Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Political lifeline Meetings set on Santa Monica Mountains Parks A series of public mee ti ngs to learn publ ic need s, fo r t he State Park Syste m lan d s in the San ta Monica Mounta in s will be held August 10, 11 and 12. State Par ks and Recrea t ion Director Her bert Rhodes said t he mee tin gs are the ini tial step in ' th e pl anning fo r t he State's t hree major Santa Mo nica Mo un tains u n its - Topan ga, Malibu Creek, a nd Po int Mugu state parks. T he fi rst of the p re limina ry mee tin gs will be held August l O in R oom 383, County Board o f S upervisors hearing room, Hall of Admi nistrat io n . 500 West Tem ple, Los A nge les. T he next will be on August 1 1 at tbe Millikin Ju n io r Hi gh Sch ool. 50 4 1 Sun nyslo pe, Va n Nuys; and th e t hird will be on August 12 in t he Oxnar d R oom o f th e O xn ard Com muni ty Cen te r, 80 0 Hobson . O xn ar d . All m ee tin gs will start at 7:30 p.m, and close at 10 p. m. H ere .we go agaIn . who attende d th e meeting, con serve and commu n ic ate friends . You 've seen our enemies. measured their tacti cs . studied t h em an d I recognized them for what they are. Now it's o u r turn. The State Parks and Recreation Department has se t up th ree mee tin gs, at convenient places and at co nveni ent times for . those of us who work nine-to-five. They want to know they've asked specifi cally - for " p ublic needs" in th e Southern California area to be ' served by th e Santa Monica Mountain park complex. We live in th e area, we ar e th e pub lic, an d o ur needs h ave not been met. It is u p to us to troop before the m in the h undreds tho usands, even - and te ll them so , in ou r bes t Sunday Go T o Mectin ' manner. Why bother? I) Because at Ventura, b y being unpr epared, we allo we d th e p osey -sniffers to st ack the de ck an d read in to the public re cord a lot of m isinformation and emotio n al h ype. 2) Bec ause the decisi on ' o f the Parks and Re crea tion Commission is not irre vocable _ they can class ify and re-classify an y parcel of land any time th ey want t o. It 's up to us t o make them want to , before their staff is far en ough in to th e detail pl anning to give t he m an excuse t o be intracrib le . 3) An d finally , we need t o res pond stro ngly to the gross hypocra cy o f th e main resist an ce t o motor-re cr eat ion at Hope. I'm tal kin g abo u t the parade of Those of y ou " Lost-H op e" y our outrage it t o y ou r. chic . affluent homeo... ners, calling up v the im age of poor little inner-city kids with no p lace to pl ay, in order t hat no dirty bikers be allowed near their 80.000 h ouses. Who were thev kidding? They moved o ut there to escape the in ner city, kids and all! So what 5 needed? Direct te sti mony from families who ride together. lo o king for a low-key, safe riding atmosp here. away fro m all the pressure and dan ger of racing . We need tri als riders, and trials cl ub people who could talk first- hand about how t he canyons and hi llsides co u ld lend themselves to vario us skill levels of trial/trail rid in g with mi nimal noise. dust or erosion impact. We need so meone who co uld show movies or slides of trials and trail ridi ng to modify that WFO, berm-busting racer-image that the bike-haters have so ca refu lly cult iva ted . We need to go in and say, "Look yo u people used our money to buy all this land and then y o u give us back nothing. You tell us, we11 get around to you bikers when we find the right garbage dump that n ob od y else wants . Sure, we bikers are eq ual as anybodysas long as we d on ' t move into · your neigh bo rh ood." Hey, Am eri ca 's blacks too k th at line o n ly so long and fi ally stood th e world n o n its ear. Why sh ould we mot orcyclists ta ke it any longer? 1"11 see you th ere . 9 Lane Campbell J'Ranlls &0 cJEu QpOnSOrs Jtnd Jriends c7tar"asaKi cJJ(ofor Borporafion c7tafM'asaKi Jlccessories S.oodJ/ear Jola JJ.el J!aJ/ a.feve (Bnerg JoHnson and fRe c7tafA?asaKi 4if Brer" J'6e 4eople 01 c7tar"asaKi JJeU Jeelmefs a.coffS.o99les BRampio;' a.parKplu9s Jlaguna 0isfriBufors 'J ncorporafed (c1Come 01 Jammin Jiml1l!J '8ic!JCle cJ!{J ~roducfs) a.pecial J'RanIf8 to mJ/ rate c7tafRg and 6a6!J Jlin&eg e-e~~"", . M.·,,~ J'Ranlluou allior Relpins me fM'in IRe 8.upercro8s 8.eries 37

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