Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the m out, and all the others involve d in ma king th is event go we ll. • Result s in the Res ul ts Section. Riverside speedway By Shirley Campbe ll Miller doubles Fremont short track By W. H. Spencer FRE :\IO="lT. CAL.. 1\IA Y 3 1 Chuck Mill er served notice o n all Experts in to nigh t's short track tha t he is o ut to be the top man on th e totem pole an d went o n to prove it by winning both th e 250 and 36 0 Expert Mains. T he 250 win was prett y mu ch un contested whi le t he 36 0 was a stroke of luck and a m ino r mi st ak e b y Gary O rland o. Steve Car illo did n 't wi n the 3 6 0 Junior Main for th e first ti me this season but th e second beh ind Jim ~euenburg was wo r th eno ug h points to take him in to a slim o ne point le ad over Datan with Phil Howard t aking th e 250 Novi ce win and moving into a tic for second. The whole picture sh ows a do zen rid er s in eigh t different classes, having a cha nce at the top spot and wi th 10 more rac es to run in th e seas on . it will cer ta in ly be a thriller. In th e 36 0 Ex pe rt Main the 10 lapper was led o ff by none o t he r th an Ba y boy Bob Scall y with Miller second, Andy Whitaker keeping Ga ry Orlando off and ' Mike O'Br ien riding h is first even t sin ce his spectacular get off at San J os e in April. O n the second lap Whit aker got by iller a nd Orl ando still hel d fourth . Miller go t b y Wh itaker d own th e back strai gh t. Exiting that last co rne r, Scall y lost the chain o ff hi s A- & A A stro and Miller had th e lead, but o n ly short ly . On th e six th lap O rlando took the Hayward Honda t o the fore w ith Miller, Whita ker and O'Brien in close tow o ver Al Kenyon. Down th e ba ck straight, O'Brien sei zed and sat o u t the race with another so re sh o u lde r. Orlando a pp ea red to have all under con trol with Miller well ah ead of Whitaker and Dav e Bellina moving around Ke ny o n. On the white fla g lap, goi ng through the last turn , Orl ando lost the front end just a bit and Miller in herited the lead as the Hond a slid just a tad w ide. • Res ults in Results Section . "I COTfAG E GROVE, ORE., ;\IAY 31 Steve Copley (Yam) won the 100 Trophy D ;L~h an d had a handsom e lead ah ead of Dick Woo to n (Yam) and Loren Eri ckson (S uz) in the A ;\Iain. In t he 125 Trophy Dash David An derson (lion) to o k control and cam e in for t he win . Anderson had to set t le fo r second in the 125 A "l ain as Charles Andrew s (Han) wo n the B Main, th en tran sferred to the A "l ain an d took firs t pl ace. A no ther rider who transferred from th e 200 B Ma in was Gary Davis (B ul). Davis rode a fantasti c race to win th e 20 0 A "l ain. Fini shing be hi nd Davis a t th e checke re d were S teve S wee t ( Rul) and Gary Thom as ( Bul). T hoams wo n the Trop hy Dash . Ne x t o n th e program was the 250 A ~I ain . Gary Davis cam e up with th e bi g win ag ain a nd is making a name f o r himsel f as o ne o f the toughest riders to race aga inst. Greg Bern aty k i too k second wi th a t hird going to Mark Powell. Powel l won the Trophy Dash. • Quincy-Try threeeight h mile, for a change Story & Photo By Mike Conway Junior fi nal as he opened up his lead lap after lap. Randy Quick and Rick Shafer b attled it ou t for second finally finishin g in th at order , while the rest of th e pack tried in va in t o ca tc h th em. St e ve Pe s t o n i pr oved to .b e unbeat able on his 25 0 Montesa, The Sacramento Ex pert j u m pe d righ t to th e fro n t an d held a wi re to wi re lea d over Jo hn Munson , Ro n Alves, an d Dallas Turner, who finished under a blanket afte r a l O SS-U P