Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Snake bite uh7 SL. MSL . MSL all the way. Oh what fun it is to ce on an 85·horsepower sleight. hehl Huh? What ean'urn " MSU" Well , according to Fuller nrerprises, it means " Migh ty Slick Lubricants." ou k no w . . . o ill An es te r -b ased synthe ti c bricants to tak e th e place of Grecian Love Jelly? 0 , combined with an additive pa ckage to control st and corrosion and provide for full fuel ixability (so it won 't be lonely at cocktail parties). he y cla im better power, no more fouled plugs. d an ab ility to withstand ring power zone mperatures of 400°F or more easil y. Get it from ept. Grecian Love. 583 2 Pinon Dr . . Huntington each. CA 92649 (714) 840 ·2943. Hot damn! At last . a way to eliminate that brat down the street who keep s runn ing his Road T oad across the lawn. A rattlesnake . . . oh . It 's not a snake . It 's a spake bite kit . So why are the secre ta ries jumping a rou nd scream ing? Honest , girls . it's just a photo. Looks authentic. Get th e sna ke bite kit . utilizing the Fast Freeze method of slo wi ng ve no m pen etrat ion . f rom Amerex Laboratories , Inc. , Dept. Fang . P.O. Box 32827 , San Anton io. TX 78216 . T hey should know what they 're d oing - we know some real reptiles th at came from T exas . Fast pants Hack mechanic kit H ere's just what the shade tree mechanic needs - a Hell-Coil metric thread repair kit . It covers metric th read sizes from M6 to MI0 . including special MI0 lengths. and includes all the necessary tools , taps and enough Hel l-Coil Stainless Steel Inserts to handle 44 repairs in a custom metal storage box . Shoot, back when the Editor was a lad in high school. he should have had one of these kits with enough stuff for 441 fix-its. He had a BSA 441 Shooting Star. Get it ? Get it ? Get it from He li-Coil Products. Dept. Armadillo. Shelter Rock Lane, Danbury. CT 06810 (209) 743 -7651. What's the nex t best thing to ha ving the skill of riders like Steve Stackable, Bob Hannah , Rick Burgett. Jimmy Ellis, Billy Grossi . Jim Pomeroy, Ga ylon Mosier. and Jimmy Weinert? Having pants just like theirs . They all wear Steve StackableGriffin motocross pants from Steve Stackable Ult ra lite Products. They're approved by FlM and AMA and a re made of lightweight , washable nylon and DuPont Nomex fabric with rear leg zippers. expandable seams, double-layer leather on the shin pad, snap-out hip pads. plastic knee caps, and UniRoya l Ensolite flexible shin guards. Get yours from dealers or from Steve Stackable, 910 Jewell , Austin , TX 78704, (512 )447 -9188. nother case protector here the test 125B Suzuki was. Tapped in sixth th th e t h rottle stuc k wide open. The kill button dn't begin to slow anyth ing down and wit h the iple jumps coming up things d idn't look so good . was over the second mound that the front end d id "DeCoster replica" and snapped right off. , that ade the final "Killer jump" look really bad! erything was alright as the test rider was pulling a eat whee lie with the front end dragging behind the brake cable. until the chain snapped and eked the rea r wheel up. The entire sequence ade " Ro ller Ball " look like a Girl Scout picnic. It times like these that you' re glad that there are cent replacements for the side case cover. From Engineering in Palmdale we were able to replace e cover for a mere $9 .95. The new one was a tr ick ld aluminum job. Give them a call at (80 5) 948 73 a nd get you r Roller Ball spec ia l. Also pl icat ions now being acce p ted for test ride rs. Abys mal failure Rod cuffs The Chinese in vented these type handcuffs centuries ago. J.D. Engineering has improved on the original design and have their own MX 'cuffs. Simply slip ·you r hand over th e throttle and then afix th e large hole to your th um b and the small hole to you r li:tle finger, no way will your hand fall off the bars on long motos. The new des ign eliminates blisters and fingers , which cuts down on the cost of gloves - a good buy all around . If you don't have what it tak es to wear these when you race . then slip it into you r Suzuki RM125B as a rod kit. Complet e at the pa ltry p rice of $36 .95 , by calling (805) 9489773. Ask for W on e Hung Loow. As a boomerang, the little item pictured above was a total flop . Not only.did it not return to sender, but in comprehensive testing' in the Cycle News office, it wiped out two typesetters , all the editor-in chiefs trophies, 17 plate glass windows and a billing computer. Drilling for lightness produced no improvement. But something that is a disaster in returning will prove right handy in preventing snapped chains from re turning the way they came and punching holes in cases . Alloy Graphics developed it to fit Suzuki RM370 , 250 and 125 (with 520 chai n ) models . 1976 -78 vintage. It allows gea ring cha nges of plus or minus one tooth. Retail price is $9 .95 at you r local shop. Dealers get it from Onlv The Best Dist ., Dept. Boomerang, P.O . Box 3682. Ana heim , CA 92803. (714) 997 -5666 . 15

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