Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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> c a a a c €• . f , • w ~. . t,' ., . . . Ij -, . , " . •. 81 ' C Z m Vl a f- a s: c- _ Rex Beauchamp (3 1) and J im Rice ran like t h is t he f irst 14 la ps. then sw ap ped p lace s and f ini shed. Rice, Beauchamp turn first CMC Mile National into Harley benefits By Mike Kin sella & Ed Doody STOCKTON, CAL.• JU NE 30 So m e of the nation 's top riders appeared today at the Sto ckton Mile which was held at the fair. . grounds under CMC sanctrornng. When it was allover, J im R ice an d Rex Beaucham p had turned it in to a Harl ev- Davidson one-two J win , with R ic k Ho cking (Yam) ta king third in the Ex pert Main, Ex pert . Rex Beauchamp (H-D) was to p speedste r in the Qualifiers wi th a 42.74. Junio r Alex Jorgenson (Tri). a lo cal S tockton rid er pulled a 44.29 to lead his class. J o rgen so n stayed ho t all day an d ended up taki ng the Junior Main , m uc h to t he delight of the local en thusias ts . T he first heat bro ug ht t he Novices on to the track to show their st uff. Their sma ller engi nes so u nded puny after t he roar of th e big 750s in the Expert an d Am ateur classes but tb ey sho wed no less determ inat ion in the nat o ut fights t o .the fini sh. Mar t y Lew is (Ya m) an d Chuck Miller (lIon) d iced all aro und th e tr ac k du ring the fourt h heat an d ca me d own the h om e stre tc h almost side- by-side . thro ttl es fu ll open to the line where l\la n y t ook the chec ke red n aR by inc hes. T he Junio rs gave some exciting. fast paced rides in t he ir heats and th en ca me the Experts. T hese guys warm the ir engines and it sounds like the roar of lions at fee ding ti me. They look like figh ter pilots as they rip down the stra igh ta way t hro ugh the su per heated June af te rnoon all hunch ed down hugging th e gas tank. one hand on the thro ttle and the other tucked in. As they come into the turn they leap up. crack the hand leb ars violently to th e left and drift th rough with plumes of dust spitting from under the back Deep breathing exercise s we re in o rder during int e rm ission. w heel. Rick Hocking (Yam) powered ou t fro m the start to take a decisive lead in his heat with Jim Rice (II-D) in second. Ho ck ing goes full speed aro und the ou tside on the turn s when al most everyone else see ms 10 take the m iddle. Experts Rex Beauc hamp (11.0) and John Gennai (H .D) take one and two in the second heat and had the spectato rs standing in their seats to see the outcome of thei r close race. The Novice, Junior and Expert semi -main events fo llowed after a short intermission caused ' by a power failure . The public address system went out and the announcer, Russ Sanford, rushed down to a mobile system so that the race could RO on. After the electrical problems were ironed out a water truck broke down on the course causing further de lay. The officials han d led it all a nd soon the Main events were underway. led off by the Novices. The Novices did eight laps. Bert T u rne r (Yam) had some close compe ti tion bu t took the checkered flag . I n t he J unior Main, A lex Jorgenson's consisten t riding took th e nag and the trop hy . Jim Rice (H-D) , and Beauchamp go t past Hocking off the line in the Main to come out o ne and two. When it was all over Rice took the checkered. nag around the course in the victory lap. • Res ults Nov Main: 1. Bert Turner (Yam): 2 . Robert Murray (Vam): 3. Steve Eklund (Yam): 4. Dan McWhorter (Yam): 5. Rick ~eed (Yam) . Jr Ma in: 1. Alex Jorgensen (Tri) ; 2 . Charles SOderstrom (Yam); 3. Art carter (Yam); 4 . Jeff Co leman (Tri); 5. James Keener (Trl) . Ex Main : L J im Rice (H-D) ; 2. Rex Beaucham p (H·D); 3 . Rick Hocking (Yam); 4. Danny Heckle (Yam); 5 . Jim Rawls (HoD) . Nov ice s really got int o this Mile t h ing. Marty Lewis (11 ) barely pulls it o ut.

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