Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ciass th at could be a challe nge to hi m, Pau l re plied , " I d on't know. " T he 125 Ama teu r/E xpe rt s were rea lly go ing at it wi th Ron S hu ts (Ya m) and Ti m Melan con (YZ) chasing each other all ove r the tr ack, co nstantly swapping the lea d, an d shu tting each other off in the comers. Tim came ou t first with R o n a close second. While all of the good s tuff was taking place down on the track, up on to p of a hill o'verlooking it, some fool was se tting off fi reworks in a preview celebration for the Fourth of July. What th is fool mig h t or might not have realized was that th e area he was playing in was bone dry, and he was lucky that the whole p lace didn't catch on fire. Back on the track, in the 250 Beginner Main , the stage was set as it looked like little Stan Kinsey (Yam) might clean up the class, as he was also d oing in th e 250 Novices (figure it out, J though t you're either a Begi n ner o r a Novi ce, not bo th!) . As the n ag dropped, Stan an d sever al other rid ers bl as te d off fo r th e first rum, only to have St an an d Dean McCanes (Mo n] go down in a brutal cras h that put McC an es o u t fo r the nig h t with injuries. It w as ju st be ginning to m a ke Kin sey's night a lo ng one that would be beset by m ec hanical probl ems and some m or e fire works th at wou ld be co m ing out o f St an 's dad. Anyhow, Doug Henn inger (Ya m) won the Main very co nfi de n tly o ver Steve Miller ( KTM) an d Bru ce Ho fer ( Hu s], Kinsey made it bac k fo r the 250 Novice Main wi th cl u tch p roblems : he was co nstantly stalling the en gine in gear on the line , an d wound up j um ping the lin e twice because o f the p roble ms. Afte r the two jumps, trac k o fficial Tom Fortu ne directed Kin se y to the bac k line of the starting area with another anx io us ride r. During the Mai n , G reg Zehner ' ('I am) stuck in the lead over Stev e Bald wi n (YZ) with Gary Fe ener (Oss) ta kin g up th ird. Stan Kinsey plac ed a po or sho wing, an d af ter the Main , he came ou t of th e pi Is to give Fo rtune a piece of h is mind ab out ho w he sho uld ha ve been starte d o n the line. With th at , he t ra m pe d back to the pits to regr oup. After th e start of the last Special Novice m o t o , th e Kin sey Klan , with Mr . Kin se y leading , ca me ou t to re all y d o battle with Mr . Fort une, who was waiti ng for the ine vitable. T he al legation aga inst Tom F ortune wa s tha t he had penali zed S tan Kinse y fo r " ci rcu m stan ces beyond h is co n tr o l." Wh ile the y m ay have been beyond h is co n tr ol, they certa inly we ren' t beyond the rider's respo nsibility o nce he had pos it ioned him sel f o n the starting line. Mach ine prep is part of racing, to o. All so rt s of in fla ted threat s ra ined d own. It was o ne o f tho se n igh ts. Bruce Reynolds (Bul ) to ok the 250 Expe rt co ntest Over Steve Fortune (Bu l) as pretty , yo ung pit too tsies o o hed , awe d , a nd cheered t he m both o n as the y slid th eir way aro und the track. Fo r both of these guys, it w as going to be one of t hose n igh ts, judging by the q ua nti ty a nd quali ty of th eir fans. I guess that d ue to the benefit TT in Corona, all the big bo re Experts decided that was w here the action was ton ight. But the 