Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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f)SCUDERIA Elsinore moonshine TT: Foolish fireworks, domestic squabbles, wild parties, and fast racing! HUSQVAflNA PENTON LA VERDA SALES . SERVlCE-, AND MAIL SPECIALISTS (213) 542-1695 The Finest Selection of Parts and Accessories For Bike and Rider We Offer Expert Repairs Porting and Competition Tuning z o III III By R. William Reese UJ :t o .., Brad Williams (Pen-13) beat Mark Raich e (Pen-14) in t he 125 Intermed iate race. eRe night MX Marcia Holley first girl in CRC's moonlight special By Joh n Hesson VALElI:CIA , CA L. ,j U:"lE 18 CRC returned to Indian Dunes for its popular summer program of mot ocross races under the ligh ts every Tuesday night. R~U~T PRODUCTS. INC. BOX' I t ...OLl ROCK STATION LOS ANGtLES. CALIF . 90041 VEI~a's custom made leathers of Azusa. Buy di rect fro m the fac- to ry an d save. Pants cus- to m made. the best of Canadia n leat her . Your ch oice stripes. sr, of colors & Azusa, CA 91702 213-334'{)0 15 As usual with the Dunes, the tra ck was well prepared. Lots of water kept the course clear and fast. There were no complaints from anyone on the International Course. One complaint fro m me is on the pit racers. Got a cou p le of real turkeys out there. One guy really put on a show of where his brains were at. Too bad he wasn't that fast on the course, he only took second from last in his class . No names this time. Race Nu mber Three proved to be of special interest. Guys and gals from the press ran th is race. George Elliot! who is ra ted as an Expert (Hus) p ut it together for the big wi n with his cohort Brad Zimmerman (Han) finishing second. Watchi ng the mo tos lo o ked like an instant replay except fo r t he t hi rd moto where Mar cia .Ho lley (Hus) jumpe d up one notch over Ri ck Val asek (Hus). Best action of "the night proved to be in the 250 Beginner ranks. Lots of chan ges in positions made the race all that more interesting. jim Morgan (Ha n) took home the gold. with Michael Renner in hot pursuit for second place. Results M in i : 1. John Morgan (HOn) ; 2 . Jonn ny Langhammer (Hon); 3. Torsten C o r um (Vaml . l2S Beg : 1. K ip Jenson (Hon) ; 2. J u a n a Madrid (5U2): 3. Tom Browne ( H On ). 1 25 Nov: 1. Brion Brown l H On ); 2. Mik e Lyon s (HOn) ; 3. D u ane Brown Pen). 250 689 : 1. Jim Morga n (Hon) ; 2 . Mi chael Renner (ez) ; 3 . Don Young (Yam) . 250 Nov: 1. Andy Jannings (HOn) ; 2. Bob Root (HOn) ; 3 . Larry B ird (Kaw) . open Nov: 1. Bruce Averbeck (Vam ) : 2. Tom Lathrop 3 . Tom S ica ( CZ) . Pre ss: 1. George Elliott (HU5) ; 2 . B r ad Z immerman (Hon); 3 . Dave He tzler (Bu l) . 125 Int : 1. Brad Will ia ms (Pen) ; 2 . Ma r k Raiche (Pen) : 3 . Eugene Gays (Ho n ) . 125 Ex: 1. M ike Brown ( S u Z) : 2 . B i ll A c " " (VZ) . 250 Ex: 1 . Gary H y m es (KTM)j .2. C h r is Trebon (Pen'): 3 . Ernie Hendr icks ( Mal) . O pen Ex: 1. Jeff Bl ix (B ul) : 2. D a ve H augh (Bul) ; 3 . Stuart Douglas rczr , rczi . BURAK BYE-PRODUCTS 1511ORaymer St. • VanNuys, CA " 1213}780 ·1 768 (714) 894-2623 Penton, Monark &Tyran &Rupp Fun Machines Sales Service Part s Accessories D&R Cycles 7181 West minster Ave. West minster, CA 92683 Cr ankshaft Rebu ilding DRlCO/. F ac tory "A u t h ori ze d 185 0 EJIst Edlinge r 22 ". 125 Exp ert Tim Melan con (YZ) won the Sweep st akes final tonight over 25 0 Experts Bruce Reynolds (Bul) and AI Glover (Yam) as fireworks o f al l sorts lit up the areas surrounding the track and the pits. The 100 Amateur/Expert line- :t 2419 Artesia Blvd . Redondo Beach , California 90278 120 E. 6th ELSINOR E. CA L.• j UN E 2 2 Z Receive $50 Worth of Parts and Accessories FREE When You Buy a N ew Hu sky or Pent on. SInh! A na , CA 9270 5 (7 14) 54 1·52 17 C)ea.e n Welcom e Horsemen sock it to bikers-Oregon Gold Cup cancelled . T he Cup, July State third an nua l Oregon Gold a hal f mile sche duled for II at th e Salem, Oregon Fairgrounds tr ack, has been cancelled by th e fair co m missio n. In a letter to promo ter Do n Brymer . fa ir manager Mrs. Lillie Ward said, in part : .. ... the t ime and cost of p re pa ring the track for motorcy cl e racin g an d th en to rest or e it fo r ho rse racin g . .. made it seem be st, in th e judge ment of th e Commission, t o ca nce l the races . In ad d itio n , pressure from th e Hors emen to have access to t he tr ack by july 15. if po ssibl e, was ano ther fact or to be co nsidered. " "Naturally I am disappoin ted," said Troj an Enterp rises' Don Brym er, "and am in contact w it h th e Fair Commission about this patently un fair tr eatmen t of motorcycle racing in favo r of ho rsemen. I do wan t everyone to kn o w that all o f th ose who o rde re d ti cke ts by mail from us will be reimbursed full y." HI am so rry fo r the inconven ience caused to th e fan s, and hope they will direc t all complaints to Mrs , Lilli e Ward, Man ager, Oregon State Fairgrounds, Salem, Oregon 97310. " • up featured the riding sk ills o f Paul (Yam) , wh o a lwa ys puts on an in cr edible riding sho w. In two out of th ree mot os of th is class. he easily domin ated the pac k, with only a coup le of close calls: and in th e last mota, despi te man y hard charges, Bobby Huffman (S uz) was able to sha de him for t he checkered . Paul also co m peted in the Min i Novice/ Amateur class and won th at, too. Even though he was handicapped as much as half a lap, he be at every bo dy every time ! Out of his own go o d heart though (and probably a little he at from his dad), he had himself disqualified so th e other guys in the Mini class co uld have a chance. When as ked if someday he will be put in a ~IcPherso J1 > • ~ :t a. d: a: : G o I- o :t a. _ "'- - ' III u u. Tom Dittman (Su z) lead s Gary Praster (Hon) and Jack Ke lly (Ho n) in the 250 race at 395 Cycle Park in Adelanto J une 23. Praster's bike broke , Kelly won. A ju mp , they got a jump in the desert. Dan Dittman [Suz] is the f irst o ne down before h is brother Tom (Suz}, Tom Springman, and J im Wieland.

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