Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 08 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CD '" • ~ vi When Iwas aboy, 9' things were a lot simpler,-by : doggies. The in:the-know ~ rider picked up the latest z ~ poop on the hot set up o ~ o comin' out of California·at the local Indian shop. And when Jim Underwood won the Amherst Hillclimb on a Reading Standard, we all knew about it because we lived just down the road. And the only thing you needed to know about keeping cars off your back was putting a little white plate- on your front fender - that way they all thought you were a cop. The feds weren't worrying about helmet standards, and one cow's hide was good as the next. Nobody worried about what you Tode in the old days, and there weren't any speed limits, let alone tons of laws sent lik~ fallout from the leaders of our country. They worried about the rise of nationalism not ORV's, and we worried about Teapot Dome, not Watergate. The Sierra Club worried about getting . into the wild" places, not keeping other people out, and no one in their right mind would want to go into a desert. , .. .:.::: . ~~: Those were the days... I)En. S 8, P,O. BOX 498 LONG Bt:t\CH.Ct\I:lfo'OR:SIA 90801 CYCLE NEWS WEST (1 yr.) CYCLE NEWS WEST (2 yn.) CYCLE NEWS WEST (3 yrs.) Via 1st class mail for one year Via air mail for 1 year This is a Renewal Please bill me / enclose check or money order $12.50 22.00 30.00 ~ .. 44.50 56.50 . . . Name (Please print legibly) Addre•• City State Zip o o o o o o D- O Now it's a lot different, and riding a motorcycle isn't as simple as it was back in the twenties and thirties. You've got to be a politician to be able to do what you want, and a news network to know what's going on. So many great things are happening so fast in the world of motorcycle technology it is astounding, and every weekend offers dozens of races to choose from. In the old days, all we needed was a shot of whisky on cold days and a trip to the local hole-in-the-wall -to cope. Today's informed motorcyclist needs CYCLE NEWS. Prices Listed For U.S. Mail Only. Foreign Rates on Request.

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