you can get either from your local Ossa /Full Bore dealer from you r local Beck/ Arnley dealer , Ask for t finger crusher spec ia l.

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