Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-._.. ..... . . ~ .. ~ E-Z Sl.IDER The first mota found some tough raeing going on between Dave Wild, Terry Mason and Douglas Gamby. Dave had taken the holeshot and was trying desperately to hold on to it. Terry Mason moved out into the lead and found Doug McNeely and Joe Johnson hot on his tail. Joe did some fantastic riding and grabbed up first by the end of the first mota. . The second mota found Joe raring and ready to wrap things up for the evening. There was some unbelievably close racing between Joe Johnson and' Dave Wild for first. Dave was closing in fast and almost got by Joe at the bottom of the drop· off. Terry Mason who had a sixth in his first mota was trying desperately to hold offJessee for third. It was show-down in O .K. Corral time between these two and they fought it out all a round the track a nd throughout the mota . The chec kere d flag saw first going to J oe Johnson for a beautiful 1·1. Second to Da ve Wild riding for Gary Bang Cycles , somehow his sponsor's name seems more than coincidency. And third to Jess James, Jr. • Resu lts in Results Section. Corona High SchoolMX By Elaine Jones CORONA, CAL. , NOV. 12 It was a tight battle Friday night at Corona Raceway for the overall High School team title. Chaffey, Cajon , Hemet, Montclair and Poly were each in the running but it was Poly that emerged victorious when it was all over. Poly's two wins came in the Mini Cycle class and the 100cc Intermediate. Ra ndy" Ritchot te ended the first mota of m inis in second be hind Alan W idrick of Montclair but he backed it with two firsts while Alan ' had a DN F and a second . Bru ce Sm all made su re the re were no questions ab out his first in the 100cc Intermediate class. H e led all three from start to finish. Mike Johns of Montclair was in second for the first two mo tes bu t Tony Rosetti of Poly got the jump off the line in the final mota to bring it home second. It didn't affect Mike's second but it sure helped Tony finish with a solid third. Hemet also collected two wins for the night. Bill Metzger collected a grandslam in the 125cc Novice class . Like Bruce Small, Bill decided the best place to be was in front and that's where he was every mota. Bill Easley of Cajon was.tied with Sean Sessa of Poly for the second going into the final go . Sean got off on top but it was short lived as Bill took over in the second lap and went on to win the place spot with Sean in the S\WW position. • Results in Results Section. Mini Combo at Elsinore By Andi Gangewer ELSINO RE, CAL., NOV . 13 a There was quite race going on in the Mini Combination class with everything from' Beginner's to Expert's on the track. Amateur Dave Hulbert seemed to have it all together in this class as he took two of the three wins . Younger brother Darren, an Expert , had a hard time beating his brother. Darren had the disadvantage of starting way in the back, being the sole Expert, but he managed to wiggle his way through the potpourri of riders to finish second behind David. Newly transferred Amateur , Jim Snow'was a close third. What a race the second mota! It was a real battle between Jim Snow and Dave Hulbert. Jim had the lead lap one then Dave took over for the three laps in between . Dave got too confident and that's all Jim needed . He gassed it and right at the line Jim zapped by Dave to take the checkered. Jey Sapp, a Novice out of Chino followed in third. Dave had to have the win the last moto or he'd lose it all . Dave was fired up and no way was he going to let Jim Snow get a wheel under him. Dave led every lap and the trophy for the Mini Combination class went to Dave Hulbert. Jim Snow was the number two man overall. Dave's younger brother, Darren , was third the last race and overall. • Results in Results Section. Hunter perseveres at AME Mini MX By Lee Taylor VALENCIA , CAL. , NOV . 19 Friday just had to be Josh De Vane's night in the 0-83cc Beginner's race. He had done everything right. In both motos he took beautiful leads off the line. In his first mota he had a 15 second lead over everyone else. In the second mota, even with Frankie Hunter pushing him relentlessly he managed to build up a lead. A situation in which a lot of riders would ride over their head and lose their position. But as ha ppe ns to the best riders in the world, Josh went down on his last lap in his last mota and finished third. He's a good little rider and a good sport; kno wing Josh he'll be ba ck next Friday night all set for another good ride, and a shot at the gold. Frankie Hunter who had pursued Jos h through both mo tos, refusing to give up, took home a first place with second place going to Ricky Porter for a beautifully consis tent rid e. • Results in Results Section. Cross wins; Loses with loud bike By Rex Reese TRABUCO CYN.