Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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$55,000 Summer Championship 1/2 Mile Big Bike every Friday night c: w u Z w a. III i L.- --l ~ Maxi-tale nt m in i-racer. Brad Bru ns bagged two dass win. Nov- Jr- Ex Separate Summer point fund for June. July. August Includes Gardena Gold Cup Fri. Ju ly 19 Features AMA Nat1. TT Sat. Ju ly 20 .. 18300 S. Ver mont . Gardena. Californ ia • .--------------------------. I I I I Save $1.00 I I~ I I on Adult ticket for any Friday AMA event You may bring a friend & save $2.00 I ~ I &_------------------------_. 'MiATS HOLDING PLAYBI KE OF DO~ THE MX & he's trailering to his favorite riding area? ANCRA tie-dlMollS ! Yoo may nothave heard of Scott yet, he's a young amateur - and like the pro's, uses our produets. He wrota/·... th. best pair of tie-downs I have ....r bought. TheV alw...... worl< no ma.- what." Writ. f.... our free catalog. p . O. B OX 89 1 ELSEGUN DO C ALI F. 90 24 5 TtO Tif" Te O 't'I; " T,." TeO n" f'"~ O "rr; (') rvo n OT , I !~~THE~~MAHA f C. (') 1'" f; TOP QUALITY TI EDOW NS Regu lar Price $10.50 NGK STAN DA RD PL UGS Regular Pr ice $ 1.10 • ~ Sa le Price $ 7.95 Sale Price $ .69 ~ 24020 Na rb o nne A ve ., Lom it a , CA . 907 17. Pho ne (213) 534 -23 11 ~o 'tc" t"r.c.' 't~c.' l", "l'H' T"eO 't(" 't!O T"eO re o t"!O 'tr.<.> f b f r. 0 f 6 't' £ COMPETITION SHOCK ABSOR BERS • • • • • 20 FI VE WAY ADJUSTABLE CIIR01\lED & POLISHED DOUB LE DA MP ENING REBUIDABLE STREET OR RACING Sa mmy T an n er Dist rib u tin g 17 21 3 Rosc ton Ave nue Artesia, CA 9070 I 213/924-2 111 Betor Forks and Shocks Mak e t he DIfference scrambles: A l-o-o-n-ng night By W. H. Spencer LOD!, CAL.,JUNE I Lodi Cycle Bowl. w ith only one minor problem, well maybe two, though minor. Despit e a well organized meet, a supe r tr-ack and superior races, it was 2 :3 0 a.rn. before it was over, p lus in the last even t. Duane Spence's Triumph ca ugh t fir e and burned to the essentials. :" early 100 mini guy s and girls were on hand to run th e regular full co urse :U1 d had a ball doing it. Rick Ryan did his usual number in the 60 Expert :'Iain over chi e f competitor ~Iikc Fruzen while Ricky Soren son took the Novice portion . Eric Walts and Blair Xewell di ced it out for th e 80 Junior :' Iain finishing in that order (w ith a great bi/( ap p lau se for their efforts}, while Brad Bruns surprised no on e \,vilh wins in both. the 80c c Expert and Open Expert. Starting out th e :' Iains was a special event for the Black Plate riders of District 36. Blue Plate motocrosser Allen Yarrow. who is after a b lack plate, rode with 13 others fo r a $50 gift certificate but had troubles as Alex Jorxcnsen , lak ing a nigh ! off from the pro scene, tuned up h is old BS A an d ha nd ily won. Teddy Davidson was having p roblems com inK thro ugh tr a f fic and despi te t he 10 laps, whe n he bro ke ou t into second it was to o fa r in to th e rae-e to ca tch A le x . DIST R IB U TED BY .....-"""- Lodi M.O.R.E. It was definitely one of those nigh Is when every thing was going to work right , no m att e r what. It almost d id, to th e tun c of over $2000 for the M.O.R.E. treasury. Some 425 riders and nearlv 1000 spectators attended the 'Eig hth Annual Archie Clark Memorial at scon McBRYDe v.41en t~" right up wi th h im th is tim e. For several laps o n the dusty and hard Santa Cla ra co urse these two ride rs h ung close, n ot giving a n inch e it he r way. Finally afte r a long batt le Pfister pushed ahead o n one of the short st raights and began to m a ke a lead for h im sel f. J u st w hen it looked like Pfister had the win wrapped up John Silva moved up right behind him. Gary Murp hy was really charging now and had fo rce d Silva to start going faster till he finally got by Pfister going wide o n o