50o-Open Novices kept t hings lively as Art Junker (Yam) rode to a very exciting and com manding vi c t o ry, leavi ng the fight for second up to Wayne Goodwin (T ri ) and Mark Lehrola (Yam). with Way ne getting it over Mark. I n the Sweepstakes Final, T im ;\Ielancon and his YZ led the whole thing from start to finish, with only the cast of characters be hind him constantly changing as the la ps rolled on . Firs t Paul ;\lc Pherson looked like a good chance fo r second mos t of th e tim e u ntil Bruce Reyno lds came up on h im an d too k t he second p lace spo t away . Then AI Glover came alo ng a n::! b u m pe d Paul into fo urth . From th ere o n; everybody remai ned mu ch th e same un til the checkered ca me o u t. So met im e later , aft er everythi n g was all over. I had th e c ha nce to mee t Norm Jam ison , o ne of th e h igh er ups in th e Side hac k Associa t io n who wo uld ho st th e next d ay ' s 0·3 7 TT ru n. He then introd uced m e to ot her me m bers o f th is ou tfi t. a nd we proceeded to have o ne of the weirdest , wildest pa rt ies I've eve r been t o - all in the back of a small van, And to think tha t after all the st uff tha t went o n (I bailed o u t a t th ree a.m.) , t hese guys wer e going 10 race the ne x t day ! More Elsinore 11' o n page 20. • uas OE). ~ ~ rnrn~~~ ij ~ ~lli ~rn rn~ ~ ~ ~ Immediate Delivery Sales reps needed now! Send resume today to : AI Behr, Alsport Disr. Co. AlslUtrt .tistrilnltill" .~ • 233 Seventh Avenue, City of Indust ry, Ca. 91746 213 336-4502 I5TRIC STUFF a. en =- GRAND PRIX ALUM INUM SHOCK BODIES (For Kon is) Petrochem CHROME AND ALUMtNU M LIFE aids i n kee pin g cycles and sn owmobiles in t op condition. Sprays on , leaves a c lear p last ic c oa ti n g t o p ro v id e II m irr o r fin ish w ith c or ro s io n a n d ru s t prev en tio n Qua l ities. ReJuv" nates o x id iz ed p a inted surfaces plu s chrome an d a lu m i num p arts. THE ULTIMATE SHOCK BODY ! • • HOL DS16OccOFQ lL RADIAL FINNING DISSIPATES HEAT FASTER - TWICE THE FIN AREA OF OTHER SHOCK BODIES . • THERMA FlOWWElOED - A PRODUCT OF SPACE TECHNO LOGY • INCLu o es ANTI -WEAR RING -STOPPING ALL WEA R BETWEEN DAMPER TUBe AND BODY NO . 27- 0011 tor 11.9 KONIS NO. 27-00 12 fOf 12.4 KONIS NO.27-OO13 fOf 12.9 KONI S y il t I'lnodPn" NO.27..oo14 for 13. 4 KONIS "dd W '~ I •• $73.95 pa ir DEllfR .I U IRIES IN ITED GRAND V DEPT. e N 14240 E.14TH ST. PRIX SA N LEAN DRO. CA . 94578 (415) 483 - 2694 c Ash land Chemea ' Company Ash/~nd D iv isio n of Ashland 0 11. Inc. , CYCLES D lrTII un Santa Fe Springs. C. 90 670 I C Sweet Duck Suzuki • ~~ Desert and MX Specialists 1010 E. Arrow Hury: Covina, Co. SANCTION WITH THE BEST P.O. BO X 1402 COSTA M ESA . CA . 92626 can-am Sal~s~~;iee competition service, inc. 1244 No . Gaffe y Sr., San Podro CA 9073 1 2 13-547·2203 SMU~LER A c o m p le te t ruve l trailer designed t o c a rr y 5 bikes . JOURNEYMAN TRAILERS ) ",.'-1 "~l d IN1Y A~~. Ce f"'f)" / ' I i j '1?~ .' \:,) (:.1 '107') J (213) 966-8541 515 N. Victory Blvd. BUR BA NK, CALIF ' (213) 849·7295 Su zuki & Maico Mail Order Specialists . ~ R. ~ R HR L Lubrica nts 7340 Florence Ave. Downey. CA 90240 213 -927-478 1 (213·320·9260) HELMETS jM FiSltbACk'S --~' ~[?@lW J\[MJ,\ (714) 822-2252 @ I 9008 Sierra Ave., Fontana, Ca. 23

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