Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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$55,000 Summer Championship ~ Mile Big Bike & Side Hacks every Friday night Story & pho tos by Dennis Gree ne Ven tura, Califo rn ia Tuesday, Ju ne 25 , J974 World War Three was hel d Tuesday night In Banzai Canyon, or Ventura Speedway! Crash, restart , crash, restart, crash, bring out the ambu lance crew. That's the way it went all night. Jim Gresham and J elf Sexton Nov-Jr·Ex Separate Su mmer point fund for J une, J uly , August Includes Garde na Gold Cup Fri. July 19 Features AMA Nat'l. TT Sat. July 20 18300 S. Vermont, Gardena, Californ ia .. .. .--------------------------. I I Save $1.00 I I I I on Adult tick et for any Friday AMA event You may bn'ng a friend & save 52.00 I I I I ... --------m 1 I I I I -------------------_. 1'11~ nNf. ~ "'to- ~~ rr Quality Van or Tru ck Rack Folds down out of way. °r'--- In t ernati onal Cycle House 1708 So. Lyon St ., Sant a Ana, CA 92 705 71 4 -55 8 -954 3 Carries 3 motorcycles . $34.95 I want _ lOve en cl osed _ I want you to ship C.O.D. _ Del i ver to "my" house: Nam e Address CitY _ State _ _ Zip _ _ I L Y. Membership and save 20%. Cost $5.1 (EjU a..;; _ I I I - - - - ~I tan gled in tum on e. Both got off while fro nt runners Bill ~Ianley and Ed Williams go t toge the r o n the b ack straigh t. All this in the first lap . Manley d id not make th e re st art and was replaced b y Andy Cadotte. Again. Jeff and Jim c ra shed to gether. thi s ti m e in turn four. Jim go t t he worst of it as h e hit th e ce m en t cras h wall and re ceived a d eep c u t o n his left leg that required hospitalization . A race or two later. Steve Nutter got into Nel son Fonte and as both got off, Troy ~l cKee tried to miss them and hit th e wall the sa me place that Gresham had. Troy did walk aw ay. but needed some help. Fonte had words wi th young Nutter , which led to blows and a fine . The nigh t crashed on with riders going down like pins in a bowling a lley . By th e time the Mains rolled around, several of t he racers were ready t o ca ll it a night. . Mike Bast wo n the Sc ratch Mai n over , a battered Steve Nutter, Steve Bast and Dan Becker. Handicap Main winner Ri ck Smith had sta yed clear of the pi leu ps all night ~d pl ayed it co o l in the Main for the WIn . Bakersfield, Californ ia Wednesday, June 26, 1974 Again on Wednesday night . the first half-dozen even ts were a repeat of T ue sd ay's sh ow. On e cr ash after another. Again Steve Nutter and Nelson Fo nte go t into it . Again Bill Meister wen t over the high side after hitt ing the rear wheel of ana ther bike. Again Sonny Nutter was forced to lay his bike down ra t h er than ride into piled up riders (n o t o nce. but twice ). Even the Bast Brothers got crashed in th e same race trying to miss the other falling riders. Bob S chwartz crashe d several times but still got into the Handicap Main, wh ere he pi cked up his first win of th e ye ar. Steve and Mike (T h e Bast Win Machine ) are a t it again with Steve taking th e fla g first with Mike righ t on his tail, along with Sonny Nutter and Mike Curoso. Irwindale, Californ ia Thursday, June 27, 1974 Three nig hts in a row of cr ash ing Ve ntu ra, Bakersfield and no w Irwinda le. This lime, it was Bruce Pen hal l ge tting the ride in an ambulance wi th a broken ankle. Bruce was on th e botto m of a pileup in the first turn of th e opening event. A litt le later Bill Cody and Dave Sims went down. Sims was ta ke n ca re of on the track and returned to th e pits . but a half hour la te r there was a call for one of the attendan ts to go to the pi ts and aid Sims. There were several othe r bu m ps and grinds th at saw Dubb Ferrell take some time to get up, ju st like Bill Meister. Even with all t he ups and downs there were several great ri des t urned in . Sonny Nutter a n d Dan Becker got . . . . . . . .ItIIhIIl ......n'.. ' UIUtlllllll l u l llllll.....lIllllllllIMIIIII .....llIllnInIIlIllUllll n l lUlln...1II1II1I1UllllIIUUU'. . . .II IIllIIIIH I IIIIIII .. ' lII lllll llll ll l " .. "nlll lllliI"'lill tl l~ • I I E i I I It's finally here! NEW!! BRIDGESTONE TIRES ! Size: Low Pro file Motocross 6 Ply Tires 3 75-18 4 25-18 475-18 ! ~ = I i 350-21 I I ~/!P/© ~ WATS Line ca ll: I -800-835-2 I 17 A ll o the rs ca ll : 1-3 16-265- 1843 o r 1-31 6-265·8 3 13 i " )Cycle Parts Distributing, Inc. " 1428 East Do ug las. WIchIta. Kansas 6 7214 Dealers only! • . i "1 11-.1II1111......I...I...WlW"'IU~I_lut_ ...llllltIl llIIllllII l lIIlllllllllIIll'lIIlllllllllllln-.ullllllllllllllllllll lll llllllll l llll l l l ll lll ll l lllll l llllllmIllUl l llllIIl lllIIl " BILL'S CYCLE 824 ~'V.ttf' IJl1,1 11 Av" . S,Ul Br-rn.ndr u o CA T RI U ~ lPH , PAR TS NORTON, 8SA, su r T A CO r. SERVICE '714, 334 l S ll Crashes were commonplace in Speedway racing this week. He re 's one . .• .

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