Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 08 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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* "There is no such thing as an Unbreakable Lever" .... .. 1 56'95a pair • ,... M 5!! ,.; !l' Replaces II JapaHse levers But this one COIIes closest. « ~ w· Z W ..J (,) > (,) * Blade has cam (ramp) which gives 2 to 1 mechanical advantage. Saves cable wear and reduces amount of force needed in operation. A Lever * YOU (III Bend makes for easy reach with same cable travel length. Reach * I,-0ckable brake and clutch (save $$ on your insurance) exchange the Gold Calf leathers for some lighter goatskins, and to cut His caftan to a sleeves-only configuration. The Deek riders also grossed out at 310 pounds, it being they were ligh t of heart, foot, and butt. God got a bad start and endoed on the fourth successive whoop near mile eight, then lost another 12 seconds creating a replacement sandal 'for the one He'd tossed. The Sachs-powered pups were two hundred yards ahead, so the Lord burned some pucker-bushes ahead of them to slow them down. jfhe young riders revelled at the now clear terrain and shifted into sixth. The Creator cursed His error, especially since the windblown flames singed the hair on His toes, and charged after tne fleet racers. At 80 miles an hour The Heavenly Rider was plowing a deep furrow across the desen floor, with the Jawa crusl1ing small rocks and peeling the bark off closeby Joshua treelets. As He gained on the boys, The Diety noted that He and His race mates were harshening the terrain' for successive generations. "Good", He proclaimed, "Man is getting too close to my secluded summer space spa with their Moon-Mars-Meteor shots anyway. A little rough terrain will challenge them enough to keep them on Eanh." It came to be that the JesusianJawan was only ten cubits back at mile sixteen, SO He conjured up a Fauss-like nudie directly in the boy's path. The riders streaked past. (Like the CMC, CRC, SMRA, et ai, The Lord had been fooled by the green plates that decorated the Expert riders' machines). At mile twenty The Lord was so close He could see the cactus needles in the 4.00 Metzelers, but He couldn't get past. He thought about creating an ocean to block the boy's path, but the State had put all the water in underground pipes so the Sparkletts Company could sell it. He thought about moving the Everglades in from Florida to bog down the flat-out flyers, bu t He never nad been able to come to terms with the Seminoles. He though t about making a double set of course markers to confuse the leaders, but remembered that He had always bad trouble tying the new·fangled plastics. He thought about cilanging the Deeks into Harley Sprints, but realized that at the speed they were traveling it would mean sudden death for the riders and no more competition for Him that day. Being benevolent (and out of ideas) The Lord slid to a neat rear-brake stop with the flush.ed boys, who offered the Loser some of the Sweat Make.r and Thirst Killer they had stored at the Last Check.. A fter a nalf-nour of bench racing and other governmental·like bull, The Lord summoned up His energies and darkened the sky with an early sunset.· The boys challenged their Czech Mate to a race back to camp, but The Lord declined, as the liquid had lulled His combative urges. He bid the boys a good trip back, then pulled His tired bones aboard the Six Days bike on this Seventh Day and wished to hell He'd held out for an Eight-day Week. The moral of this story is: If you go halfway with The Lord you can ride ~ack at your own speed. SCOtty Schafer * Made of tough Polytheraphthalate OISTRIBUTOR This is designed to break, so the clamp will not. $13.95 a pair This hole ',s ~Ckin9 yourlevenlotheba" to prevent theft. . . . . CORP _ Write to' 6337 M.nche,ter Blvd. Buono Pork, CA 10102 (714) 523-7&10 Campower Levers, Inc.: 1970 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 92627_ (714) 646-2270. Immediate Seating ISDT CHARTER FLlGIrI' Leaving Los Angeles International Airport - SEPTEMBER I5 ""'- ~. ~ . , ~ .fl.::; NON STOP .• Arrives The Same Day At The ISDT Site Returns to Los Angeles International Airport Sunday, SEPTEMBER 23 ONLY $I96.. 00 R01JND TRIP *Leaves LAX Sept. 15 A.M. *Arriving In Afternoon At The ISDT Site *Air Conditioned Coach To Dalton, Mass. *Return Coach To Airport on Sunday, September 23. *Support The United States ISDT Effort And Save Yourself $100. *Only $25.00 More From San Francisco. *Call Mundia Tours And Travel For Details: (213) 381-6125 ·SEND COUPON TODAY. ON LY 150 SEATS LEFT. ------------------------------Mundia Tours & Travel 3727 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, Ca 90020 Phone: (213) 381·6125 Please reserve seats on the ISDT chartered 707 flight to the 1973 ISDT, including bus transportation. I enclose check or Money Order for . ($50.00 Deposit Per Seat Requir.ed) Name_ Phone (_ _) _ Address . City State Zip, _ Make Check Payable To I.S.D.T. Trusl Account No. 155.f;20412 . . MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 15,1973. ... YAMAHA of CORONA Mike Patrick's 1101 E. 6th St. - Coro:'1a (714) 735-7721 I~ ,. '.' SMUtfiil$LER - A compleft, trJ'''~-.' f~,-:. 'Or' des'q~'2ci !c} _1 ~,... v 5 0:'" ,?S JOURNEYMAN TRAILERS

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