Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 11 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A.C.E. MX Series Draws Top NaDles r Bob . Hershey keeps his Mid-Valley CZ perh~ctly level while taking a Dunes jump. By John Grout Photos by Racing Photos VALENCIA, CAL., Nov. 7, 1971 Today's third round of the Indian Dunes-A.C.E. Motocross Championships was conducted on the new European-type Shadow Glen course and from the very first moto of the morning, it was quite obvious that the day's results would be based upon raw talent more than brute horsepower. It would appear that California finally has a true motocross course, rather than a full-throttle speedway. And what better way to get the ball rolling? German rider Werner Schutz brought his Maicos to the park with the idea in mind of contesting the issue. While racing in two Senior motos, each of 20-minute duratio,:" he scooted through the shadows and hId from a full field of Open machinery in tumin!! back Bob Hershey (CZ), Bob Fisk (CZ), Bill Payne (Mai) and Jim Wilson (CZ). It was the German r;ider's type of track, and he sailed through the frotH se~tion of th.e course at such a rapId chp that hIS helmet appeared over the tops of the gently rolling mounds of earth as a blur. Both Hershey and Fis~ were able to hold brief leads over the German ace (Fisk in the first moto, and Hershey in the second) but Werner, by grabbing short bursts of power on the tight and. twisty track, was able to zonk the early lap leaders in each instance. And he did it with ~uch authority that it makes one stop and wonder what else the Maico bunch may have that's still under wraps? Yet, as good as his wins were in the Open class, Schutz did get bopped out of day's overall victory against the 250cc bikes; he fell while trying to put a lap on a slower rider, and both racers slid in a tangle into the new fencing directly behind the area where one normally should expect to receive the checkered flag. The day's overall win in the 250 Senior events did go to the point leader in the championship standings, Bryar Holcomb, who rattled a super-swift AJS into victory lane ahead of Schutz, Wilson, Dick Eirstedt (Bul) and Randy Rodriguez (CZ): The 125 Senior win was finally captured by Bultaco rider Eddie Cole after a first accident had sent the divisional leader for the championship crown, Larry Watkins, to the hospital with a badly-wrenched knee. Finishing second on the day's overall was Bill Payne (Pen). Jo ;or .Show Returns to Dunes VALENCIA, CAL., Nov. 6, 1971 Saturday racing for Junior-ranked racers not 0 Iy returned to Indian Dunes Park, it returned with the roar of 300 rapid raiders on. the fantastic, new Shadow Glen rr otocross course. Thr ugh slightly shorter and much tighte, than the international circuit, the ,dow Glen track, designed by John 1atkins of the ACE cre.w and passes through some beautiful and shade- ned land, pr 'uced no less than four g nd slam win rs: Mark Hovater, Brad lair, Tom A "ander and Guy Jaege' Hm ter, who doc his CZ racing for Eltek roducts of Lanoga Park, really pource the coal to 'lis machinery, and ,ponsible fo the afternoon's was fastes lp times on I ~l" new track, even though he did have to stage of come-from-behind effort in his third moto to nail the front runner Jim Cunningham (CZ). "It's the greatest fun track I've ever been on," commented young Mark after the final race of the day. "That one back-chute jump feels like it puts you 80 feet into the air." Finishing behind Hovater in the 250 A Division were John CaldweU (CZ) and Cunningh am. . Brad Blair (BuI) was responsible for three straigh t victories over the 125 Juniors in the plus-four grouping; although both Mark Shook (DKW) and Bil1 Tilstra, who wa'S astride a Yamaha with gear box troubles, were able to give the overall winner a super run before the final results were entered. .- DRACO'S MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI ONLY One of Orange County's Largest Stock of 1352 Centinela. W. Los Angeles (213) 826·1856 I KAWASAKI MOTORCYCLES & PARTS Motorcycle Insurance Financing Available Master Charge - Bankamericard 1629 S Standa,d SA ... " .... 543-9688 • . . r''''' ''''". ••• • a-Bul'aeo Purs"aq with 250 Exper' La~rr Pfu'zenreu'er ridingll The Checkers M.C. 21st Annual Check Chase was a tough, 145-mile Hare &. Hound: Some of the roughest country that the Southern California desert has to offer was challenged by all of the top competition riders that fight to win over sand and rocks and water hazards. "Pfutz" took on all· comers, including the terrain, and won 1st Overall with a good lead, in spite of a spill in one of the worst spots in the tough course. -. See your local dealer, or write: Bultaco Services P.O. Box 433 Silverado, California 92676 en ." '" a.. .... en U

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