Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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start on the outside position on the starting gate. At the click of the gate , Bast . who started third . and Autrey were side-by-side, but Mike was able to catch the outside traction while Scott went too high and almost. hit the crashwall. Down the back straightaway. Bast led with Autrey running last. Scott was able to move by Shaw for third , but Bast and Christian had the two top positions to themselves , as the checkered flag came out. Bast p icked up t hree po ints to mo ve ahead of Autrey. who collected only one marker in the event. The next race saw Curoso defeat MacMurray , while Penhall scored his t hi rd win in event 15. Another big upset was made in race number 16 when young Dennis Sigalos made a superb start and defeated Steve; Bast and Rick Woods. putting both of them out of contention. Event number 17 looked to be the most im po rt a n t race of the night , as Au trey, still with an excellent chance of making the trip to England. went up against Penhall and Woods. who showed signs of his early 70's fonn. Agai n . starting on the pole, Scott to ok the advantage in the first turn wit h Penhall and Woods riding on the ou tsid e , However. Autrey was having no part of the outside lin e and continued to ride exceptionally on the low groove . Penhall a ga in made several desperate attempts 10 catch Autrey on the outside. but failed and Autrey collected his fourth viclOry of the night. Penhall placed second with Woods and Ron McGill trailing. With both riders completing all five rides . Autrey and Penhall were tied with 13 points each and leading the overall standings. The stage was now set for the final event of the night. and Mike Bast needed a win to secure himself a spot in the European Final. Only brother SIeve . Yarrow. and Dennis Robinson stood in his path. But. at the start , it was all Michael BaSI. as the defending national champion rode away from the field and collected the magic three points to total 14. It was a happy Bast clan follow ing th e event , but Autrey and Penhall wer e tied for second with 13 markers , and a fou r -lap ru noff bel ween them was ne cessary to produce the ot her U.S. represen ta t ive. T hus . the SRO crowd was on its feel as Penhall and AUlrey moved OUI io Ihe slarting line for Ihe choice of the start ing gale positions. Autrey won Ihe coin toss and chose th e pol e. which left Bruce with th e outsid e position . a spol he was used 10 . At the snap of th e gate , Autre y pitched h is mach in e in to th e first lurn in fron l of Penhal l. Howe ver. the knol"ledge of com pe ti ng on the Cost a Mesa track every week went to work for Penhall. as Bruce threw his Neil Street mach in e into the cushio n on the ou tsid e. Penha ll rec