Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. . ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-._._._._._._._._._._._.. thing to smile about after the trial with a third place under his belt. The series is based on the best three finishes out of five . At the end of the series tires, grips, chain lube, and spark plugs will be given to the top finishers. The first round was a success and ITA has high hopes for the rest of the series. • Results in Results Section. Lawson sets halfmile record By Ela ine Jones CORONA, CAL. , ocr. 13 Eddie Laws on se t a new hal f mile record on the Corona oval, winning the Money Race and turning a 22.88 in the process. Believe it I or n ot he was rid in g his grandfather's 400cc Kawasaki. Mike Stewart , one hal f of the T&M sponso r Eddie p icked up this year, w as on hand al on g w ith tuner Butch Silva, who seemed more than ple ased with his performance, as we ll a s his Dad and Granddad. In the half mile go it was Mike Ti d we ll and Eddie San Roman wh o battled fo r sec ond with Mi ke co m ing o u t on top. Lawson also grabbe d the dough on the sh o rt track and aga in it was Tidwell wh o gave him a run for th e money . Stan Kinsey p ick ed up th ird in 'th at one. Eddie collected win num ber three in the Open Expert Sh ort T rack fro m Rick Bird. The stri ng was busted in the Open Expert Hal f ~lile by a new face to Corona , J on Lindeberg. Eddie held the lead for t wo laps before Jon plowed by and he co uldn't get a ro u nd him no matter wh at line he ch ose . Dylan Neih art on hi s new 750cc held o ff Rick Bird for third. Lee Fabry was th e on ly other ri der to collect a double win when he won both the Short Track an d Half Mile 125cc Novice go es. Ty Cline in spite o f much o bi ke pro blems and Brian Gardne r were second a nd th ird in both. J ohn Wright took th e Open Nov ice Short Track by t h e ha ir of h is ch in over Wayne Poll ack an d ] , War d McK ee wh ile Chris Arms tro ng to o k th e half m ile fro m John Gimenez and Wayne. It had to be a quiet ride h ome fo r the Gimenez fa mily sinc e Lou , wh o finis hed fo urth , wa s beaten by h is so n . Dorothy Rowe bea t th e boys in the 25 0cc Exp ert Sh ort Trac k. Mik e T id well, wh o n ormally dominates the class, overshot the first tu rn and was unable to get back into the thi ck o f thin gs. Jeff Springmen was more th an ha ppy to fill in the second spo t allo wing Danny Perk ins in for third. Ti d wel l m ore than m ade up for it on the 250 cc Exp ert Half Mile where he set =--------_--=._-----~ a sizz lin g p ace fo r the rest of t he field as Dorothy held the bo y s at bay for secon d an d Danny Perkin s cam e in fo r the show sp o t. Ro b Selvy an d J im Beck shared the Amateur honors with Rob taking the sh o rt track an d Jim th e h alf m ile . Racine ran a sm oo th , Shane co n trolled ra ce and it paid off as he led the 25 0cc Novic e Sho rt Track fro m C'J start to fm ish. Mark Butler was holding I-< a so lid second u ntil his bike start ed to (l) go so u r and Ric k Blan kensh ip was more , ,D than happy to ta ke over sec o nd. Brian Stin e also took advantage of Mark's (l) problems to slip in to th ird. >Ri ck Blankensh ip too k a page fro m o Shane's b oo k on the 25 0cc No vice Hal f Z Mile a n d ro de a perfect race , leading from start to fini sh . Rand Miller got . right in b eh ind him a nd held on to se cond. Bob Kivrizis h ad third until Sh ane go t by him t o br ing it home. Dylan Ne iha rt took over Mike throne in the · 125cc T id well's Amateur/E xpert Short T rac k against a field that gets bigger every we ek: Greg Bell took over secon d on lap two from J ohn Silva ' and held off Rick Blankensh ip who cam e up for third. Todd Brown wh o moved himself up to Am ateur proved he knew wh at he was doing :is h e ran aw ay from Neihart and Fr ed Con over in the 125cc Am ateur / Exp ert Half Mile. T he minis rea lly sh ared the wealth wi th Darren Hul b ert and Greg Nel son taking th e win in the short track divisions and J\la tl Moon winning the half mile. • Resu lts in Resul ts Section. E By J ody Weisel Maico is bringing th e most cosmopo litan racing t eam in T rans-AMA history to on N ovem ber Saddleback 7th . The team consists of Grea t Britain 's Graham N o y ce, Germ any's A d olf Weil, Belgian Sylvan Geb oers and Italian Flash Alberto A ngiolini. Th e team consists of f our riders, f our m echan ics and an interpret ing crew from th e U.N. More Europeans than the record setting USGP is no hype! If for so me reaso n the swine flu or an earthquake ' sh ould knock off the largest contingent of foreigners to hit our "shores since 1776 a sign will be posted at the front gate and all advance ticket holders will get an immediate refund. That 's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, KEZ Y 11 90 radio w ill broad ca s t a s pecia l Saddleback traffic report. Traf fic should be less of a p rob lem than ever before. Th ere will be three tim es as many tic ket se lle rs, an advan ce ticket ho lder express line, the gates w ill open at a chipper 7 a.m., and a new improved park ing area will make it the easiest mass mo torcycle mecca you ever attended. Steve McQ uee n mi ght not The Japanese riders are The Tfans-AMA overall purse show up, but Adolf Weil guaranteed to put on their and contingencies exceeds looks ex actl y like Paul normal , or abnormal, 1200,000. Newman. b erserko show. Suzuki teamsters Akira Watanabe _ _.....