Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 08 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. It) Ii' .' D.. ,.. M '" ~ (.) THE SATTLE OF THE EDITORS: Art "the blunt dart" Friedman (C-N) is about to get 'cooked' by Clarence Neilson of Cycle Magazine. AKE JONSSON and Yamaha have developed a suspension for his bike that he says handles even better than the Maico that he rode last year. He has spent most of this seas.on sorting out the bike and hasn't had much success, but after his pair of third places in the West German GP, he says that he is looking forward to the remainder of the season with renewed enthusiasm. What Yamaha has done, apparently, is to copy the Maico and then improve upon it. Ake prefers the present arrangement to the unique single shock system. Meanwhile, Suzuki is trying a new longer front fork on DeCoster's bike. Roger acknowledges that the Suzukis don't hll¥8 the obvious superiority that they did a few years ago. John Banks had his BSA come apart again at the West German GP. Seems like America was good for him. They're still trying to decide whether or not to allow the Sikhs, members of an eastern religion, to go without helmets in Britain. The Sikhs' religion requires that they waar turbans, but the helmet law doesn't allow for such exclusions. One Sikh was arrested for violation, but his case was' adjourned until Parliament made a decision. He showed up at court on a bike, waaring a turban. Phil Read almost wasn't able to race in the Czech GP because of foot and mouth disease. He found a border that was closed because of it and they almost didn't Jet him pass. The latest unofficial skinny on what's going on in the Enduro world this fall is that the Jackass Enduro will not, in fact, happen. The additional unofficial story, seeking to supply optimism in days of pessimism is that the Double Crossers M.C. is going to do one instead. That comes unofficially from the unofficial District unofficial. It's great sport to go touring with a friend who has one of those burglar alarms on his bike that are activated by something moving the bike. You wait until he is just getting to sleep in his motel. room, see, and then you go out and bump his bike. Everyone will come out of their rooms to see him run in and out of his room. He'll have to do it twice because the first time he'll forget his key. Another fun thing to do is to go touring in Colorado without the required reflective tape on your helmet. That way you can get to meet Officer Picky. Are there Suzuki works replicas in the making? There's a chance. The Austin, Texas (Home of Cycle News Central I Aqua Festival is getting ready to happen again. It includes two motorcycle events, a $1500 motocross on July 29 and an amateur road race on August 5. The unique thing about the road race is the fact that it is ru n through city streets, by the river, and' through some parks. Two ottier items thrown in are a wheelie contest and an antique mosickle show. It's all done with the city's blessing. More info at 512/4534555. safety is to chase away dirt riders, according to Terry Magnan, City Director of Public Safety. We think we llon't like the way the city non-thinks. Along with tickets being handed out to bicylists in La Mirada rampantly, you, too, can get busted on your bicycle_ You can buy a 650 chicken power auxiliary bicycle motor and strap it on your ten speed. At least .that's what we discern from a press release we received. What's next, a California to Africa ride with the contraption? Or will somebody offer it as the ultimate solution to problems of motorcycle safety? Of course, it was bound to happen eventually. As motorcycling becomes increasingly a family sport, your potential for enjoying it as a family sport increases, too. Now, if you would like to ride Trials in a family way and then you happen to be especially taken by the desert, you can ride a family trials in the desert. On July 8 the Desert Observed Trials Club put on their event in Acton, California. The same novice type traps were used for men, women and children. The course was set up by the powder puff members of the club in hopes of attracting more family members into competition. But, if you're looking for a long way to go on a rather absurd vehicle, it would be hard t9 beat riding across the United States on a Kawasaki mini-enduro, with saddlebags. We aren't really that freaked out about the logistics of doing it. We're just amazed that anyone would want to. If you didn't gather, someone is doing it. All contributors of race reports, results, editorials, etc., PLEASE send in TYPED AND DOUBLE SPACED copy if at all possible. Copy which is double spaced, type written wili always be considered first. Staff editors are staff writers, too, and have better things to do than re-type someone else's work. To Mark Hansen and other concerned desert people: If you're concerned about the location of the pi ts for the Desert Turtles/Jackrabbits race on August 12, they will be in Lucerne Valley. Gas stops