Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._._._._. Specially for dirt ,_._._._._. Westernho If you dig the din, ride with Mulholland MX hydraulics, bui lt for treacherous terrain . A full line of tunable and rebuildable MX shocks allow you to fit your bike to your individu al requirements. MX shocks all off-road bikes , regardless of size. are available to "It For G,P. and cantilever setups, the LTG 1I0ng travel gas-rebu ildablel shock gives the ult imate in shock performance . A new shock featuring Geretron gIIS bladder, up to 4% inches of travel, extra large oil c:apac:ity, 1/2" diameter piston rod, aluminum cooling fins , six-stage progressive valving and self·lubricating top and bottom bushings. If you ride motocross, enduro or t rials, Mulholland has a shock for you . IIIM\\\~ MulhoIlGftcI~ For ," fo rmman on IntwpM1'1 carnpIe.. line of mot orcydl produCtS, .,d $2.00 to Dept. CN-6 p.o. Box 390, Gardena. Califo rnia 90247 is skill on a factory Ossa at Turner tops By Ted Titmas D Anza Cycle Park. e (Suz) mai ntained until it be came obvious t hat he was getting tired, allowing Fo land and Robertson by. He finished third an d third overall. • SU NNYMEAD, CAL.,jULY 18 De Anza, the site of the only Pro purse race in the area, attracted quite a number o f AMC riders. Ron Turner (Suz) was th e domi- Goodyear is Carroll Shelby 18 213 -538-2914 ;SBELL~~ MOTORS~ 3365 E. Cen tury . Lv nw ood . CA 2 13 ·564·2533 nating force in the 25 0 Pr o class, taking back to back wins in both motos. Without question, the best performance of th e day was put in by Mid -Valley rider Gre g Robertson. Robertson who recently joined forces wi th Kenny Zahrt as a factory Ossa rider, finished second in the first moto. In the second mo to Robertson , again with a po or st art. was concentrating on working h is way up through the pack, whil e Turner was stretch in g out his lead . Robertson fin ally took o ver second and began closing on Turner. De An za claim ed another victim as Robertson 's wheel began to break up causing him to pu ll off the tr ack. Open Pro jeff Foland tore the hills apa rt with h is new KTM. Foland's ta lent, coupled with the awesome powe r of the KTM , ma kes him q uite unbeatable. With a win in both motos he proved ju st that. Robertson aga in exhibited some of his remarkab le tale nt , o n an experimental Open 0 ss a and managed a second in both motos, Rob ertson , riding his heart o ut . had to wat ch as Fo land pulled away on the hills. Tom Claire, also riding De Anza fo r th e first time in a lon g whil e, pulled the holeshot in th e first moto. Claire Wiklund works the 125s at the Dunes By Laszlo VALENCIA, CAL., J U LY 21 One glanc e at th e results of the 125 Intermed iate race might lead you to believe th at l\lark Wiklund really smoked the field . But if you were at the CRC/NMA race, yo u know, just how misl eading those figures actu ally are . The first m oto wasn 't really all that ' bad. Marty Dcsbrow (Suz) took the holeshot , but le t Wiklu nd slip by t wo laps later. They finished in that order with j im Dodge in th ird. Mart y ju mped ' to a bi g lead in the second mo to . Wiklu nd ran a distant second but managed to clo se the gap within three laps. j ust as he made his move to pass, Mark slid out on a small uphill tu rn , letting Dodge by. Wiklund ' go t up the ch ase . qu ickly and resumed l\leanwhile, ba ck in th e rcar sweeper, Desbrow, p ossibly a littl e over co nfident, go t a little out of shape and le t a surprised Dodge and a fast closing Wiklund by him. Moments later, !\lark

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