~~ ~~~~;:;"U~ The Cycle World Trans-AMA and Masuru Ikeda are '1 will have th e h eaviest lin e-up one-twa-five specialist s who - - -. f talent that California has o ride the Open cla ss bikes ever seen. Not on ly are th e totally wired. Ik eda 's first A popular top five finish ers from the attempt at Banzai hill last East coast say ing is 500cc World Championship year ended in downtown we don 't care how the hell gon na be pu tting pressure on Orange. This year he might they do it in California!" But th e. start ing gate bu t three back off a touch for the turn. more than on e of the factory 500cc Nat ional Champions, team trucks carry that sticker tw o 1 2 5 cc Nat ion al Ou r favo rite au tograph see ker with the negatives taped out. . Champions, three Super-Cr oss tipped us off that th e best Champions, . plus 250 World place to m eet th e stars was b y Can an yo ne st op De-Coster Champion Harry Evert s. th e p orta -cans. Unfort unately from winning ? Can an yon e for him , but fortunately f or stop /l o w ert on from The Saddleback Trans-AMA - everyone else, a spec ial will be the first major grinning? Can an y on e stop shipm ent of n ew DiStefano from eat ing? attempt to bring the creature porta-palaces will be erected Weinert fr om talking? Grossi comforts of stadium MX sp ecially f or th is event. • from st yling ? Burgett from together with natural terrain. cr ashing? Semics fro m A new sound system , more The International class will be h olesh ooting ? concession stands. a rock supported by a 250 class that concert. cheap beer. clean includes double National restroorns, better parking, It's contract time so keep winner Dann y LaPorte. traffic reports, a money bac k your eyes on the m en who Honda's Rich Eierstedt, guarantee and the world's t o p haven't re-signed yet; Jim Can-Am's Mike Runyard, motocross riders. Pomeroy ; Steve Sta e kab le, Kenny Zahrt, John Savitski, ~ Marty Smith, Bob Hannah, Chuck Sun and the best of Kent Howerton an d Bra" Southern California. Lackey. \ ... Crawford leads the way / Warren wanders·off By Larry Owen PHO ENIX, A RIZ ., OCT . 3 Dave Craw ford (Han) said he would just have to show everyo ne how !\IX was done, and he did on Canyon Raceway's improved co urse . But ch Lee w as a guest at Canyon the week b efo r e last an d his suggestions to im prove the tr a ck were implemented to the sat isfac t io n of riders and spect ators alike. It was bit chin'. Crawford diced with John Imbriale (Hus ) fo r the entire first moto and lost by o n ly in ches, J ohn Wiltse y (Hon) cam e from way back in the 12 5 Ex p ert bash to take third wit h Scott Andrist (Ho n) in fou rth . In t he second moto , Crawford pulled the holesh o t an d flat sm o ked away from everyone. Gary Dircks (Ho n) ro de consistently for a second. A ndy Fr ol a (Hon) an d J ohn Im briale took th ird and fourth. The start of the 250 Experts saw T. J. Warren (Mo n) co me o ut in t he lead wi th J erry Bagb y (Ya m) and Roger J ones ( KT~ I ) fighting it out for second . J ones go t by Bagb y and Warren d ropped out wit h u nknown problems. Jo nes went on to wi n the mo t o , b ut he was pena lized a lap for practicing in the wro ng class an d officially finished I l t h, That let Bagby ha ve the win on his first 250 ride. Gary Hicke rson (Hus) cr u ised in for seco nd, fo llo wed by Joh n Imbriale (lIus) an d smooth rid ing Lane Hanna (J\lai) up from Tucson. J o nes knew he co u ld w in an d he wasn't too happy abo ut his first m oto score , so when the gat e dro pped for t he seco nd mot a . he was go ne . Hi ckerson trie d to catch him bu t co uld n 't and it d idn't matter anyway sinc e he had t he ove ra ll. Jimmy Wright (lion) made up fo r his disappointing first moto by !1ra bbing th ird ahea d o f Tom Pulv er (Mai). Bagby (anot he r Yuma r ider) too k second o vera ll with Hann a in third. Canyon Raceway w ill m iss a great sp o rt and rider, T . J . Warren wh o has m oved to California to t ry his luck there . • Results in Resu lts Section . 19

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