Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I ~ Group tag match . Skip Kennedy , Bobby Hardison , Rick Huckans (background) - and New Zealander Kevin Mac Donald is " it " . Peace, Gene Woods. Irwindale, bu t because several of the principles and the facts were not available . there was n o ru ling. San Bernardino, July 28 - By Rex Reese Ventura, July 27,1976 By Dennis Greene A half-dozen to p riders failed to show up for an ope n nigh t and will be fine d b y the S.R. A. Several othe rs did 'no t ea rn a trans fer to th e Main Events, but .all in all, the racing was grea t, simply bec ause all the riders who wo rked the ir way into the Hand icap and Scrat ch Mains we re of equal ta len t. Steve Co lumbo. fro m the ten yard line , to o k an ea rly lead in the Handicap Main. Brian Sh ort and both Nutters tried in vain to close the gap . Steve Nutter h ad t hings a li tt le mo re his own way in the Scratch Main w it h a win ove r his co usi n So nny. ' There still was a lot of talk about the protest filed by the L.A. Sprockets o n behalf of Bruce Penhall, who fell in the final event of team racing Saturday nigh t at Bakersfield. The protest is over whether he fell or was knocked down by Dubb Ferrell . A special mee ting of the S.R.A . was held Thu rsd ay nigh t a t With J im Fis hback off th e sick list , Berdoo faced off th e Ventura Sharks. Things starte d jumpin' and pump in' as Larry Shaw and Dean Forman p ut away Scott Sivadge and Bobby Schwartz wi th a 3- I score. Then Mark Cherry and Dennis Sigalos did it again to Sonny Nutter and Randy Marsh . The pair of Fishback/Ron Preston gave Berdoo it s first of th ree sweep s. with t he other two by Cherry an d Sigalos. The final had Cherr y an d Siga los caug ht off gua rd as Danny ,Bec ker too k the lead. fo llo we d b y Mark while Bobby Sch war t z ke pt the door locked on Dennis in fourth. But even with a little glory lost in th e final, the score was 45-33. People poured cash in to the kitty (an extra $53) fo r the win ne r of the Divisio n Two Main . which was itself a series of st range events. On the first start, Larry Ko sta and Bryan Buffi ng ton lo cked bars an d crash ed, putting Bryan ou t fo r th e n ight. On th e-re start, Larry's clutch failed . putting him through the tapes and o u t of the race. This left Stan Flanders and l\like Maely. Stan just walked aw ay to an easy win , The Handicap Main looked like a win for First Division newcomer Chris Haines as he led from the wire . But behind Chris was Ron Pre ston, coming up thro ugh traffic fro m the ' 30 yard

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