·, CAL. , NOV . 21 Tom Cross (Suz) appeared to have the 250 Expert class all wrapped up , but he was disqualified for lack of a silencer on his bike. Mark Marinez (Mai) who was running a fair second behind Cross all day. was promoted to the money spot. Likewise , Dann Vivier (Hus) moved up to second, and Rick Rasmusson (Hus) was make th ird. In the 250 Intermediates, thumper pilot Tad Vanden Raadt proved that the four-stroke is far from dead as he powered his trick Honda 250 to three straight wins ove r the more , " sop histica ted" two -smokers , Steve Jarnmillo (Suz) scooted himself to fill the second spot, while third went to Scott Kinnier (Yam). In th e combined 250 /0pne class, the first moto win went to 250 Exp ert Rich Mullin (Mai) , who was followed by Open rider Tom Mayfield . Cross had been lap ped , but went on to win the next two rounds . Mayfield had finished behind Cross in round two, and was caught back in traffic in number three , but his placing compared to the rest of the Open Experts netted him the win with Bob Marino (Su z) second and Corey Bogane (Suz) third . Open Expert Mark Brooks (Suz) with his two . consistent third place finishes , would have filled the spot where Bogane had finished, but a short trip into the weeds put him out of the picture. It was during the third moto that Rich Mullin (Mai) made one of the most exciting crashes seen when he overshot the scorer's jump and proceeded to ·ta ke a tumble in the dirt . Even though both bike and rider had survived the crash in good shape, Rich decided to call it a day. . RaWley at.R.A.C.E. MXCorona By Elaine Jones CORONA , CAL. , NOV. 12 Mark Ra wley went pro and got greedy all in one night at Corona as he rode both the 250cc on his Suzuki and the 500cc on his CZ and then collected the bucks in both. Mark had a few problems the first mota in the 500 class when he was hampered by the dust from running in second. He changed all that the next two when he got out in front and didn't have to sweat the small stuff. Tom Karas followed Mark all three in the 25.0cc and Lee Rosenberry got beat by one point in the 500cc go. David Callaway beat his Rincon Kawasaki teammate Leroy Dozois for the first time in the Open Junior but they both lost to Mark Ellis who had a perfect 1-1-1. Tony Feldhaus had his win streak broken in the 125cc Junior class. He started with a first but Bart Onasch came back th e second mota to claim the win a nd tie u p the ball game. Ba rt go t the nod and Tony barely hung on to second - as Mark Ba llow was knocking at this door a nd the difference was one little point. Mark's brother Paul kept the family ho nor alive as he had a clean sweep in the 125cc Pro class. Kinney Jones followed him home. • Results in Results Section. A.M.E. Mini Thanksgiving GP .By Lee Taylor VALENCIA, CAL. , NOV . 14 Jim Holley rode all out in the 105cc class down on the hiternational Track. This ' boy has consistently been one of the fastest and sharpest riders around over the past four years and his experience showed. He set up a good lead for himself and held it halfway through the 45 minute race when he crashed in the center of the track. A.J. Whiting was running 20 seconds behind him and Matt Whiting was setting himself . up into third . Holley recovered and got going before A.J. could pass him and held on through the 22 remaining minutes in the race. The checkered flag waved Holley across to a first and a four foot trophy, second went to A.J . and third to Matt for a super ride. Results in Resu lts Section. • it's not a beautiful necklace ... but as '0 motorcycle control coble it's GREAT! E-Z SLIDER is a re placement cable for most popular dirt bik es, universal fit, and is co nstr ucted of the fin est materials to give smooth and effortless movement. No lubricati on reguired. FEATURES : • • • • • • Woven steel inn er w ire Ny lo n inn er sleeve' Wo und steel cond uit Co tton sleeve insul ator PVC o uter jacket Cadm ium plated fi ttin gs $3.95 suggested retail price Dealer and Distributor inquiries welcom e Chides Importing Co. P.O. Box 837 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 446-2002 ~~Jawa @ Christmas Sale-Dec. 4th 30 % Off pa rts &accessories (714) 645-8008 2334 Newport Blvd., Cost a Mesa, CA Twin Air & Foam A ir Filters . Filter Oil FROM YOUB W POIN T DEA LER Mike Patrick's Ie", YAMAHA at CORONA _ !10/ E. 6th Street, Corona, CIf. (714) 735 7721 3f

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