Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._... . .. . " Western hotline FILTRON DOES THE JOB! F ilt ron 's motor cyc le filters wit h th e ir patented pu lsat ing foam t rap eve n th e finest d i rt p ar t icles t o keep you r engi ne cle an. T o u gh eno u gh t o t ack le any end uro or motocross, Filtron gives you ext ra protecti o n f or any ty pe o f r ide. D ist r ib u t or inq ui ry invit ed . . FILlRON,. AIR F I L T E R E L EM ENTS ii!!!!!JiiiL@ P.O . Bo x 390, Garden a, Calif. 90 247 230 West Rosecrans, Garden a. Calif, 90248 -.. DEALERS ,. ~ r ·UATTENTION· • • • IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY FINDING • • ·OKWaSACHS· • MOTORCYCLE PARTS • • • YOU CAN NOW ORDER DIRECT (D EA L ERS ONLY) ' • • HERCULES DIST . LTD . 9827 Mason Ave.• Chatsworth . CrJ l. ~ •••••• 91311 • Phone (213) 882-8272 DEALERS ATTENTION IF YOU,ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY GETTING JIM DAVIS PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ANYWHERE IN THE U.S., PLEASE ORDER DIRECT TO: BOX 1002 BURBANK, CALIFORNIA 91505 OR TELEPHONE (213) 762.2045, 24 HOURS A DAY. , r: '0/ ONE OF THE WORLDS LARGEST DIRT BIKE ACC DISTRIBUTORS 250 Juniors go for it at Saddleback during t he 30 minute Saturday motos. stroke his water-cooled motor and improve his lead by one second a lap. As th e mota proceeded his lead only increased and by the last lap he had 15 second lead for first place and first overall . Sla ter ca me in second fo r second overali for the day. Third went to Talkington. The first fema le MXer to ra ce Cycle Haven a ppeared in th e 125 Beginner class , a nd thoug h she didn't p lace well, Peggy Wi lson showed the bo ys there's room for ¢ rls in MX . • .Resu lts in Results Section . a A.M.E. MX Wash ab le Hand , . .. . ~.. - ~~ 30 ~ : ~~ Othm an Dist r ibut ing Co; Bo x 356 San Luis Obsipc . CA 93406 1 805 ) 544-6 181 • Rid in g • Racing • Street GLOV ES Dealer Inquiries Invited By Lee Taylor VA LE NC IA , CAL. , NOV . 14 T he ' 250 Pro class saw a tough ra ce fo r first betw een Mark Gam be tt a and Don nie Hansen . It was their ra ce righ t down to the wire. In the first moto Do nnie Hansen ha d a first and Gambetta a seco nd . Craig Osborne who dnfd in the first pushed Don n ie relentlessly throughout the second for third even though he knew he woul dn't trophy. And so it went for these th ree , for 45 lon g mi nutes in t heir second moto , . 'sliding arou nd m uddy .tu rns. forging the stream down the midd le of th e sa n d wa sh, co u rt esy of t he recent sto rm . H andl eb a r to h an dl e b ar throug h many of th e tu rns, ducking low tree b ranches. W hen the fin a l checker ed flag waved these boys home. Ga mbetta p icked up his share of th e $1, 000 p u rse for a firs t overall , with a well -fought for second to Don nie and a th ird to Ma rk White . Sunday was another first for wom en wh o a re into ra cing. The inaugu ration of a woma n's P ro class at A .M .E.'s $ 1.000 purse rac e, cosponsored by R ob e rt Bosch Spark Plu gs. Su e Fis h was there a nd in beautifu l form as usual. Co m ing int o her second m oto she encounte re d considerable resista nce fro m Kim La Vigne a nd Rhe Gliem i who set ou t 10 keep her fro m win ning bot h mot os. Sue refused to accom modate the m an d set up a bea u tifu l lea d for herself. Resul ts in Resul ts Section. Wild bunch at AME Night MX, By Lee Taylor VALENCIA , CAL. . NO V. 19 T he 25 0 Begi n ners were a wild lot Friday night. W h a t -with t he likes ofJ esseJames, J r. a nd Da ve W ild what else could one expect.

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