eived th e traction he needed 10 move around AUlrey down the back straig hta way a nd take the lead . From th aI po int. Scolt made several attempts al Bruce . but Penhall was not to be denied . a nd Ihe 20· yea r · old from Balboa crossed Ih e fin ish line th e winner. T he crowd went berzerk and fo rm e r le ammales Ba SI a n d Penhall were Ihe U.S. representatives 10 the European Speedway Final. Garden Grove Datsun gave Mike BaSI $2500 for his European Iraveling expenses and 10% of the purse from th e seri es was withheld 10 help both rid ers. • Results NORTH A MERIC AN WORLD SPEEDWAY CHAMPIONSHIP aUALIFER Top 2 riders Qualify to : compete at Whrte City, England in Eurol?68" Intercont inental Final. 1. Mike Bast. 14, 2. Bruce Penhal!. 13··; Scott Autrey. 13. 4. Steve Bast. 11. 5. Rick Woods. 10. 6. Alan Christian . 9; Mike Curoso . 9. 8. SI"". Gresham. B: Dennis Sigalos B. 10. Owayne Yarrow. 7. ,, . Larry Shaw, 6. 12. Rick MacM urray. 5. 13. Dennis Robinson. 3. 14. Mike Faria. 2. 15. Ron MicGill. 1; Dave Faria. 1. "Won four-lap runoff to determine second rid er to compete at Whrte City. England. DEALERS ALoUAMA Rld.r Blb Sho p, 1334 TUK'a1oo1la A.. S.W.. Blrminqham. Ala J.lJ2 11 c.n.. Mob il.CycL. r . 1436 5 B.ltm. Hwy .• Mob ile . Ala J~2 1 1 Ou . TOW'lnq, Inc.. 240 N ~lst 5 1.. Blrm m g ham. Ala 35212 AlllZONA Tn City Motorcy d _ . 5728 N W. G rand Ave .. G I. ndal. , AriZ, 8~JOI ACllOn Auocia1es. 3302 N. 27th Ave ,. I'bo.rox. Ariz. 8~1 7 I & I Hub. 10)5. [ C urry Rd . Tempe. An z 85281 ARIAlCSAS Any Cy~. 1301 5 'nM:nnpeon 5 pr tnq dal.. Ar k 72764 , CALIFOIUIIA Bar. Par • . S~ Oau 51,. Balc n ti. kt , Co 93304 . n..t Par. a nd I nstrWIM n~. 200 4th 51. BaUnfl. ld. Co 93304 Mar uko C yd.ry. 2848 [B.lmont. Fr esno. Co 93701 it is and where to· COLORADO Fay "'..,en Mf9 Co.• 2015 w, Alameda, Den. ... . Col. 80223 Har . y Dav dson Sales Inc.. 8020 W. Co ileD Ave . Den ver . Co l 80215 Frankbn C yc1e sm-. 2825 1st A.. . Col , 80631 CONNECTICUt ContonC,d n . Rt 44. Conton. Ct. 06019 ~:- Ran ch . :I1 ~e A_ . Exll, Danbu ry . a 06810 Rohe r ' L TUQlfiJIe. Inc .• 6123 Ptu1lq:» Hwy . Jo c:Uon.ille . n 32216 Gell9 ler s Suzulu. 1700 W. .I FCIlrbanb St . Lalc eland. 33801 BoDan- CydoA...-n. I 80~9 S llu... Hwy .M""",. n . JJ I ~7 Honda North. 15660 W. D1Zte Hwy . North MlCJDU. 33162 a-B 5l,l1:ukJ. 441 10th 51 N.• HapI _ , n 33940 Palm B.ach Rd«. 247 Royal Palmway. Palm Beac h. 33480 Cy cle Rama. Inc . 5316 Seminole Blvd .. 51. Pe te rsburq . n 33708 CEORCIA Loc k.., Mar ine . 10 11 Ml, -ray Ave ,. Dalton. Go u Cy delmport Sal_ . 3326 Me mon o l Dr.