Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 08 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ Product evaluation . 1 M Would you like 10 Dial-a-Enduro? r- en cD g « '" 3: w z W ...J I.> > I.> The Dial-A-Enduro, from Bonar Enterprises In Sacramento, IS an enduro computer which uses ·the elapsed time method to keep track of mileage during an enduro. I noticed the ad in Cycle News and decided to send a letter to Bonar requesting one of their devices for evaluation. I was preparing to leave for the Dirt Diggers Red Garter National Enduro when it arrived in the mail. Well, I thought, this would be as good a time as any to try it out. I must admit that I didn't have much time to get familiar with the computer before I tackle.d the enduro, but I discovered that it's fairly easy to use. The Dial-A-Enduro consists of a molded rubber watch holder (one of the best watch holders I've ever seen), a plexiglass mileage disk which rotates around the watch, and a mileage conversion chart which is needed for different multiplication factors for each MPH average. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is. Basically it's an elapsed time device which is reset when you come to a check or speed change. All you need is the key time and the Friday MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIS Utl.IMnED AuglIlIt 3 '. :cit c 9 A.M. to 9 P'N. Koni's $44.95 Pacific Cus10ms o..rt or MotocrOlS' 1.5 to 3.2 Gal. MPH average to reset. In other words it's a point to point device. The advan tages of this are that you don't have to make up a bulky, time consuming route chart. In fact, you don't even have to make up a chart at all. You just flip the disk to the sige which has the stated MPH on it, set your speedometer to zero, dial the disk to the key time stated on the sign and go. The whole operation takes maybe 10-15 seconds. The advantage this system has over some: homemade systems I have seen is that the watch does not have to be reset to 12 o'clock, by dialing the disk to key time you take care of that. Also, if you are early or late to a check or speed change you would normally h;lve to set your watch to plus or minus 12 o'clock which is a big hassle. The only disadvantage of a point to point system such as this is you don't know when you are within five miles of a known check so you can speed up without penalty. pr. 4136 Woodruff Lakewood. Calif. 429-5961 Vile... Sizes 28 to 36 o..rtorM-X Regular $44.96 NOW 128.95 Chen Shin Tires 400 x 18 $18.95 350 x 21 $19.50 Spark Plug Carriers Reg. $5.95 NOW $2.95 Torco 2 or 4 Cycle 55, Quart limit 6 Fenders Front $2.99 Rear $3.99 Black M-X Bars Std. NGK Plugs Qaein Break.. 14.95 54, Reg. $3.95 limit 3 Per Customer NOW 11.87 Viking Boots Tie Downs TMks M-X Vented Jerseys Plain $8.95 Logo $10.95 Reg. $56.95 NOW $48.95 Sizes 8-12 Pants Ret. $69.95 NOW 149.95 Petty Pocket Don't Miss It Reg. $8.95 NOW $5.16 Plastic Jerry Jugs 2~ Gal. $2.95 5 Gal. $4.76' Number Plates MXoro-t 57; Eoch We Got Plenty

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