Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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cow ... , .. ~ ~ log 2: By BiD Smith '--",,""""'~ l.:I oJ ~ >.. ~ mounuln s co...... H..., riders foot !heIr .ay alonr a nmo. trail skirtlnr a TIlls yur'. Cow 1le1l125 1111. IbUlllUl Enduro .as a lnIe rider's fro.. ull tllller to a *J lake. TIle rrhrd Inc.,lMd ... ny lJpes of t.rrlan and co_.d ...rythll l( ** * Big Turn-Out At Deadman's Point Photos and Story by Dave Smead APPLE VALLE Y, CAL. Nov. 16,196 9Apple Valley's motocro ss center, Deadman's Point Racewa y, UDderweut some more face lilting and a new mound of moist dirt was mushro omed UP just a few feet from !be mudhole . It is followed by two sba:'P banked corner that spill OIlto the straigh t. The changes make Deadma n's an even more tun place to race and !be word must have gotten out because over 200 riders were out there to try !be·new course. The Seniors were divided into 250 and 500 classes and Tom Horton won the 250 crown wb11e Bill UbI used a CZ to win !be 500 categor y. "'ry ...,. are a ~'. Polat t...... .. T1Ie ea-.. 1..'1 fa .. 1Iec.... tiler.... air _., -.tlllll li' to I.., owr. c_... TIle 101cc clas. charr.' _ so ** * perf.ct rldlnr c.-dltlon s Wh.n the desert sand I...... d like It Is .. Deadman's Point almo.t up ...ound on. of th.toms . buill result. Hero, a V• • rider lUke. rood u. of the b.rm that hu Jett Grager and Jim Robinso n were Dill Harris backed UP two first with a winners in the two 125 division s. Jim second and won !be 500 Junior series on rode a Penton while Jeff chose Yamaha . his big 10ch Husky. Dave Smead and They both dominat ed their races and Layman Gattis rode Huskies to secood won all three motos. and third. The 100cc class was a HodaJca. walk over with Jim Hoover and Jim Harwoo d The 250 Juniors were like bees around taking the brass in each of the two a comb and bad to be split-up into four div1son s. division s. The wins were pretty well The feature race of the day, !be distribu ted among !be makes of bikes Powder Putt Derby, bad Ne11a Steagal l but Robet Whitloc k and John HYege1 both nearly twisting !be grip otf at her Sachs won tbeir d1Y1s1ons on Yamaba s. Steve to stay ahead of bard cbarg1n g Carolyn Smith won Dtv1s1OIl 1 on a Bullaco and Smead who took a second on her HodaJca.. Steve Hamme r took his AJS to a win in (Resnlt s on page 21) Dtv1s1on m. u Vall., UPPER LAKE, CALIF. , Nov. 9, 1969The Cow Bell 125 mlJe NatioIIa l Enduro bad an entry at 1,108 enduro and competition riders last SlIJIday. 1bis enduro bad everytb tng a rider could want. It bad roads, tire trails, long and short downbUls,lo ogands hortlClb ills,cree kcrossinp, riding ICl !be creek and down !be creek, a dry lake, wilderD ess trans througb tall timbers and wbateve r your bag is, it was there. One of !be best, II not THE best, enduros ever laid out for a Nationa l or otherwi se, it accomm odated the huge entry, plus some 200 more wbo came along for the ride, or did not get their entry in on time. They were not to be dented the Cow Bell (Ding, There were a few bottnec ks on the course, but witluna ny riders it woald be next to imposs ible not to crowd them and still have such a good rider's course with all the interest ing terrain. There were 60 teams entered , over 2,000 SPeCtators, one gas check 60 miles out trom the start, with a concess ion stand for lunch. The course featured 5 checks, and a very well set UP first aid station at !be start/fin ish. With this many entries you get many inexper ienced riders. 1bis usually causes acciden ts and ouches. Thl. _oath sa. a record tum out .. tho Apple the first lu ... The Ullra-Ill btwelllll s provide . _ If II. but rxllll.

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