• Decatur . Ga 30032 MotorcycM Wor ks , 9511 Hwy S. Oouq las¥ille. Ga 30 135 n n n ILIJJl()IS on one. The concept of an effective anti-skid device for motorcycles evolved from re search a nd devel op me nt of a simila r device for hydraulic drum a nd disc brakes on automobiles. trucks and racing vehicles. The application of the Sa fe ty Braker M /C anti-skid device to motorcycle braking systems is a natural. because it dramatically imp rove s control and performance, whi le providing greater safety advantage during emergency stops. The Safety Braker M /C , weighing only 6 ounces, is easily insta lled anywhere on the hydraulic system between the master cylinder and the drums or disc pads. Units are equipped with e ithe r a quality "T" fitting or banjo bolt fitting as required. By installing Safety Braker M /C on your motorcycle. split second emergency stops are made without wheel grab or lock-up, permitting greater control and con• sequently shorter braking distances by an average of 20%, even up to speeds of 70 MPH. Product e va lu a tion by se ve ra l leading motorcycle magazines speak highly for the need of this device on toda y's motorcycles. Safety Bra ke r M I C is available a t. deale rs throughout th e co u n try. Check dealer list for the -" one nearest you . 78 Lake Meadow Drive Da ly City. Ca lifornia 94015 (415) 755-8761 Anhoeh Cyc~, 887 MQIJI 51.• Anlloch. IU, 60002 Aur or a CycJ.e Factory. 649 Hlli Ave ,. Aurora, D1 60505 Bob ·JoCyde Co .. Rt. I Maple Parle . Maple Pa rle, III 60151 Pow.r Moton . 333 W North....t Hwy • Palatine , nt, 60067 IIfI)IAIfA Don EhJ.erdmq Lrwasakl, 1619 U.S 30 [ollt. Fort WOV¥, 1nd 46803 G M C 5porta & CycJ.eShop. Rt , 2. Pi... eercn. Ind 4 6~2 World Clau Ace_II. . ~!J2 N, Cornell. Ind ianapohs, Ind 46220 Heeds Yamaha Co unlry . 736 No 9th. Lalayene. Ind 47904 IOW A . B1uU. Cyele. Inc .. 1055. 31s ' St ., Co unc d Blut!, Iowa 5150 1 D:lCTUcn Blueqraa OUt. Co.. 1225l.imabut ~8 . IOempr. T~Up & Repair. R R 1. Wahham. Minn. ~82 NDMSU ' e rTyeo Motors. 2400 N St .lmcoIl'L Neb. W ID L & .. Compehhon Cycle. 2803 N. 68thSL. Omaha. Neb 68104 Ramer Moton. Ine.• 3333S. 6lst Ave . Omaha. N.b. 68106 NEV AllA Oarkt Cyc~ Cen.r. 750 Kuenz b. . Nev. 89~2 !lEW HAMPSHIIIE Hood. Suzulu. Jnc .• 162 Waahm9ton $I . Clalt morll. N H 03743 NEW MEXI CO Cn&eader C ycle Supply. 151 1 W. G r..n. Catlabad. N M 88220 NEW IEIlS£Y Mar:ho Tourinc;J Cy cl... Ht. 537.lobsbWn. N J. 0840 1 NEW YOU Sum . . Suz ulu. lnc . 1180 SunnM Hwy ., Coploque, N,Y 11726 Su.per Cycle HouM, 284 Tray Sc henllC'kJdy. Latham. N,Y, 12110 Hudaon VaU.y f_t:lC SOles . 86 Millwood Roa d . Millwood . N.Y. IOM6 C ustom Cycle tha I.. 1895 Newbndqe Rd .. North B.Umore . N,Y. 11700 Dave Leath., 's Suz uki , 1416 Broodway. Scbe n.ctady. N,Y 12306 Col umba Kowmalu. RI 9; Va latie, N,Y 12184 NO RTH CA ROLIN A McOouqI. Honda. 650 1 5 BouI.vard, Charlotte. N C , 28210 OHIO Athen Sporl C yd . , 20 W , Stlm"n, Alt\. ns . Oh IO 4570 1 O hlO C ycle . Inc . 11444 Brook Pa rk . o.veland , Oh iO 4--4 130 A Wh . .1 Wor ld. ~4 3 May held Rd , C leve lan d . O hiO 44 124 Yamaha 01 Cle ve land. 495 £. 