ne of the many berm turns. Silva go t the win Overall a n d Pfister riding on e of his best ra ces took second Overall. Gary Murphy pushed hard but eo u ld only manage a third on his lIusqvama. • Results in Resu lts Section, II :' Ioose Ho llan d got arou nd a sliding Steve Nicholas to win the 125 Novice while little Steve came ha ck from fift h to take second over .lim Donnell and Guy 1\lullin. Ken Bently ( l io n ) beat out some super shoes in the 12 5 Junio r with Gary Caves holding off a charge from Teddy Rouse and Rod Spencer. T he four rode under the p ro ver b ial blan ket fo r the entire Main and got a stand ing o va tio n a t th e c hec kered. Six heats of 250 Novices left m an y ride rs on th e bench early in the evening an d a wail of an event in the Main wi th Eric Ba iley smiling all the w ay to the checke red. He was probably smiling fro m ge tting away w ith t he only m ista ke he made d uring the eigh t lap fea tu re. Coming off the last tu rn , driving for the c h ec ke red , he got lo w and bobbled, leaving a shot on the outside for second to try to get by. but Ph il Howard just wasn't at the right spot at the right time. Do n Stommell took over the lead in the 250 Junior Main when half the fro nt runners went wide thro ugh the tree turn, an oft happening maneuver. Ch uc k Weatherton and Skip Hathaway batt led to hold off Pete Finney to the flag . The battle royal of the night was the 250 Expert Main with six tro p hies to win and seven points for the win n er. Jeff Eide took the lea d at the o nset an d he ld it well for the first half w ith much swi tchi ng of spots be hind h im. Ren ning Bruns. How ard Arnaid an d o ld m an Ray Hu ff ba ttled with Dick Gracia wh ile Ted Davidson went around them all to give Eide th e attack of his life . Jeff, a recently c hanged Expert. held up w e ll m a kin g on ly o ne mistake an d that one cost ly. Go ing into th e first corner on the mid-way lap, he got ab o ut a ha lf an inc h off the gro ve and it m igh t w el l have been a m ile. David son ro IIed his Bultaco rig ht under t he Yamah a an d it was a II over bu t the sm iling. • Jim Foley bea t Paul Johnson for only the se cond time in his career in the 500 Expert Main. The two former No. One riders battled it out for the entire Main finishing only slightly ahead of Kim Jorl(ensen . Bud Riddle won his portion of the 650 Junior heat. outstanding when you consider the Sportster tank that he rides. The over 400 pound bomb does wcll under his guidance and in the 1\lain he took the third trophy after winner Bill Morgan and Fred C. Mason . The peak event of the night is still the 650 Experts here at this neat little track and it was a shame that the night had to be so long as the race was stupendous. C onrad Saxelby, Rick Otto and Duane Spence pu t on a good battle for the front spot. Saxelhy eventually put some distance between himself and his teac h e r Otto , while Spence held the pack led by Phil Anderson. Tony Arnaiz and Bo b Maste rs. On t he las t lap , Spence had pulled off th e I(roove to check what he though t was a rather slick han d ling rear ti re. He r-oasted around the List turn. go t a lmost to the finish line when. Who o sh ! I t wen t up in a b a ll of fla mes. D uane 's com ment a t th e conclusion of th e ba tt le was , "No m orc n e w p aint jobs. Eve ry time I ~e l o nc loo king good , so me t h ing happen s. " Las t wce k , he h ad ano t lu-r super 1110l o r work ing in second when a p ipe came off. Russ and Doris Sanford Kol 10 kee p score and sec their organization benefi t from the good people in dirt rid ing. T h an ks ~o to the Stockton Scramb lers, Stockton :'I C. Port Stockton :'I C. Gerry Carr. T iny Trammell , Bill .\r hogast , Ric h Burro la, their wives for lett ing

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