Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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line. On t he last lap Haines lo o ked to have it in the bag, but Preston charged past Ch ris in turn th ree and got by for the win. / f • FAMOUS "" III -= Irwindale, July 29 By Rex Reese The excitement of the "good o ld days" re t u rn ed once again as Irwindale hosted another open ni ght. The preliminary handicap heats featured two old hands and two ne w dark horses. Mike Bast and Mark Cherry won their heat s, while up sta rts Lo uis Lindwall and Tom Morely p ut themselves over the likes of Bruce Penhall, Dean Forman, and Sonny Nutter. The Establishment retained the upper hand as Bast and Steve Columbo won the Semis. Lindwall fell after a heavy drive p ut on by Rob Morrison, while Morely failed to place in the m one y and transfe rre d to the Consolation. In the Scratch heats , it lo o ked like a Sprockets practice session as Bast, Penhall, and Ge ne Wo o ds all worked their way u p to the Mai n with Steve Nutter filling o ut the bill . Mike took it fro m the ga te to wi n the Mai n , fo llowed by Nutter , Penhall, and Wo o d s who cru ised in o n a sick bike. Pe rhaps the most h o tl y contested a nd emo tio nal ly charged race was the Handicap Conso la tion as the five man field (originally six , b ut Lindwall had h urt his leg earlier in the Semi) le t out all th e stops, Tom Morely once again got out in fro nt as Larry Shaw, Forman, Penhall, and Craig Schafer all tried to get around each other. They all caught up with Tom by the third lap. Shaw broke away to a 30 yard lead, and the race for second took on a new dimension as Morley, Penhall, an d Forman were almost dead even on the last lap. As Larry took the win, second place was still a three-way run as Tom, Bruce, and Dean crossed under the wire together. After several minutes of checking between track and scoring officials, Tom Morely was given second, Forman th ird, and Penhall fourth. Costa Mesa, July 30 By Denn is Greene The home-town Eagles go t knocked off their perch again by the number two team in the League, the L.A. Sprockets. Bruce Penhall turned in a perfect score of 15 points to lead the Sprockets to victory 44 to 3 4 . An ad d it ion al 13 . points from Steve Columbo a nd 11 m o re by team captain Mike Bast, kept the Sprockets out in fro nt all n igh t. The Eagles were having a h ar d ' time keeping their bikes u nder them and as a team they m ay have set a new record for falls. 'The best score they co uld get all night was a n even split. Kevin MacDonald is to Speedway in New Guinea what Rick Woods and the Bast Brothers are here in the Uni ted States. Kevin has worked his way through Second and Third Divisio ns with an outstanding win record. He was given his ch an ce Friday night at Co st a Mesa to co m pe te in First Division. He p ut his zero-yard handicap to good use, winning the Handicap Main just a few feet ahead of Bruce Penhall, who ca m e all the way from th e 50. Bakersfield , July 3 1 By Dennis Greene Dubb Ferrell flew ba ck Saturday night in t im e to lead the Bakersfield Bandits to yet another victory . Just the night before, Dubb had won both the Scratch and Handicap Mains indoors at Salt Lake City, Vtall. The Bandits led seven of the 13 events and tied th e score three times. The Eag les got off to a goo d start, leading the first five even ts by four points with a clean sweep in Event Five , but J eff Sexton and Bri an Short turned the score back in the ir favor in t he nex t race wi th a sweep of their own, tieing . Then Dubb Ferre ll and Dan Toomey swept , pu tting the Bandits o ut in fro nt b y four. Another swe ep in Event 12 by Sexton and Short put th e icin g on the cake. Th e fin al score was 45 to 33. A lo cal radio station , K.A. F.Y. , put on the half-ti m e show , racing on step-through Vespa Scooters, three of which were. turned into scrap metal. Resu lts in Results Se ction . 6 ~ t 1.0 r--. O'l ...-l ~ 0 J. C~P1tmAK ...-l +J

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