185th 51.. [uclid . O hIO 44 119 Spok •• & 5 trok_. Inc., 20522 Southqert. Park. Maple Helqhl&, O hiO 44 137 MauilllOn Suzulu , 30&[ rw 5t . Masllll1lOn, OhKl 44646 The Road Ra cer. 184 EasT5 Boundary, Pe rry sb yrq , O hiO 4 3~!J; l O IlECON Moio reyeJe 5peclC1lll" , 33J8 S,!:. Va n Bu r. n, CorvaJle• . Or. 97330 !:UQ'",e 5uzlW. 1511 Hwy 99 N . [ uqen. , Or 97402 MiJwav,k. . Yamaha. 14428 5 [ . McLauq hhn, MlIwauk_ . Or 97222 Maflo 's haban Molo r , 8805 5 [ Sior k. Port land. Or , 97216 PENNSYLv ANlA Harley DavIdJlon. 2872 W 26th St .. [ r. Po 16506 Honda-Harley. 3767 Wm . Pe nn Hwy . Mo ntoeVlne , Pa 15149 CyeJ.e5 hop. lnc .. 240 W Ma m 5 1. Nor n s town . Pa 1940 1 Tcqtor Motor.. Inc .. At 611. Ottsv;U . Pa, 18942 • 5 ..... " s C ycI. Par ts . 7800 Oriord A"e . Ph llacle lp lua , Pa Igi l l D. A Kaw o llOl 49 18 Haz e l. Tre VOM. Pa 190 47 u 1UI0D£ ISLANll Honda Pe rtonn cmceCente f , SO l Ta unlon Av• .. [ PrOVI~nc • . HJ 02914 TENN£SS££ Fran k Newman. 12. .. Hwy , 411 N . Modi. onv LlJ. , Tenn. 373M TEXAS . Tn um ph QI A~Iln . 5120 IkirlWtt Rd,. Aaaslln. Te llClS 78756 Hayden Honda, Hwy . 96 Nor th , Ce n.... . Te llQS75935 UTAH New~e Hon da . So. 250 W . ~n , Ulah 84403 :rno VlIIGDllA Pr o Cyc" Supply. 303 £ndJ ... Roa d . Colh ns Vl e . Va . 2. 078 U Yamaha C yc!- Cen,." 2626 HI_ rude Or.. OanvLl• . Va 2454 1 WISCONSIN ChtIs Cy d. Se rvK: , Hwy. 13 N. HI. 3, Ma fshhe kl , W ls !l«49 e South East Sa l.s Co rp .. 10Z30 Fond d u Loc. Milwauk. ., Will 53224 Broobtie ld Kaw a.akl. 19M5 W Blue mound. Wak ..ha. Will ~3 186 DISTRIBUTORS Btlo ns DiatnbuhnQ Co.• 82!JN l.o.k. SI . Burbank, Ca . 9 1502 RlX8 rs Sup ply, 2307 C lar k Av• . Byrbank Co 9 140~ Rick Hodnnq , 4320 1 Mo ntrOlle, Fre mon t Ca 94536 Sh.U Rocmq 5peciolh.s, 33~ c.ntu' y Blvd . Lynw ood, Co 90262 A C DlStn buMq P.D Boll 1"96. Oranq. Co 92666 1& 0 DlIltTl ulmq 280 1 Falroaks Ave , Red woodCily , Co 94063 b Able n Tounnq Ou thn.n, 8527 Ab lll'lt Rd . San t_. Co 90271 C EM Prodl.lC't• . 4ab [ St. Cha rle. Rei , Carol $Iream. ll1. 60187 M & M Rcxinq Inc .. 624 [ . Marlt .t. LouI_VlUe, Ken. 40202 rahl.lro m Rcx lft9 [ n l.• 12179 c.nev o Way . Ap p le Volley, Mlnn ~ 1 2 4 A K Stratman Co . 3330 BrUllllW lt. F1 lc oris. nt. Mo 63033 T & 0 DIslrib uh ng 128 Hlqhmounto lll Rd .. Ringwood. N J 0745£ Kellh . Tou rmq Specla ltl• • . 4 1· 23 Hampton 51 : 3F, [ lmh unt, NY , 11373 Molor cy cir S.U S.rvlce . Inc.. 61 15 13th Ave 5 , Seoll1e. Wa 98 108 DISTRIBUTORS ABROAD Bn a n .5hop, 529!J A Yong e 5, . Willow dale Onlarlo . Toro nto , Canada M2N 5R3 Satta Induslrlal (U K,) LId . ~9- 36 1 [uslo n Ad . Satrau lr., London Enqland WN 1 3AW . Two Wheellmpo rlll 285 SI VIn"lI'nt 51.• Po" Ad. la lde , 5 Aus lt a !la 50 I ~ 13

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