Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 16 of 47

._._._._._._._._._._._._._. J.C~_ P1IlIbdK ... U.S. DIRT HALF-MILE I j j CHAMPION~S~H~I!I!!p~S~ 8 p.m. - FRI. Oel: 29 ---- - - - - . - Wo rld a- Rider Aut ry returns . • • All o Sonny Nun ., Rick Wood s LMry Sh_ • • . and more RES ERVED SEATS S 4.50 G ENERAL ADMIS ION ADULTS $3.50. 13·17 S S 2.50, 9·12 SI., 8 & UND ER FREE 1 C. AGAJANAN'S asma (213) 323 - 11 42 (21 3) 321- 1100 18300 V ERMONT GARDENA ~ "WHER E THE HARBOR & SAN DIEGO FREEWAYS MEET" :("1.8 ·~· (Above) Marty Moates (250 Pro) and (below) T. J . Warren, winners at Sadd leba ck . ~ · - ~ ·'::'~ ~Vikinq - ~ *tj. ~.- ~ 0~. _ ~ :..: .• : .. .. _ • .: _ • _ .. _• " ~j **BUENA PARK ** He E:: ~j1 ~ALL R INDOOH ~:: *~!; ~ i: ..... t·E • •• *** . I m W A Pi S @J MEE·~ ~~ .. • i i!§1 ··, •* ; ,. *.* I ORAN~E COUNTY'S * ~i *~REATEST MOTORCYCLE * ~~; PARTS SWAP!! ' :1 ~ ( 1I} 4 ~ Il:' ~i t ~! ,...:. §~ FRIDAY NIH ' 6 PM TO lIPM ~i M World Exhibit Cen(er ovie _. '''' 6900 ORANGETHORPE 1 .': :_:, i~; ~ '" Q A"' N(.( n ..O RPf - _ .. :-..:=.= ·, -,.. oW,..-. · ~ Reid reels in AMC Saddleback By Danny Raymond IR VIN E, CA L., OCT. 24 F l\IF's Warren Reid left Saddlebac k with first overa ll in the 12 5 Pro and second 250 Pro. During 12 5 ac tion Warren co mp le tely ran away with bo th m o ta , r DEALERS ATTENTION IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY GETTING .11M DAVIS . PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ANYWHERE IN THE U.S., PLEASE ORDE R DIRECT TO: BOX 1002 BURBANK, CALIFORNIA 91505 ct 7" OR TELEPHONE ;~ ) 12 1 3 ) 762·2045, 24 HOURS A DA Y. y'" ;, I C :1 I II , 1Pj III ~ II ' I 24 HR. IN FO , ' CA LL (21 3) , 588 0783 . ... - · · ;:'==== = :w. "':= :tO': ;:; ~ " · ....,. or_ __ · c..--s..roo ... _ • I ancI ...... .. ... ....... ,,- _ _ ()Ioor _ - " , ......._ _ tc .... IOeIIlCWI. ....... OliI lO' ."OO _ _ ,, _ I ~ ...,~ ...._ ~ . k _ l confirm _ P-.clecI · :* = · 'c =.rH M"o; l ( Ht.C k PA YAB L E AND MAl l , , , , ... a.~NG" SIlO lIU DGUUTlIS . , ,. - .. - · .- - - . . AII _ _I tIe . . . - by _ I ) . .. • by _ ano_ __ -_ c l • ~ .1O'IQ1vI l - II · , , I "' _..-0;. ,....,-..-_.IO . . _ . . ) c.. IO • • "'boIllf , , , ~ ,....,., e - _ _ ___ '- - l ~ e C I _ " ' _ tr_ start to Hni, h . T & M'S Scott Clifton ran a distant sec on d spot jus t ahead o f Mitc h Musgrav e (FMF Ha n ). After reeling in T im T olar (M-M Su z) an d J o n Derham mer Re id t ook charge of t he fir st 25 0 mo ta and lead the entire mal o until o n the last lap Warr en bailed off his Honda and ended up in fourth , be hind Wheel smit h, Der h ammer , To la r, an d Ken Morgan (Suz) . Durn ing th e second mota o n ce t he pack th inn ed o ut Derhammer, wh o a t th e time was lea ding , waved Re id hy t o take th e se co n d mota win and second ~ ~ e ? s 0 . ~ "~: ':''';~''';.I\",I 'IJlSI()( ': " ._ . , than the jobl X U ~ . MOY1E r ' WORlD - - . ., PosHlon P83rS rna...· e - &~ r~ . ':0' i\ . , - ACCE 550R IE5 4225-30 Ih 5. 5." DIego. CA 92104 71

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