Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 16 of 55

----------------_. during the first moto that was fantastic . b ut he ha d co mpany. J eff Vidi c (Mai ) and J on DerHammer (Mon ) were right o n his kn obb y all the way. At the fini sh, it lo oked lik e a t hree-way tie for th e lead. Moto two had Rubly in th e lead again , o nly this t im e Val Tamie tti (Mai) and Mik e Bell (DG) were a fter him. While Rubl y was dialing it on, a dice fo r second was go ing on between Jeff Vidic (Mai) and Bell. Both riders hooked it arou nd the track with Vidi c finally bumpin g Bell out of th e secon d place points at the scoring tower ju mp . Jon Der Ha mmer wa s o ut of co n ten tion for the w in . due to a fr ied clutch. The staccato of two strokes was broken u p by the so und of thumpers in - the 500 Pro class. J on DerHammer took a co m man ding lead a t th e beginning of the race and dialed it so far on that he could wheelie out of the turns. Bo b Fisk (Mai) and Val Tamietti (Mai) h ad their own ra ce going with Val trying to close the door on Fisk. At mid-poin t , not only did Tami close the door, he slammed it on Fisk and made a charge for DerHammer. In the second moto DerHammer again grabbed th e holeshot only to give it up to T amietti who proceeded to cook his wa y around th e track for t he win and fir st place money . Derflammer an d Bru ce McDougal were the next two big winners, - • • KEEP YOUR RACE HI-POINT COMPETITID I II ~ E 1.0 f'. O'l ~ • ~ 0 ~ .....

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