Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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., ,. Kawasaki SuperBi e Inti. La guna 5eca, Monterey Harley-Davidson 250 road racer • arrives MI LWAUKE E, WISCONSIN Motorcycle road racing fans will be tr eated t o someth ing new on the 1974 circu it with the introduction of Harley-Davidson's water-cooled 250cc racers to th e American racing scene . Designated the RR-250, the two-stroke twins prem iered in Europe during the 1973 season and have now been officially approved by the American Motorcycle Associat ion fo r th e U.S. racing circ uit . The RR-250 has alread y shown itself to be a winn er in its class walking away with a decisive victory at the Loudon , N.H. Nationa l on June 16, piloted by Gary Scott. The RR-250 has been designed solely for racing with performance, speed , accessibi lity and ease of maintenance as the watchwords. Superior coo lant d ist ribut ion is pro vided by a pair of ind ividual cy linde rs which allow coo l water to circulate comp letely around the isolated barrels. The cy linde rs are also tota lly interchangeable wh ich makes for muc h easier rep lacement, when necessary. The 6 ·speed transm ission is a wo rk of art with needle bear ings Instead of bushings on all rotating parts. It can be worked on while in the frame or comp letely removed from the eng ine in just minutes. The machine also boasts a Dansi CD ignit ion, dual 34mm Mikun i carburetors, chrome moly steel double down tu be fram e, a large six gallon fuel tank and a rubber-cushioned rear sprocket . Dealer cost is $3,395 each . . Prices at the Track: Availableat allTlCketron Outlets or use coupon below. Practice & Oualifylng . . . Fri. $ 2 General Adm ission . . . . Sat $ 4 Race Day General Ad'!'ission . $ 7 Paddock . . . . . . $ 2 Grandstand . ' , , . . . . . $ 2 TOTAL $17 Super Tickets THREE DAYI GENERAl ADMISSION. PADDOCK AND GRANDSTAND All FOR $12.00 OR RACE DAY TICKETS $6.00 IN ADVANCE Kawasaki SU PerBlke International I enclose $ (Money Ord er or Certified Check) for the foll ow ing : _ __ _ _ Super Ti::kets at $12 .00 _ _ _ _ _ Race Day General Adm issions at $6 .00 Name _ Zip A d dr ess MA il TO: Trip pe Cox Associates Inc., PO BO X 2078 , Monterey. Calil . 93940 (408) 373-1811 TRANSPORT YOUR BIKE IN STYLE WITH ACCES SORIES BY TAYLOR Look to your laure ls, Yamaha. 764 2 Cl air em on t Mesa B l vd . San D ieg o . C al iforn ia 921 1 1 ph one 71 4/2 9 2 ·0 270 WARDS R1YERSIDE MOJAVE (By 8ene1ll) PARILLA CAPRIOLO MV AGUSTA 250 BlANCK I CAPRI SCOOTERS PARTS World 's largest inventory for Italian motorcycles Rebuill Engine El t hanges COSMOrOLlTIN MOTDRS.nIC. Hatbo ro. Pa 190 40 A complete line o f c u st o m van. tr uck and mini-truck acce ssories d esigned j ust for m otorcycle o wn er s. Everyth ing f rom a ti edown t o a com pl ete cu sto m packag e i s li ste d in t he 197 5 catalo g . Send $ 1 .00 toda y . BOSCO Sp ecialt ies CJ BARS Cycle 8209 Secura Way Santa Fe Springs. CA 90670 (2 13) 698-1680

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