race. l\like Lu pold took a well d ese rved win in the cras h rid d en 250 J u n io r l\lain w hic h saw the red flag come o u t because of two se pa rate p ile-ups right after the Number One turn. T ha t co rner ca used a prob lem for many of the riders during the d ay with so me slick an d dry spots that required a preci se tou ch to ge t t hrough. . Les Ca lve rt b ro ugh t hi s Bultaco in fo r a well d eserv ed w in in the 250 Novice final fo llo we d by T om Dea n and a la te charging Larry Urrut ia wh o really started t o m ov e through t raffic at the halfwa y mark. Bruce McM orrow on a llul taco an d J erry Gris wo ld , wh o had a fine d ay also win n ing th e 125 No vice Main, gave it the ir all in th e 200 Novice bash. T he tw o Chico riders were side b y side th e wh ol e race foll owed by J ohn Sargen t o n a Bultaco. T he 100 Nov ice race was cap tu red b y Dic k Crosby o n hi s ll yin g Kaw asak i foll owed by Ph ilip Pe ters o n a Ho nda . • Three motos for all but Burgett they kept close to 1,000 spectators on th e edge o f their scats. Manuel Crurnme t ( Bu l) took the top honors o f the day with a fine ride in th e 360 Expert Main followed b y Lowell Moural and Steve Dietz who both go t by Mike O'B rien in t he last lap . .Jerry Ko ffl e r completely d o m ina ted the 360 John Alves (74) struggles to hold o ff a charging Cliff Hy lt o n in Quincy 200 Expert Main . - aroaco shocks Yo u 've read th e glow in g re ports a nd heard a lot of t al k a bout these remark ab le new 'space age sh oc ks. Now t he y are eve n better in 19 74! Mo re bu ilt -in dependability . wi th added strength in vital stress ar eas an d new compet ition tested oil seals. l igh t est of all na me bran d shocks. . .only 2 lb s. 8 oz . with spring! KAWASAKI CZ YAMAHA Sto ry and Photos by Jan Newman QU I NC Y, CA L. , JU NE 2 A beau ti ful sunn y weekend ... free cam ping ... a free barbeque . . . a to w n th at welcomes riders . . . a fine three-eighth mil e track th at is fun to rid e, put them all together and you have a race at Quincy. Over 200 riders cam e to get a crac k at the WSRA brass an d 1974 WASH O UGAL , WASH ., J UX E 9 A co up le of simple th ings like a new fin ish lin e and a new exit saved enough ti me to allo w the run ning o f thr ee motos fo r th e first t ime all sea so n. Previo usly th e ex it went right in front o f th e sta rt line and everyone had to be o ff th e co urse before th e next race sta rted . With th e new ex it a n o the r race ca n be st art ed wh ile the st ra ggle rs st ill have a half a lap t o go. No problems aro se and th e tim e saved ran close to five minutes per m oto. There w as a spe cta to r pr oblem at one po inl which narrow ly missed being a MA ICO SUZUKI HUS KY STEEN . 9., 0. . PENTON OSSA SUGGESTED RO AIl PRICE Now. l or t he first time, you can order Am aeo shocks directly from t he distr ibutor! INSTANT MAIL ORDER and we mean last! When ordering specily make, year and model bike, spring rate desired, weight of rider and shoek length (12, 12Yz, 13" etc.), Enclose cash. check or money order. Per· sonal checks must clear prior to shipping. Prepaid orders will be shipped freight free! C.O.D. orders will be accepted. California residents add 6% sales tax. A LSI'ORT DISTRIU UTIN G CO. 233 South Seventh Ave. Cilv of Ind uslrv. Ca. 91746 . (11 3) 336'-4502 SALES SERV ICE Welding Porting A ccessories 1352 Centi nela, W. Los Angele, Corner of Santa M on ica Blvd . & Centinela Open 9 to 6 Tues·Sat 9 to 9 on Thursday ~ - 0; e C " ~ X Sant a Mo ni ca Bl vd. N ,:. ~ .:: fW+E 0 DO a C ~ ~ S '"anta Monica Frwy.

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