will be in Lucerne Valley, Lucerne Valley and Lucerne Valley. Though the race is billed by the AMA as proceeding from "the greater Mojave area to Parker, Arizona," and the AMA has sent a sanction for the non..existent race, it is in fact a Dual-European Scrambles. Aub LeBard was elected president of the California Motoreycle Industry Council last week. Now maybe they'll do something spectacular, like getting an EPA exemption for Gold Stars. B.O. Buck of the La Mirada Horseman's Association is seeking the support of motorcyclists and other interested groups in the formation of a La Mirada Trails Council. ln the past, the La Mirada Council has been able to deny motorcycle and horse trails to the public because of many groups opposing each other and cancelling out each other's efforts. Mr. Buck hopes to unify these user groups and preserit a unified front working for the multi-use concept of recreation and trails areas within the city_ It may sound incredible, but it's true, and it seems from conversations from Mr. Buck that he is the man to pull it off. lnterested bikers should -contact Mr. Buck at 213/692-0651 or 213/943-.7625. And to think it all started with the Sierra Club Series.... MeM'lwhile, the City of Lakewood seems m think that the best way to promote - It's always sad to see a long time biker cashing it in, so everyone ought to give Louie Thomas a fme going away party by boogeying over to his going away, quitting business, retiring after 40 years, sale. Jt starts on July 25 and he's located three blocks south of the Po mona Freeway on Atlantic Boulevard. Lack of geographic knowledge has caused us to be had by the calendar clowns. Someone decided that it would be fun to make up an item for a Grand Prix in the Santa Monica Mtns., in Tanana. Someone call ed to say that the President of the United States couldn't even hold a race there. All we can say is that he could if he owned it which wouldn't seem unlikely, and sorry to anyone who tried to go. lt was amazing, after all the furor about safety here and abroad, to see long unpadded stretches of guard rail on the outside of turns at Laguna Seca. At least two turns were lacking in haybales for the National. C'mon AMA, get on the ball! TO B OR NOT TO B: Yvon DuHamel and Art Baumann are considered to be the ·faster members of the' Kawasaki road racing team. Gary Nixon and Cliff Carr are considered by the same people to be the second stringers. They call Yvon and Art the "A Team" and Gary and CI iff the "B Tea';'''. In victory circle Cliff's tuner Kevin Cameron turned to Gary's tuner, Irv K_moto and muttered "B Team your ass'" Mert Lawwill is a better road racer than you migh t think. His bike isn't terribly fast, but Mert does quite a job with it. It was also interesting to see Bob Bailey qualify for the National. . WORLD CHAMPS: Phil Read, in beating his MV teammate, Giacomo Agostini, won the world 500cc road racing championship at the Swedish TT. Then the following week Agostini won the 350 dass in Finland to keep his 350 title after T euvo Lansivuori ran off the track. Kent Andersson also cI inched the 125 title in Sweden with a second. Besides Read's win at the Swedish TT other winners were; 50cc, Jan De Vries; 125cc, Borje Jansson; 25Ooc, Dieter Braun; 35Ooc; Teuvo Lansivuori. Gary Fisher's broken collarbone, sustained in practice at Laguna Sees, will probably keep him from going to England as planned for the Silverstone International on August 11th. Kenny Roberts had a son on July 26. Kenneth Lee Roberts weighed in at six pounds, three ounces. Frank Gillespie and' Phil Franks were injured in Sunday morning practice at Laguna when they crashed together. Gillespie was reported to be in fair condition with a brain concussion and Frank received a punctured lung. Information on Submission of Written Comments and Public Hearings The EPA is accepting written comments and holding public meetings on the proposed restrictions as listed below. California Written comments must be submitted (preferably in triplicate) by August 15 to: -Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, 100 California Street, San Francisco, CA, 94]]J. August 6, 9:30 a.m.: Fresno Convention Center, 700 M Street, Exhibit Hall Wine Room, Fresno, CA. August 7,9:30 a.m.: California State Bldg., 1350 Front Stree~, Room Bl09-Auditorium, San Diego, CA. August 8,9:30 a.m.: Federa:l Bldg., 450 Golden Gate Avenue', Ceremonial Court Room, San Francisco, CA. August 9: Los Angeles, CA. Location not announced August 10, 9:30 a.m. Resources Bldg., 1416. 9th Street, Auditorium, Sacramento, CA. Arizona Written comments must be submitted (prefer.ably in triplicate) by August 15 to: Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, 100 California Street, San Francisco, CA, 94]]J. Public Hearings: August 6, 9:30 a.m.: Phoenix Civic Plaza, Flagstaff Room, 225 E. Adams Street, Phoenix, AZ. August 8, 9:30 a.m.: Tucson Community Center Theatre, 260 Church Street, Tucson, AZ.

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