Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rn iI covering all 0-37 d eseri eve nts including enduros . You have to be 40 years of age o r older to be eligible. 01' Stan t ried to tell me he won't be 40 til halfw ay through the year but we know better. OS , IlIl:II Ii!: IlIl:II = ...:I I g ~ r- End uro Trick Goodie of the Month • O'l ...... Ascot Gold Medal Series: O'l 1st O vera ll Ex pert Rid ers Tom Rockwood T riu mph 750 >::l ~ 2nd Overa ll Expert R id er s Edd ie Wirth T r iu m p h 75 0 More Greenhorn End uro The Greenhorn Enduro centroversy goes on: good run, terrible organization. Even the resu lts were bad ly screwed up. Afte r a recheck of all the cards, Dirt Digger Nate Sciacqua moved up from seventh to the Sweepstakes win (l'ayy, Nat e! ... Ed.) and Ascot Gold Med al Se ries: 1st O ve ra ll J u ni o r Riders Sk ip Aksland Yamaha T X7 50 Chaparral Jay Tullis moved from 25th place to second. Jay's ca rd was really mis-scorcd, The Pasadena ~I.C. has been catching lots of hell and have been accused of fixing the drawing for start numbers. Well. let's get that one cleared up right now. The drawing for the Greenhorn was scheduled for ~Iay 13, 1974 as advertised in the weekly calendar of Cycle News WesL However some entry blanks went out with the drawing date on May 16, 1974. Not everyone got the word about May 13 as the correct date. The drawing was held and Bob Steffan drew Number Two. Then some of the people who showed up on Thursday (not knowing the drawing had already been held) heard that Steffan had Number Two and came up with the idea the drawing was crooked . Not so . Screwed up maybe, but not fixed. In fact, if someone was going to fix the drawing he wou ld arrange to get a better num ber than two. The lo w numbers in the 'Hom are not exactly coveted. No o ne likes to break trail for 500 m iles. 2nd O vera ll J unior Riders Ale x J o rge nse n T r iu m p h Ascot Gold Med al Series: 1st O verall Novice Rid ers Da n McWhorter Ya mah a 750 2nd Over a ll . No vice R ide rs Elbert Turner Yamah a Jo in o ur grow ing list of w inners. Pick the performa nce plu g. End uro Calenda r I've compiled a calendar for upcomi ng Southern California enduros t hrough October. Some events arc still tentative so you should call the promoting organization for details and confirmation. NIPPONDE NSO of Los Angeles. Inc. 1815 Anderson Ave. Compton Californ ia 9022 0 (213) 639·36 30 Te lex 674082 Date Ju16/7 Enduro Firecracker Double M.O.R.E. Benefit Jul 14 Early Banana End u ro Aug 24 Owl Hoot Enduro Aug 25 Crack-of-Dawn Enduro Sep 1 Coyote Chase Sep 15 Little Tuffy Sep 22 Cocks Crow Enduro Sep 29 lied Mountain End uro Oct 8 Cal S tat e 100 Oct 20 Good Time Enduro Oct 27 Pasad e na Fire Dept. Benefit Enduro Jill •oec MARINA REY _ ~I"'''~ Send $3 .00 for 256 co 10 rful page catalog with more than 5500 items. w.. !:a e :a .. c fIJI: Z .. i~ bI) C ->. C = .. " ... '" ... u >. OiloUc o ... lC") ' ._ lC') .=r--: CIJ _ ~ ~ ~ .... ~C\t = ~ E- -e < ~ .. --" >< • e e E (I) '" -::: 0 ~ ;; ~< ~ ~~ = l1'l :-r...: CD < 1:'1 rs -s PIC? -> = r--M .~~ :;; ~o ~.CJ '>ll .. > v:l ~ ;::0 0 M CD Got some trick little thing that is enduro-oriented? Want to be famous? WeU, send me your idea with a picture o r drawing and if it's good we'U share it with our readers and earn you a freebie of some sort. This column's winner is Jerry Counts who rides a tricked up XL-I 75. J CITY, being the frugal sort of person he is. was appalled at the prices of watchholders to be worn on the wrist. Jerry scou ted around and finally came up with a watchholder that was originally intended fo r use as a stopwatch holde r on a clipboard fo r sports car rallyes (The endures of the asphalt.) for a measly two o r th ree bucks. It was a simple manner to sew the three prong clip onto a home made wrist band and the pocket type watches pop in and out rather easily b ut sti ll stays on ' if yo u crash which J err y has been know n to do now and then. Your prize, J er ry ? Terry an d I are goi ng to allow you to re m ain on the tca m for the next en d uro but please, try an d keep up this time ... Night End uros After a complete absence of night endu res last year, it was good to learn that there will be two, possibly th ree, this summer. If you've never ridden one , you should. They are an absol ute gas. Look for an article soon on how to set up your bike and yourself for th is unique motorcycling experience. Pit Racing 1 recently found out pit racing is widespread, and not just found at enduros. The other night I went to ri de my first motocross at Indian Dunes. I took my eight year-old son with me to watch and, quite frankly, I don't think I'll take him back. It's unbelievable to me the number of squids who have no consideration. They could very easily maim or kill someone. You would think that most of the pit squids would be beginner riders trying to impress pit tootsies. At Ind ian Dunes, one of the better (so I'm to ld) motocrossers, Dave Pessy, came blasting through the pits at an incredible rate of speed with absolu tely no chance to stop if a kid darted out fro m between two tru cks. It 's bad e nough trying to ge t the little squids to slow down but it's even harder to ge t the message across when " name" racers set such an exam ple. So, Pit Racers of Southern Ca lifornia, if one o f you ever hits one of m y ki ds, I' m go ing to chase you down, tear off yo ur ex pansion .c ham bc r, and bea t yo u to a bloody pulp with it. I'm not kid ding. It's really up to us to pu t a stop to the pit racing. Promoters are us ually Promoter Co nejo T ra il Rider URA CR C S RA Chaparrals U RA CR C SRA Double Cro sse rs UR A S RA I would like to put in a special plug for the Firecracker Enduro as it is a M.O.R.E. Benefit enduro. The Conejo Trail Riders have put in a lot of ha rd work on this run that will benefit each and every one of you. If you can't get out to the Enduro, send them an entry anyway. For you riders who do get out to ride the event (either Saturday's family run or Sunday's Dist , 37 Poin t Run) CTR has lined up an impressive n umber of con ti ngencies, over $5,000 worth as of this writing. The chances are h igh that you will win someth ing, so come ou t and do your t.hing. Old Timers ' Plate The Old Man of the Desert (at least he looks old), Dist, 3 i Enduro Steward Stan Bald win to ld me there is going to be an "Old T im er s" class next year Remarks Sat. Fa mily Ru n Sun. Dist, 37 Po in t Ru n 6 a.m . start Night End u ro 6 a.m. start Night End u ro Challenging 50 mil es D ist . 37 point run Proceeds to Pasadena Fire De pt. busy putting on the event so they don't have time to do much about it. Let's get militant about it. S ta rt stoppi ng the squids and letting them know you aren't going 10 put up with it. The word will get around. Course Sabotage In a letter to Cycle News West rig ht after the Greenhorn enduro, a concerned rider wrote that he had witnessed a member of t he Masterli nks M.C. sabotage part of the Greenhorn course. J do not believe this was a club act ion by Masterlinks, but the pe rso n responsible should be punished either by action of the club or by District 37. Course sabotage is not only a matter of getting riders lost, it is also dow nrigh t dan ge ro us. Masterlinks o r Dist. 37, are you going to do anything about it?

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